
Chapter 137

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At the Lizzie's Bar, in the basement server room.

A flash of white light crossed Tang Yu's vision, and the vast space scene before him suddenly vanished.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw Judy standing next to him, leaning down to remove the Braindance headset.

"How do you feel? Any dizziness or headaches?"

Tang Yu had just finished a Braindance session at the Crystal Palace, and aside from the conversation, the rest of the information was not of much importance.

It was merely about two rich heirs indulging in the entertainment services at the Crystal Palace Entertainment Zone.

The Crystal Palace Circular Entertainment Facility had a total of ten luxurious casinos and five panoramic swimming pools.

It also offered private rooms furnished with top-notch Braindance equipment and a selection of the finest chefs to provide high-end dining experiences.

Additionally, there was a large selection of beautiful women to offer the highest quality service to every distinguished guest visiting the Crystal Palace.

The entertainment experience at Crystal Palace was almost a manifestation of Arasaka Corporation's full efforts, creating a super entertainment space station that was unparalleled.

Those who could afford to play at Crystal Palace were either rich or noble, hence why the service was of the highest standard as well.

After the Braindance experience, Tang Yu felt no discomfort.

Judy took off the Braindance headset for him, examined it briefly, then said.

"This headset is now yours; the sensory settings are already configured and saved, so it will be convenient the next time you use it."

"Just put it on Ai's tab."

Tang Yu sat up, took the Braindance headset Judy handed him with one hand, and examined it.

It was an old piece; he had seen many Braindances with it at Judy's.

He accepted the headset gratefully and placed it on the nearby table.

"Thanks, I'll take it."

"But I'm not in the habit of watching Braindances alone, so I'll leave it here for now."

Judy picked up the Braindance headset again from the table, with a smile.

"I didn't think you'd be so particular."

"Alright, I'll keep the headset here for you, and you can take it whenever you want."

After saying that, Judy turned and walked to her office area, placing the black Braindance headset in the right-hand drawer.

Tang Yu stood up from the Braindance chair and straightened his suit jacket.

Evelyn approached slowly, helping him to brush off fine dust from his shoulder, and spoke quietly.

"The server room basement is rarely cleaned; Judy is usually the one compiling Braindances here."

"If Mr. Tang is interested in experiencing more Braindances, and Lizzie's booth doesn't meet your standards, you could also choose a room at the Clouds—their security and privacy are much stronger than here at Lizzie's."

"Though I no longer work at Clouds, I still have some sway there."


Tang Yu had no interest in Evelyn's suggestion.

Clouds, being a no-go zone club, though independently managed, was actually under the control of the Tyger Claws.

The supposedly secure Clouds was actually the culprit in stealing customers' secrets.

Tang Yu, when he had stormed Clouds in the past, discovered they not only recorded customer dealings without consent, but they also profiled each one.

These profiles contained investigations into customers' backgrounds, interests, friends, and affiliations.

Specific measures were tailored for each customer, and those prone to causing trouble were often handed off to the Tyger Claws to deal with.

Tang Yu was aware of her intentions; she just wanted to entice him to Clouds and open a VIP room under the pretense of randomly behaving like he knew nothing.

In reality, she sought an opportunity to extract more information.

He bluntly declined Evelyn: "No need."

"You've said it yourself, the best Braindance editor in Night City is right here in Lizzie's basement."

"Why bother going to Clouds for something far away when I'm content with the cleanliness here?"

Judy, sitting in the leather chair, chuckled bashfully when Tang Yu brought up the conversation again.

"Alright, alright, no need to keep flattering."

"I just like staying in this small room, able to edit and experience Braindances as I desire."

"That's enough for me; I'm not that amazing."

Evelyn's gaze flickered with unease, feeling that Tang Yu's treatment of Judy was rather strange, especially compared to his usual demeanor.

From the moment she met Tang Yu, she never heard a single good word from him, and yet, unexpectedly, he praised Judy—an unusual sign.

Evelyn tried to divert his attention.

"Judy just enjoys editing Braindances, and she's mostly self-taught, including her assembly of the Braindance editing equipment."

"She used to work with me at Clouds for a time, but now the Braindance industry has matured, and independent Braindance editors like Judy are becoming rarer."

"Enough about that."

"Mr. Tang, after experiencing this Braindance, are you interested in discussing our collaboration?"

"Maybe we could find a different setting to talk."

Having experienced the Crystal Palace Braindance, and hearing the conversation between Michiko Arasaka and Hiroshi, Tang Yu knew some insider details regarding Yorinobu Arasaka and the Steel Lotus Triad.

If not for Tang Yu already being privy to Michiko Arasaka's background, the information from the Braindance would indeed be priceless.

That Braindance held too much information, not something a freelancer could control.

The possible source was either:

Evelyn managed to charm the protagonist of the Braindance from the Crystal Palace and stole the data.

Due to the maturity of Braindance editing technology, many people record their everyday moments with implants to turn them into Braindances for preservation.

Braindances can accurately recreate past experiences, allowing people to relive unforgettable memories.

Additionally, they help politicians and celebrities sell themselves, deepening people's understanding and attachment to them.

If the Braindance wasn't stolen, there's only one other possibility:

Evelyn got that Braindance through other means, with backing from a powerful organization.

Tang Yu wasn't surprised by her risky actions.

In the past, Evelyn dared to play sides among various powers, maneuvering between Michiko Arasaka, the NetWatch, the Spellcaster Gang, and Dexter DeShawn, among others.

She thought she was flawless, waiting to strike it rich and elevate herself above others.

However, not everything goes as planned, and her scheme ultimately ended in tragic failure.

The fact was.

Even if she had managed to obtain the relic biochip and convinced everyone, she likely would have met a dead end anyway.

Her downfall wasn't due to a lack of intelligence or inferior tactics.

Rather, her strength and status were terminally mismatched for the game at that level.

Even minor exposure to such top-secret information could bring lethal consequences.

Regardless of the outcome, it's always better to keep such knowledge to a minimum.

All parties involved in this turmoil wouldn't easily let her off the hook.

Tang Yu decided to give her another chance, hence he spoke to Evelyn:

"I may consider making connections for you if your interest is purely business."

"But I fear your ambitions might exceed just business."

"People have many choices in life, but sometimes, one wrong step can make turning back impossible."

"Let me be clear, the forces behind you might contend with Arasaka, but that doesn't mean you can too."

"Climbing onto the throne and being born into royalty are distinct affairs; don't misconstrue my point."

Evelyn felt a chill upon hearing his words.

Tang Yu's gaze was piercing, seeming to see through all her motives and schemes.

Indeed, Evelyn, through her transactions, had attached herself to various VIPs, including those from Arasaka and Militech circles, gaining some intelligence.


She found willing collaborators, or rather, they approached her with proposals she found tempting.

Evelyn was tired of living life as second-tier; she aspired to change everything, which meant taking risks.

At least this way, she had a slim chance.

Evelyn pondered Tang Yu's words, seemingly deep in thought.

Tang Yu, seeing her indecision, actually revealed her choice — this woman would not turn back until she hit a wall.

The specific details of what Michiko Arasaka was supposed to do were unclear from the Braindance in the Crystal Palace, and hard for the average person to decipher.

But Tang Yu knew.

What Yorinobu Arasaka was after was the relic biochip capable of storing consciousness imprints.

This research about brain overlay with personality imprints had progressed to version 2.0, just one step from success.

One successful sample data or experiment could push Arasaka Corporation over the threshold.

Michiko Arasaka was desperate to stop Saburo Arasaka's immortality project and needed a critical key.

Johnny Silverhand's digital soul imprint.


Yorinobu wasn't fighting alone; aside from the support of Steel Lotus members, his sister was also helpful.

And Hanako might have already informed their father of Michiko's plan while assisting her brother.

Tang Yu decided to give Evelyn some time to reflect on whether this venture was worth it.

"Yorinobu coming to Night City isn't exactly news."

"But if you truly want to do business with him, think carefully about it and give me your answer later."

Judy, having seen the contents of the Braindance at Crystal Palace, questioned Tang Yu's attitude and stature, sensing a high position.

Was he from the company?

She seldom cared about Evelyn's outside activities, but now that it involved Michiko, it was beyond Evelyn's capabilities.

She neither disliked the company nor enjoyed seeing Evelyn appearing slighted, so she interjected.

"Evelyn, I think you should drop this matter."

"It's not like doing business with Yorinobu is a must, right?"

"You're putting yourself at risk here."

"Besides, he doesn't seem keen on helping you."

After speaking, Judy gave Tang Yu a reproachful look.

He was brought here by Evelyn to experience the Braindance, but in the end, he left her with a lesson.

Evelyn looked up to stop Judy, then faced Tang Yu, seriously emphasizing:

"I will take what you said into serious consideration."

"If you're willing to help me later and connect me with Michiko, the compensation will not disappoint you."

It would only take a few seconds to kill them, but the Tyger Claws didn't want to stir up trouble just yet, though their eyes were already filled with murderous intent.

Evelyn hurriedly persuaded Judy, "Don't be like that. It's just a test for the behavior chip; it won't do anything to me. After all, Clouds won't find a second Evelyn, right?"

Hearing her words, Judy hesitated, aware that Evelyn was indeed the most successful doll.

Not only did her social skills enable her to act independently, but her unique talent played a crucial part.

The latest doll behavior chip from Clouds was developed based on Evelyn's behavior patterns.

Two Tyger Claws members were growing impatient, about to force Evelyn away.

However, Judy, spotting their intentions, immediately halted them.

"No one comes in!"

"Didn't you hear? Whoever dares to step one foot inside the server room will regret it."

Judy held high prestige within Lizzie's, having raised the standard of braindances, which became well-known throughout Night City.

She treated the girls exceptionally well, and many of them were brought in by Judy herself.

Angered by being reprimanded by a Mox, a gang known for its fierce female members, the Tyger Claws felt insulted.

Regardless, they intended to teach these two a lesson and remind them of the Tyger Claws' authority.

Two members activated their combat implants; one bald man charged at Judy, fist raised to strike.

Evelyn, caught off guard by the direct assault, was too late to intervene.

As the fist hung mid-air, about to hit Judy—


The Tyger Claws bald man was sent flying with a slap to his face, collapsing by the wall unconscious, his cheek swollen like a bun, teeth shattered, blood streaming down his face.

Both Judy and Evelyn were stunned.

Judy, incredulous, looked at the fallen Tyger Claws member, then rushed to look at Tang Yu, realizing it was indeed he who had intervened with forceful simplicity.

She asked with concern, "Are you alright...?"

Tang Yu, his hand visibly reddened, calmly faced the other Tyger Claws member, who was reaching behind for his thermal katana.

"Who are you?"

"To raise your hand against the Tyger Claws is to make an enemy of the whole gang!" Evelyn was surprised, not that a Tyger Claws member was injured, but that Tang Yu intervened.

She had approached the Tyger Claws, partly to test Tang Yu's intentions.

If Tang Yu didn't act, she would go with the Tyger Claws to Clouds.

However, Tang Yu stepping in suggested the previous matters were still negotiable.

Given Tang Yu's status, the Tyger Claws were nothing; even their boss would show deference to an Arasaka executive.

The Tyger Claws relied on Arasaka, and both came from Kyoto, where deference to superiors was ingrained.

Evelyn stepped forward, commanding respect.

"Yamakita, how dare you attack. Apologize immediately."

"Mr. Tang is an executive at Arasaka. You have no right to act out here."

Upon hearing Evelyn, the remaining Tyger Claws member hesitated, his hand pausing from drawing the sword, questioning the truth of Tang Yu's claimed position.

Mr. Tang?

Suddenly, realization dawned upon him, followed by disbelief. With perspiration on his brow, he looked to Tang Yu and bowed deeply, eager for forgiveness.

"Sir, I apologize... please punish me as a lesson."

Evelyn, slightly amused, recognized the typical Kyoto attitude, folding quickly to authority. The Tyger Claws leadership had to recognize their superiors, let alone their rank and file.

Judy was taken aback, hardly expecting the man beside her – an Arasaka executive – to command such respect, leaving even the brazen Tyger Claws subservient, a revelation beyond her imagination.

She had assumed Tang Yu to be a wealthy recluse, reserved and shy around strangers, unaware of the concealment of his true status.

Judy watched Tang Yu, who now carried an innate authority, a stark contrast to before.

It seemed Evelyn had connected with Relic and brought an Arasaka to collaborate, no wonder he stuck around so amiably, his identity surely was no simple matter.

Tang Yu was disinterested in disciplining the two thugs, instructing them to sever three fingers, a traditional but significant punishment.

The Tyger Claws member complied without hesitation, amputating his flesh fingers to apologize.

One finger was a light punishment; two were serious; three meant a spared life.

Grimacing through the pain, he collected his sever fingers, bowed to Tang Yu again, and, with his unconscious peer, left the server room.

Judy remained confused until the Tyger Claws had gone, showing gratitude toward Tang Yu.

"Thanks. If you hadn't stepped in, who knows what trouble would've ensued."

"I dislike disruptions here. So, thank you."

Tang Yu dismissed the thanks as a small matter, still interested in experiencing the braindance himself.

Evelyn, feeling slightly reproachful, spoke. "Mr. Tang, I apologize for the inconvenience. I didn't need to go with them."

Judy tried to interject, but Evelyn continued to defend her reputation, especially in front of Tang Yu.

It became clear that perhaps Tang Yu had no interest in her, but he might have some feelings for Judy.

"If it isn't for Mox, then for what?"

"Suzie Q? Out for her own profits."

"At least I make my own living, but Suzie?"

"She profits from all the girls, acting meek to the Tyger Claws, fearing the street workers become unprofitable."

"Judy, without your braindance skills, she might have already schemed to oust you from Lizzie's."

"She's unwilling to shelter those women, fearing upsetting the Tyger Claws; in the end, it's us who suffer."

Tang Yu now understood the situation within the Moxes.

Suzie Q might pose as the face of Lizzie's, but Judy was the true pillar.

While Judy wished to protect the girls victimized on the streets, Suzie focused on profit and paused any recruitment that might offend the Tyger Claws.

As conflict with Suzie grew, Judy withdrew into the server room to avoid exacerbating tensions and preserve unity within the Moxes.

Moxes had built a reputation in Night City after the 'Mox uprising,' holding off the Tyger Claws, but with Arasaka's return to Night City, the Tyger Claws grew stronger, their newest recruits armed with lethal Arasaka tech.

Moxes power dwindled, many girls even turning to Clouds for survival.

Escaping Clouds like Evelyn was rare, and yet, she remained under the thumb of the Tyger Claws.

Tang Yu wasn't interested in Moxes' troubles or Evelyn's plea. He intended to leave.

Evelyn, disappointed but determined, decided to follow Tang Yu, leaving Judy behind.

Judy, left alone, sat at her desk, pondering, with the braindance headset in hand.

"Little Ai..."

"Mr. Tang..."

A thought struck her; she picked up the braindance headset, preparing a new experience with dedication.

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