
Daddy’s Beloved Baby

If her past had to pass bitterly because she deliberately chose that path to make himself equal to her lover, now she has achieved what she wanted to target in her life. It's just that whether a girl named Jennifer Dean will dare to step back to make a new love story with her ex-lover or will she continue to be shackled by blaming herself and run away, not daring to face what she did before explaining what happened? Will Jenni change her mind with her previous intention to return to Daniel if one day she thinks she is equal to her lover in the past? Or does he prefer to live comfortably with his beloved baby that Daniel doesn't know? Sequel Of: Mr. CEO, Paint My Love in Your Heart

Gldseya · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
130 Chs

Family (3)

The last few days Daniel and Jenni have both taken their positions again as they have not been separated by misunderstandings.

Their days are only filled with their affection which seems as if the two of them cannot be separated, it's just that they almost forget that their goal of getting back together is none other than so that they become a complete family.

"So, don't you want to give me good news after you finally get back together?"

Jenni and Daniel looked at each other, when Michael, who was now in front of them, immediately asked the two of them to the point without any preamble.

Jenni quickly gave a code to Daniel, so that his lover would explain everything to his adoptive brother.

Daniel smiled at Jenni for a moment, and then looked at Michael.

"We decided to get back together, and of course we will get married in the near future, for that before we get married you can't go home from here," said Daniel with his forehead.