
Meteore Smash

Astonished expressions started to arise on the students' faces who were sure he was in a deplorable state a few moments ago.

"Is the nerf gone, or is this just a small portion of his power?" Erza asked with wide-open eyes.

Padora was propelled away from Bruce very far, however, her dark smoke managed to catch her before she could get any major injuries. One thing that everyone knew was that in terms of endurance, Padora was maybe one of the world's best, so Bruce managing to make her fly just with a punch proves how powerful he is.

Padora's head was facing the ground, and her long blonde hair was preventing anyone from seeing her face. A few seconds passed, and she was still held by her dark smoke and not moving.

"Did he kill her?" Dylan asked curiously.

"No..." Bradley replied in a nonchalant tone, "if you check well, there is still a flow of aura flowing through her veins, plus her powers are still active."

Bradley was right, for as long as a human is alive, there is still a minimum of aura flowing through their veins. The reason for this was because the heart pumps not only blood but also is a catalyst that starts a chemical reaction to create aura throughout the body. This means a dead person would not be able to produce any more aura because.

"This maybe means she is unconscious. I mean... she did receive a brutal hit, others would've had their heads blown off!" Ian replied.

However, he could not be more wrong, for, just after he had finished his sentence, they could all hear someone laughing.

"Hold on, is it only me or is someone laughing?" Erza wondered as she started looking around trying to figure out who was laughing.

As she was looking around, she saw Dom was laughing on the ground despite being in pain.

"Do you really think she is that weak? Don't make me laugh, she will crush you all, and I will get my daughter back!" He exclaimed on the ground.

Alexa on the sidelines just watched her father who she had no more sympathy for. In a question of hours, she came to hate her father at an unimaginable point.

Suddenly, without warning, dark smoke emerged from the ground right in front of Bruce and modeled into a spear which charged at high speed towards him.

It was harder for Bruce to move, however, we could realize that the nerf was losing its effect because his dodges were becoming more and more precise. The only problem was that the spear was being controlled, so it could move trajectory in an instant.

The spear was getting faster and faster as time moved, and Bruce was so concentrated on the object that he forgot about Padora.

"Becareful Sir behind you!" Tyler shouted in vain.

Bruce turned around, and Padora was right in front of him, and she revealed her face. It turns out she is a beautiful blonde woman with an oval face, blue eyes, and well shaped eyebrows

Once Bruce was fully turned, she slapped him propelling him far away. Bruce managed to control his fall and land on his feet, but we could clearly see that Padora proved she was way endurant and stronger than him.

'This must end quickly,' Bruce told himself, 'the only solution is to use meteore smash...'

Padora proceeded to create two more spears of darkness and launched them to Bruce. However, this time, Bruce who this time dodged them with less effectiveness. The spear were inflicting larger scratches on him which started to make his boy covered of blood, and at the last moment, he smashed the ground, and the blow was so powerful that the spears were destroyed.

"Is that all you've got?" Bruce said with a smile and gesturing her to come with his hands.

Padora simply smiled and snapped her fingers created two dragons of darkness bigger and scarier than the previous one.

Bruce tried to retreat, however, dark smoke emerged from under him and grabbed his legs. On the other hand, the dragons prepared a sort of aura ball which was getting as big as a building. Once it the balls reached their maximum size, the dragons launched them towards Bruce creating an explosion which sent the students including the villains flying far.

Jason who was still unconscious was protected by Erza who used a sphere of water to prevent any branch or rock from hitting him. There was smoke created by the explosion to see properly, but Bruce could barely stay on his feet as his whole body was covered of blood, and his left arm was completely broken.

However, despite the odds being against him, he was still giving out a smile, and directed a thumbs up towards the students.

"Don't worry everyone! I am fine, those attacks have no effect on me!" He said in a confident tone.

Padora couldn't believe her eyes for the technique she just used now was one of her most powerful and she used quite a lot of aura for it.

"So you survived... YOU WERE NOT SUPPOSE TO!" Padora expression got sinister, and her once beautiful face started to get enveloped by a thick dark dust including her whole body until she formed a complete knight's armour.

Once her transformation was completed, her arm of darkness started to get bigger and bigger it became as large as a human body.

"This is one of my most powerful moves in dark knight form... You will not survive this one!!!" She shouted as she dashed towards Bruce.

The only problem was that Bruce could not move anymore, so he received her large and ferocious punch. The fist took his whole body, and Padora was dashing so quickly that the punch propelled her with Bruce.

"DIE!!!" she shouted through her armour.

However, at the last moment, Bruce firmly placed his feet on the ground and stopped immediately. On the other hand, Padora was still propelled by her own speed, and her face with wide eyes and a slightly dropped mouth could show that she was not expecting this outcome.

As Padora was coming to him, he spread and flexed his legs. He leaned his right fist backwards which was starting to glow and closed his eyes. He was preparing his most powerful technique, the Meteore smash.

This technique is a move which was taught from generation to generation. His master taught him this, and he is suppose to succeed it to someone else. This attack consists of absorbing all of the present aura that has been inflicted on him, and resending it with a powerful strike with twice the damage he received.

Once Padora was close enough, he punched her straight in the face smashing her to the ground with all his might. The smash was so powerful it created a large tornado. which could be seen from kilometers away. Kyrie used his gravity power to maintain them on the ground, but everything else flew up to the sky except Bruce himself and Padora who was on the ground.

The tornado lasted for a good 5 minutes before it dissipated, and Bruce could be seen barely standing in front of Padora who was currently in a critical state. Dom Toretto, who managed to regain a minimum of strength couldn't believe his eyes.

"Mother..." Dom said with wide eyes.

He then ran towards Bruce and Padora despite his wounds.

"Shit, he's gonna attack Mr. Robert!" Ella shouted, but instead, he grabbed his mother, and used a crystal to teleport.

Of course, Bruce could have stopped him, but that would only be if he was conscious. The ultimate rule when using the meteore smash is once you use it, you start developing an uncurubale sickness and you fall into a one year coma.

For now, Bruce himself was in a critical state as well.

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