
Daemon's Bloom

A hope for a bright lie, where only dark truths remain. Only by time will I know the truth and the bright lie will be exposed. A horrid world, where no mercy shown is the only hope for survival. If Gods exists, were they the ones who turned this world upside down? Yes "Death will only await you if you follow and believe us, struggle as much as you want, show fear, you will only find your struggles and hard work are worth for none" A world much bigger and terrifying than his. ---------------------------- Instagram: @athina_vladix *Check out my other novel, Crown order!

HuliIrisXI · Fantasi
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22 Chs

Chapter 13 - Rune Keeper Test (1)

Runes, ancient letters that are filled with power such as light, wind, water and darkness. Fire was on of the main Rune symbols, but were later found out that they were established from the Underworld.

"Are these Runes?"

If I remember cleary, I searched it on the browser a long time ago. Words that are hard to understand by normal people or even people who are specially talentful. "What does this word say?"

[It says gate is right up ahead]

"Crap, you sacred me... how can I hear you in my head"

[A special rune that I received at birth, helps me communicate to the mind of a person]

"Can I perhaps use runes as well?"

If I can use runes as well, it will definitely help me.

[I'm unsure about runes as well. You wouldn't call them runes anymore, it had changed as time went on. No one uses it anymore except me, or The Keeper]

"Then why are there runes over here?"

[That is something I'm forbidden to say]

If it's forbidden, then I'll try to read it out. I can't figure each word but the shape of the words are faintly similar to modern languages. These ones look easier to understand. This specific one is slightly similar to english.

"W... H, A, T?"

That's probably what it means, theres 2 more words.

"are... you looking at?"

'What are you looking at'. I doubt that's what it says. I'll just move on...


Eh, where am I? All I just did was look towards my right to walk ahead. Then I'm suddenly In a dark room. A door?

"How can you read runes?" a voice that echoed with confusion of anger.

"I don't know it looked similar to modern languages."

"You're comparing this with modern languages? it's like you're comparing a rat to a God."

It's that big of a difference?

"Now that I've finally forced you here, looking at you... you're a mystery. If you want to leave this place, the inly option is a test. A simple one yet tricky, what you do or chose, changes you're future and you're endings."

"....So basically, my life depends on this 'simple' test."


"You're supposed to do this test but, the kids who enter this place after age of 13 come here for proof of strength, so I'll secretly just put you in with the others "

Others? so there's more people here. Whatever I chose or do, changes everything. I can't afford to make a single mistake. One small outcome can even change my furture.

"What's the test."

"You will find out in 10 seconds, be ready..."

This is giving me anxiety, sweat running down my face. My body was trembling from nervousness and excitement.

"Choose wisely, there's people you can trust. While there are people you can't trust."

The zone I was in a second ago changed conpletely, a large cylindrical room with Runed doors. Each door had vibrant colours such as black, pink, red, yellow, green and cyan. The people here were off different races. One with horns, a person with a single eye, animal human hybrid etc.

While I didn't know their races, what mattered is everyone is ready with their weapons or sheilds. Most likely, all of us will be in teams to fight.

"Everyone now listen, rules are simple. Make or join a team of you're choice, there should be a total of 20 people, 4 teams and 3 rounds. There will be a glowing golden cube on top, whichever team reaches in and breaks it wins, while the other and to try in another 2 years."

That's harsh, so people come here every 2 years, to prove their worth." the keeper announced.

"Uh..." Raynes voice awkwardly stuttering to call out someone.

Everyone's already choosing their partners, no ones even approaching. The feeling of being left out, hurts so bad. Is no one really going to choose me, is it because I look unprepared...

"Excuse me, would you like to join us?"

Finally, someone picked me. A strong vibe, yet kind looking person. The rest of the team was, someone covering her face?, a frail looking boy..., a girl with unique sword stash and another girl with a bow.

Each of them were different races as well.

"Great going Jin, you picked someone with no common sense. He has no god damn weapon or armor!" the girl with the unique sword stash fumed in anger.

"Hey Raina, you can't just tell that to someone right to their face!" jin exclaimed with reason.

"It's alright, I'm used to insults."

She has one hyper attitude, trying to talk to her might a problem to solve.

We went into our black door, which was the only door left. It was cramped and narrow with no seats. The other 2 teams left their room and stood on the centre facing each.

"Wow, that one team looks strong as hell!" Raina yelled. They had distinct feature unlike the other teams, all 5 of them are most probably horned demons, ready and trained for battle. The other team looks terrified and nervous, how will they go at it?

"Start in 5, 4, 3..."

Something feels uneasy about them... what's making me shiver about them.

"2 and 1, start!"

"Everyone go as planned!"

They rushed at the ready team, but with weak legs that made them trip from just looking at them. The supposed leader of the nervous group leaped of the ground and landed a strike.

"That guy already attacked him! w-!"

The strike who we thought landed on was mistaken. While he did land the blow at him, the result risked him his head. There were runes embedded on her weapon, with blood circling around it.

"D-did she just kill him...? isn't death not allowed?!" Jin shouted at the hidden keeper.

"Hmm... I never said death is not allowed did I now? I said this a simple test changes you're future, and that was his future."

Dammit what a 'simple' test, even if we mange to pull off by winning our opposed team, we would have to averse with monsters!

[Chapter 13 end]