
Cultivation: I Have Unlimited Epiphanies in the Cultivation World

Thrust into a world torn from the pages of the novels he once read, Jun Xiayou, an insignificant outer disciple, finds himself plunged into a reality far more complex and deceptive than he ever imagined. In the immortal world, where war and power should reign supreme, an unnerving peace unexpectedly holds sway. But beneath this tranquil veneer, could this pursuit of peace be genuine, or merely a facade? As a cultivator endowed with unremarkable talent and mediocre strength, Jun Xiayou faces a seemingly hopeless predicament – that is until a fateful notification changes everything: [Ding! Unlimited Epiphany System activated] [Comprehension abilities increased by 10,000x] [Cultivation talent enhanced by 100x] Endowed with analytical prowess that transcends the bounds of logic, Jun must navigate his path with utmost caution. Could his quest unearth a reality far more profound and distorted than what every cultivator in this world has been systematically blinded to? And in this pursuit of forbidden knowledge, will he expose the intricate web of power and control orchestrated by the hidden rulers from the shadows determined to keep the veil of deception firmly in place? Will Jun's newfound abilities be a key to liberation, or will they draw him deeper into the labyrinth of conspiracy that controls this world of immortals? (pls note this is my first ever novel so writing could be bad at the start so be gentle sen-)

Lolster45 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
70 Chs

Chapter 20: Escape Plan

"I'm a guy" said Jun very quickly that Li Chen almost missed it. Noticing the confused expression on Li Chen, Jun knew he had spoken too abruptly to be understood.

Li Chen not comprehending what she was trying to say spoke "Wha... what do you mean... you're a guy". 

Jun at this point did not know how to explain that he knows his identity without being killed on the spot for suspicion of being an assassin. 

Will he believe that he turned into a woman because he ran out of clothes, and in figuring out his identity and other information knew the protector of this guy was scheming to set them up together?

"Damn... even to me that sounds ridiculously absurd" thought Jun while hugging Yinlings waist harder causing her to yelp.

"Dammit Jun why are you hugging me so hard" blurted out Yinling in surprise not realizing she exposed critical information.

"Jun?..." mumbled Li Chen while observing Yinling trying to get rid of the clinging girl.

Speaking hesitantly, he spoke interrupting their argument "Umm excuse me but, what do you mean by Jun? As in a male??" 

He felt himself trembling, if what this girl said before was tru- "NO!! That's impossible I clearly saw her body, there is no way for a male to have that kind of physi-"

Wait.. thinking back to the moment when he cut off the lifeblood of that kid, he remembered seeing her act odd, in fact, she reacted like a guy would!

Holding his head, he felt himself slowly losing his composure and sanity.

Realizing her slip-up, she knew she needed to speak up to make amends quickly or things would head south.

"Let's all calm down here..." said Yinling trying to play the mediator. "Look I think it would be better to explain once we get out of this place, let us first take the elevator and then..." Holding her breath, she continued "J-U-N will explain everything"

Having seen the power displayed by this person, she knew they were dealing with an absolute powerhouse that could kill them in an instant.

Even now, she was using every ounce of her courage and willpower to speak to this person who seemed to be losing his sanity and with such a strong cultivation, wouldn't they lose their lives if he lashed out in anger?

Desperately looking for a way out, she noticed an empty elevator, deciding, she flew towards it with Jun still clinging thinking Li Chen would follow, but upon looking back, she saw him still holding his head and mumbling nonsense.

Sighing in defeat, she knew today was going to get even more troublesome.

Flying down to Li Chen, she hesitantly reached out and grabbed his wrist, seeing no rejection, she lifted him up like a rag doll carrying him like a grocery bag flying towards the elevator.

Once in the sky, she could see the true devastation of this battle, bodies scattered everywhere with blood soaking the earth and air. The horrible smell almost made her gut wrench, which they hadn't noticed previously being too busy staying alive.

Seeing others going in packs laughing at their liberation while others were crying, having lost a loved one in this battle. She knew she shouldn't focus on this when her life and Jun's were at stake.

Once a few meters above the elevator, she lowered herself and was soon going to let go of Li Chen gently but when doing so, Jun decided to hug her stomach with his face causing her to spasm in laughter abruptly letting go of Li Chen still meters in the air.


The sound of bone hitting iron echoed through the space causing everyone's attention to shift to Yinling and Jun.

Everyone had forgotten these two beauties but they quickly remembered they were now something they couldn't afford to offend, especially the clinging girl who had become a core disciple.

Feeling relieved, Yinling looked down and saw Li Chen passed out on the ground with a giant dent in the railing as proof of what happened.

"Shit" mumbled Yinling quickly heading down to check on him, although she knew such an impact shouldn't hurt him, she still felt afraid of what would happen if he hadn't passed out.

Checking and seeing him still breathing she felt the weight on her shoulders disappear. 

Looking down at the still-clinging Jun, she decided she had enough of this. When was the last time someone had touched her in such a way? Never!!

Readying her hand, she decided to give the same treatment Jun gave her when they first met. Cocking back her hand, she readied her hand with precision and released it.


Seeing her head cock to the side with a red-shaped hand imprint on Jun's face brought a satisfaction like no other.

Although her slap may have contained a bit of jealousy over his face being more beautiful than hers, she decided her feelings to wake up her friends were stronger.

Jun on the other hand touched his red cheek, looking at the amused face of Yinling he yelled "What the hell was that for!!".

Crossing her arms she fought back "Be quiet Jun! shouldn't you be thanking me for getting you out of your little stupor" 

Realizing what she meant, he felt ashamed for losing his cool that much "Hehe sorry, I seem to have troubled you Yinling". Looking around to see where he was, he saw the sleeping form of Li Chen which struck him as odd.

Nervously chuckling a bit while pointing to the lump known as Li Chen, he asked Yinling "So what happened to this guy over here".

Grinding her teeth in anger she yelled "That's your own damn fault Jun! If you hadn't tickled me when I was lowering him, he wouldn't have fallen and hit his damn head on the railing and passed out".

"Ohhh so that's where the giant dent on the railing came from" thought Jun.

Wait... he hit his WHAT!?

"Oh no, oh no" thought Jun looking at the passed-out form of Li Chen. 

Getting up, he grabbed Yinling by the shoulders and yelled "Oh my gosh do you know how screwed we are!" shaking Yinling desperately by the shoulders.

Feeling herself becoming dizzy from being shaken, she pushed him away yelling "Can you fucking stop, what do you mean we're screwed??"

Motioning for her to come closer, he saw her walk up to him a little reluctant. Putting his head near her ear he whispered "I don't think I told you this but this person right here" pointing to the passed-out mess of Li Chen "is the young patriarch of Sky Palace!"

Hearing this, she felt her status as a Sky Palace disciple crumbling before her feet. If what he said is true, wouldn't they be directly tortured in front of millions as an example to never mess with the young patriarch?

Panicking, she started feeling short of breath and almost stumbled back but was luckily caught by Jun. 

Looking at Jun's eyes pleading for help, she felt herself feel so powerless in front of the giant known as Sky Palace. What they have done is something no other person would dare do unless they want to feel the wrath of an entire domain.

Seeing the fear and helplessness in her eyes, he was overwhelmed with the need to protect her which negated his feelings of fear. He could try to heal him, but would Li Chen mistakenly out of being knocked out, attack without notice, and kill him and Yinling in the process?

He did not want to take that risk. Maybe he would be safe if he changed back to his normal gender and ran for it, but what about Yinling? That bastard has carved her face into his memory.

Using his ephinay phase, he came up with multiple plans even under their dire circumstances.

"Alright Yinling, don't freak out, here are some plans that we could do" Seeing the light in Yinling's eyes return, he knew he had her attention.

"First, although risky, we could kick him off the elevator, blend into the crowd with our masks, and quickly leave the city without anyone noticing"

Thinking about it, Yinling felt scared of what would happen if caught in the act, especially the noise his body would make when hitting the ground. "What are the other options" she asked.

"Second, I could heal him right now but at risk of being blown into a blood mist if mistaken as an enemy of his upon waking up"

Feeling the blood in her pretty face leave, she weakly asked "Wha... what about the other option?"

"Well... we could try to make a distraction, but it's extremely risky and would involve him" said Jun while pointing to Li Chen.

Knowing this was the best option without getting caught she nodded. After being told how to execute the plan, she felt nervous but also a tinge of pity for him. As to how his reputation would recover after this...


Back in the city lord's mansion, here we see the arrogant crazy city lord announcing to the crowd the winners of the battle.

A little ahead of the city lord was an old man who was currently standing, watching what appeared to be holographic screens showing the battlefield.

This was the newest technology that Sky Palace had invented that would soon sweep the world by storm, they were currently testing them out here in this backwater place so as to not leak it.

Seeing the city lord at the corner of his eye finish his arrogant speech to the crowd, the old man wondered if it was the right choice to host it here.

Once finished, the city lord immediately ran up to the old man and bowed 90 degrees "I have finished announcing the results just as you ordered my lord"

Nodding the old man replied "You did an excellent job but as I have stated many times, just call me elder"

"As you wish my lord" spoke the city lord while still bowing.

Twitching a bit at the corner of his mouth, he sighed in defeat. Unlike most thought, he preferred to be called just elder, but alas... who made his status so distinguished that others wouldn't even dream of calling him by his name.

Finally relaxing his tense muscles, he had been on high alert, always watching with his divine sense and on the screen in case something were to happen to the young patriarch. 

Going to the couch, he sat down to calm his mind and body "Gosh... why did the patriarch put me on babysitting duty" while massaging his eyebrows.

"You better thank me young patriarch, those two girls you seemed to adore very much" mused the elder.

Knowing it would take a few minutes for the young patriarch to arrive and the city lord to give out prizes. He laid back and put up his legs on the table nearby.

He did not worry that much for the patriarch since the place they were currently in, no one could really threaten the young patriarch, even if they could, he should be able to defend himself enough to escape.

He had been tasked by the patriarch to secretly protect the young master in his journey to explore the world, but a situation had arisen where he was forced to take action causing him to expose himself.

Knowing this, the young patriarch became more arrogant, and at this point, he just couldn't bring himself to care enough and just watched him become more and more arrogant.

10 minutes passed...

Hearing someone barge into the room abruptly caused him to raise an eyebrow but ignored it, after all... what could they do to him?

"City lord, it's not good, someone has put a naked body in front of the city square claiming that he is your illegitimate son!"

Seeing the city lord not here, the subordinate only noticed an old man which caused him to immediately bow. "I'm so sorry for disturbing you, my lord! please forgive me!"

The city lord himself told everyone under him to never under any circumstances offend this old man.

Seeing the frantic yelling of this young guy, he wondered what it would be like to have the spirit of his youth again but quickly dialed back such thoughts.

Chuckling to himself a bit he answered "It seems someone intends to mock your city lord, in that case, let's go take a look, I'm tired of being holed up in this place"

Just about to follow the elder, he felt his world change, and in an instant, were in the place where the naked body was reported.

"Damn they really did put a nak-" Just as he was about to finish his sentence, he saw a sight that he would have never in a million years dream of.

"Yo... youn.. young patriarch!!!"