Synopsis: After his fateful battle with his son, Toji Fushiguro wakes up in a futuristic, dystopian world—the cybernetic chaos of Night City. Stripped of everything familiar, he finds himself in a world ruled by technology, greed, and violence, where organic strength like his is an anomaly. Discovered unconscious in an alley by Gloria Martinez, a struggling single mother, Toji is thrust into her life and the brutal realities of the cyberpunk world. With his unparalleled strength from *Heavenly Restriction* and a sharp killer’s instinct, Toji adapts to his new surroundings, mastering cyber-enhanced weapons while navigating the complex underbelly of mercenary work. As he grows closer to Gloria and her son David, Toji wrestles with his past as an assassin and the possibility of redemption in a world where survival means sacrificing humanity. But when the ghosts of Night City begin to threaten Gloria and David, Toji will have to decide: will he stay a weapon for hire, or will he fight to protect the people who gave him a second chance?