
Crushing on my bestie, but being sought by Demons and vampires.

 Thousand years ago, the realm of pure magic was ruled by two people who were called Zeeva and Drakon, two powerful supernaturals who were gifted with countless abilities, Zeeva was an Archer Angel while Drakon was a demon, a good one which shocked many people",   As she continued reading, the book started displaying everything. They gasped and watched like a movie. Layla continues.     "Then one day, their kingdom was attacked. There was bloodshed as the kingdom was thrown into uproar. Swords flew in different directions as soldiers dropped to the ground like flies.     Drakon and Zeeva fought with all their might but it seemed like the vampires has the upper hand.     They had convinced with the demons to take over the throne of pure magic. The demon had used all their wicked methods to lure Drakon to take side with them but he refused and stood by Zeeva.    Both tried their best and fought with everything they believed in but soon, darkness took over. Drakon and Zeeva were stabbed with a sword dipped in witches poison and both fell into the ocean.     In there , they held hands together and vowed not to separate, even in death.   In their embrace, both joined their souls together and made it into a ball.    "We promised to be together, Drakon.     Our souls will find solace in a supernatural beings.  A thousand years to come, a baby would be born and inside that back would our souls abide.  He would become the ruler of the realm of pure magic powers".     Zeeva said as blood gushed out of the sword in her chest.    "In this ocean we died  but will find our solace here too.     The child and the ocean shall become one and because of the demon blood he would have, there would be two pure souls to stand by his side.    They will come from the water as well and two of them shall become one while the other will protect them".   Drakon said their souls flew up and disappeared. With hands wrapped around each other, they breath their last breath. Many things happened before those promise children were born. After they were able to locked up all the bad realms, they were given a new life. But that life seems not to sustain them and they were bounced back to their original civilization where all the dark realms were freed up.

Becky_Ampong · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
134 Chs

Deal with the Devil..

Layla was busy washing her clothes when she heard the door to the hall opened. She stood up to go and checked who it was. Then she remembered that, maybe the person is looking for the maid.

   " Madam! Are you expecting anyone ". Layla called their maid to ask if she was expecting any visitor.

   " No, Layla". She shouted from upstairs where she was also busy cleaning the bathroom and the washroom.

   " Okay, is just that someone has just entered the house". She said still putting her clothes in the washing machine.

" What! But the main gate is locked, how did the person enter the house". The maid said while stopping what she was doing. She quickly cleaned her hands and told Layla to hide. Then she went to see who was there.

   " Please who is there?". She said while peeping her eyes through the staircase rail. Still not seeing anyone there, she went farther to see who it was. Just her second step and someone grabbed her on the neck causing her to float in the air. " Who..ar..e .y..ou..?". She struggled to say.

Layla didn't heard her voice again, so she decided to go and see what was happening and to her outermost surprise, she saw a man with dark eyes in a whole black suit holding the maid on the neck with one hand.

   Immediately the man saw her, he let go of the maid and said. " I want you..and you have come at the right time". He said and smirked. He walked straight to her and just when he was about to touch her, a sword from nowhere cut his hands and he burnt down dead together with his cut hands and they disappeared.

Layla was shocked to the point that she fainted after the man vanished. Jonie who threw the sword caught her before she fell to the ground.

   He looked at the maid who was laying on the floor helpless, he laid Layla on the floor and went to the maid then he tried his good side on her. He used both hands to hold her head for some time before releasing his hands and the maid stood up at once while breathing heartlessly.

   " Are you alright..". Jonie asked, surprised by his ability.

   " Yes I'm alright..and what happened, why is Layla sleeping here and what are you doing here". The maid asked. ( It seems my good powers worked on her just now. I think she has forgotten what happened.. thanks Dela) he said and smiled.

   " Ooh nothing happened is just that.. she fell asleep and you fell from the staircase".

He lied.

  " Ooh ..mmm..I guess I did.. anyway were you the one who entered just now".she asked while standing up from the floor.

   " Yh that was me". He said.

" Okay I will get going back to my work, please take her to her room". She said and went away.

   "Thank goodness it worked..now let me take our future Queen to her room". He muttered to himself and carried her away.


    Peggy was still pending up and down in her office. She had a call from Lawal.

" Hey, boy what do you have for me". She said immediately after she picked up the call.

   " Hmm..my Queen I have done all I could to get them but I didn't find them".

" What do you mean by that".

  " Hmmm.. actually I don't know".

" Okay do this for me, it seems like you can't do it. Do you know any supernatural being ".

  " What are you talking about? ".

" I mean do you have any friend who has powers".

  " But madam has it gotten to that ".

" Yes Lawal, if I know the devil I will go on a deal with him to kill them for me".

    Lawal was quiet for a while then he told her he will get back to her. He hung up the call and immediately called Aaron.

   " Yh boy what's up".

" We are in great danger!"

   " What happened?". Aaron asked worriedly.

" She said she is going on any limit to kill you".

    " What limit are you talking about?".

" She asked me if I know any powerful man so that she can consult him".

    " For what?"

" To kill us".

    " No you need to run away from here now, I think you have done your part. Is now our time, since she is still not ready to let us go. We are also ready for her. And before you go tell her to find the powerful magical creature she wants, we are also coming on her". He said and smirked.

  "Okay Aaron".

"And please send me your account number ".

   " Ok, I will, and thanks a lot". He said and hang up.

    ( Hmm.. Peggy, why are you making things difficult for yourself?). He said and laughed.


The next day someone entered her office without permission.

" Hey, who are you and what are you doing here". The man didn't talk but kept on walking till he was close to her.

   " I'm here to help you".  He said and help himself with a seat.

" What do you mean by that?". Peggy asked.

  " Well, I overheard you on the phone, saying that you can even make a deal with the devil to kill them". The man said.

    " So are you trying to say you are the devil?".

She asked with a funny face.

  " Hmm, are you surprised? ". The man asked and made a serious face.

   " Yeah, for I don't think such a random man like you will be evil ".

   " You are quite funny, anyway have you thought about how I entered your office ". The man said and her expression changed. Yeah coming to think about it how did he enter her office?

  " Hey you are right, how did you enter my office?".

   " I teleported ". He said while his eyes color changed to red.  Peggy seeing that jumped off her chair with a shout.

   " Jesus! What is happening?". She said as she hide behind the curtains.

" Wasn't you the one who just called me a random man?  Now how are you afraid?". he asked and chuckled then he disappeared and stood right in front of her. She closed her eyes tightly.

     " Don't be scared beauty, I'm here to make a deal with you". He chuckled again and he was back in his seat while Peggy kept on hiding behind the curtains.

    " Are you not coming to sign the deal with me again". He said and his burning eyes returned to normal. He felt that someone was coming to the office so he disappeared that instant before the person opened the door.

    " Hi, boss". Her assistant manager entered with a document.

   " Mom please these are the documents you asked for". He said with a smile.

    " Ooh, you can put it there". She said still looking around her. Where did he just go to?

  " Mum..you look confused are you alright? and please why are you hiding behind the curtains". He asked.

   " Ooh that, I was only trying to straight it well". She said while she pretended to be straighten the curtains.

   " Okay boss then please I will leave it here". He put the documents down and went away.

Peggy looked around her to confirm that, the man was gone after her assistant went out.

  She went back to have her seat. Immediately she sat down, he appeared again.

   " Hey, what do you want from me!".

She said almost exclaiming.

   " I just wanna make a deal with you".

" I will like to make a deal with you, but I don't understand why you appeared suddenly and what you want from me". She asked.

    " I came to you because you are having my son". He said while playing with his long nails.

    " What, I'm having you son. Who is your son?"

" Don't pretend not to know what I'm talking about ".

" Of course, I don't know what you are talking about ".

   " Do you remember you killed someone and took her child 18 years ago"? He said and made that serious face again.

  Peggy was surprised and that same time quiet.

" Or I should show it to you". He asked.

   " Who told you that? ".

" Oh.. why are human beings like that, I told you I'm not a human okay, so definitely I know it myself ".

   " Then why didn't you stop me when I killed her?". She said getting him angry.

   " Hey look here human, I'm not here to joke with you. I'm here for a deal because my son is with you, and if you don't want to be in jail then accept this deal". He said.

    " Don't worry about the deal I'm in .but make sure you don't spit out the secret you know about me". Peggy said, she was brave now.

  " Same to you .. actually I even wanted to kill you, if my son accept me as his father, but it seems it turned the other way around. So I need to kill him before he exposed me to my enemies". He said.

   " Oh, I see". As a real mother, she supposed to be concern, but wasn't even a bit.

" But that doesn't mean that if I get you, I won't kill you, because you killed my wife and I will make sure you also suffer a painful death if you don't do whatever I request you to do".  He smirked.

  " Same here Mr. Devil, I will also make sure to kill you if you don't do whatever I request you to do". She said with a serious look.

   Then the man brought out two pictures.

" Are they not the ones you are looking for? ".

    " Hey, how did you know them?".

" I know them because I'm after their daughter Layla ". He said.

   " And what do you want their daughter for".

" Hmm..you won't understand even if I told you".

    " Just tell me".

" Okay, I need her because she is the main power to someone's power ". He said and gave in a wicked smile.

   " What are you saying?". She asked.

" You will come to understand as time goes on, so now stop chasing after these two people for you will never get them as well as their daughter is concerned".

   " What powers does she possess?". She asked.

" She doesn't possess any powers, she is a means of powers to someone.". He said and vanished into thin air.

   " Hey, wait we are not even done!!". Peggy said and smiled.

   " Wow..this is like a dream come true!". She took her phone and called Lawal. And that was the biggest mistake she made.

  " Hello Lawal, good day". She said.

" Good day mum".

    " Do you know how I called you again"?

" No mum".

" I just called to inform you that I have gotten a powerful magical creature who is ready to fight with me so you don't need to worry yourself again. Just stay somewhere and enjoy yourself ". She said while laughing.

   ( What! No this is very bad news). He muttered to himself.

  " Good news mum, I will like to hang up ".

" Ooh, you can, see you later ". She said and end the call.

    " No, no Aaron has to know about this ". He called him and informed him of everything. Aaron told him to go out of the country with his family for he has already bought them their plane tickets. He thanked him and end the call.

  " Who called". Becky asked.

" Lawal".

    " What did he say".

" He said that Peggy has consulted a magical being to deal with us".

   " What! Has it gotten to that?".

" Yeah, but don't worry, we will teach her a lesson".

   Cecilia called them to her house and told them everything that has been happening and how it started and where it has gotten to. She concluded by saying they need to send Layla to Korea in other to help Dela. They consulted Samantha and she told them that Layla was the main source of his powers, the second guardian. So they needed to take good care of her.


    Layla woke up only to meet a serious headache.  " Ouch, my head hurt". She said as she adjust herself properly on the bed. She saw Jonie sleeping on the edge of her bed.

     " why is he here?". Just then she remembered what happened and she held Jonie tightly causing him to wake up.

   " What is it?". Jonie asked when he woke up.

" That man.. that man..he pointed at me and said he was looking for me". She said as she breathed helplessly. ( What! It didn't work on her, why did she still remember it?)

   " Are you saying you still remember what happened this morning?". Jonie asked surprisingly.

   " Yeah, how can I forget so easily ".

( Is she also a supernatural being?).

  " Who are you!". Jonie asked.

" Are you mad, is me, Layla ". She said while putting herself together.

   " Ooh, is you I guess". Jonie said and facepalmed. It was Layla but it seems she couldn't be put under his spell. He laughed to himself.