
Chapter 6 - This Has To Be Jujutsu Kaisen!




Upon hearing my blatant provocation, the chained spawn grits his teeth so much that I could actually listen to it, and he says one word.


With that one word, the army of 490 pushed forward with only one destination in mind. I wasn't one to be intimidated by the numbers of the weak, and so I offered one act of kindness to them.

Slowly, I took a step, then I started walking, only to start running until I clashed with the army at full speed.

My charge wasn't stopped as I forcefully pushed through the bodies of the spawn, only to stop in front of one spawn and chop off both its arms.

It looked confused at where its arms had gone due to my speed, but it wasn't confused for long as I cut its head clean off and took its soul with the system.

I had to take the soul of every enemy killed; otherwise, the leader or a strong member would consolidate the defeated bodies, which was my loot. I couldn't allow them to have it!

The fight continued as a tentacle flew towards my face, and I narrowly dodged in the space given and cut it off. The next thing I knew, a punch was thrown at my face as I turned my sword-like tendrils back to normal and proceeded to stab, swing, and cut any enemy trying to touch me.

They were trying to dogpile me, and to stop them from trying, I swung all my tendrils as fast as I could, intending to cut and rip into any trying to get close.

They had backed off a bit, but that had been a mistake I would take advantage of as I jumped onto a spawn and landed on its face, caving it in.

Yet it did not stop there as I cut into the spawn's brain and took the fight back to the ground. Another fist was thrown at me, yet I blocked it only to grab the spawn's arm and pull it in close.

I broke its right arm completely, twisting it the wrong way, and then unleashed a powerful left hook, gut punch, knee to the face; and to finish it off, I cut it in half with my tendril.

Yet more still came as I dodged, ducked, and weaved as best as possible, yet I was still getting hit, only making me angrier.

These ants were actually trying to kill me with numbers! The sheer frustration I felt at that moment was impossible to describe!

Only while getting dogpiled by a couple of them did I realize something I had forgotten due to my rebirth. I couldn't believe I had forgotten the profound words of Vesuvius.

"You cannot dodge everything even if you spec into an all-speed build. Eventually, an attack will hit you, and because of your lack of defense, because you trusted your speed too much, you will be defeated."

More and more spawns add to the pile, drowning me in numbers as I fail to move. I put everything into my speed, trying not to get hit, but they knew this as they were piling on top of me.

I had made regeneration as a fail-safe for my speed, but that was the wrong way of thinking about it.

'Thank you, Vesuvius. I now know what I must do.'

A smile appeared on my face for a fraction of a second, only to be replaced by an unimaginable amount of rage.

'I must forgo all speed and only use my defense! You'll eventually get hit and be put into the ground, yet someone with godlike defense would never be afraid to take a hit!'

With that thought, I used all my tendrils with the small space I had to cut and tear through the bodies piled on top of me.

'Speed isn't supposed to be my build! I must be the unbreaking wall of domination!'


(POV: Chained One.)

It seemed "The Crimson One" was all talk. My army continues to dog pile onto where it is supposed to be.

I thought the story would be much more but in reality, the monster has never fought in a large-scale battle by itself. I knew my victory would come, but I felt slightly disappointed in this battle.


There's always a next battle to see if I can find a worthy opponent.

I turn away and begin to contemplate my next move as I think I should-!!!!


I hear a scream and turn around as fast as I can, only to see the impossible… The Crimson One has killed his way out of the pile and is currently standing on top of it.

The blood of my subordinates still covered his body, and he looked crazier than when I first saw him. Through all this, he began speaking.

"Hey, it's been a while!" He spoke out with a crazed look, yet I could not believe my eyes.

"For real?" I spoke in a low tone, not expecting a response, yet he gave one.

"For real, real." He slowly descended the pile, walking toward me as the rest of my subordinates, still alive, were regrouping.

We still had over 200 alive; while some may have missing limbs, they could still fight. Yet, while thinking of a plan, he kept speaking to me.

"I'm still alive and kicking!" As he said this, he cut into his arm, which regenerated a bit before completely healing.

"You're kidding… High-Speed Regeneration!" I didn't expect an answer given to me, yet I got one anyway.

"Yeah! When you had your subordinates dogpile me, I gave up on trying to dodge! I instead focused all my power on using my regeneration and offense to overwhelm the ones holding me down completely!" He continued his rant as his looks got even crazier.

"It was easier said than done with all your subordinates slashing into me! It really hurt!"

"You really allowed me to understand what I was doing wrong with my style! I was completely overwhelmed, yet I was able to figure out how to overcome it!" He's blabbing on and on… He's high.

"But I finally grasped it! What I need to do to perfect my future build!" This creature in front of me didn't understand when to shut up and just kept running his mouth.

"The reason you're going to lose was because you didn't all come at me at once in the beginning! And because you personally didn't see to my death by being the one to cause it!" I finally had enough of his ranting and responded back with a vengeful smile.

"I'm going to lose? Our fight is just getting started!" In his deranged state, I guess he couldn't comprehend what I was trying to say, yet he responded.

"Oh? Is it?"


"Maybe so!"

Immediately, I ran in with a two-foot-long chain blade made by my ability. Upon reaching him, I stabbed him multiple times in every vital area I could manage. The head, chest, liver, stomach, and I even slit his throat.

Yet once my blade left his body, I took another look at him, and he looked like I had never touched him. Besides all the crimson blood dripping off his body, he was as good as new.

'Something isn't right.'

I took another go at it. This time, I slashed both his arms off and then stabbed straight through his brain. Yet it took all but five seconds for his arms to grow back, and when I looked at his head, it was already done before the arms.

'Something isn't right.'

I was going to keep up my assault until he suddenly dodged-!!! Behind me!

I turned around to block, only to be sent meters away by the attack I just blocked. I looked up to see this creature floating in the air like he was a god lying on a bed of nothingness!

I extended my chain on my blade to try to hit him while he was floating- did he just dodge it?

'Something isn't right.'

"No, this is fine."

I try to continue my assault, yet…

My subordinates all stopped attacking as they, too, were trying to process what was happening, yet it all was quiet when he spoke up.

"Throughout all dimensions, past, present, and future, I alone am the crimson one!" He was upright in the air speaking these words aloud, but to who? I didn't know. I don't think I would get an answer even if I tried to pry it out of his mouth.

He had been facing me when I heard him whisper. It was something so quiet that only I could listen to it due to how strong my senses were.

"Take the chaos (ruination) and order(preservation), then smash together those two different expressions of being to create and destroy imaginary mass."

"Imaginary Technique: Crimson."

His hand, which was formed into a three-finger hold, suddenly released. Yet there was only one thing in my mind…

'Somethings Off.'


Hopefully, you forgive me for this chapter, but what the main character realized is that you cannot dodge everything.

Some enemies might have moves that are guaranteed to hit, and because of this, you'll get hit eventually.

So, the only way to beat that? Become an unkillable monster who tanks everything, and whatever they can't tank, they regenerate.



(Don't forget the R!)

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