
Crushes of the future

Dear Diary, Hey I'm Shad and I'm 17. I'm a "cool kid" (somehow) in school. I have this thing where I can look into the future, but any type of future, the future of who my crush is going to be! I don't know how this happened but...yeah. Anyway I'm going to school today so let's see how that works.

Shad packs up his things and get ready for school but then his mom called "HUNNY HURRY UP OR YOU'LL BE LATE". "Ok mom" Shad said running down stares. He gets his breakfast and ran to the bus stop. "Hey Shad over here" said Theo (one of his friends). "What's up" said Theo, "Nothing much, you?" Said Shad "nothing really" said Theo while the bus was arriving. When they got to school they split up to get to class. While Shad sat in his desk he had a vision of this...girl. We opened his eyes and looked around no one was there. He closed his eyes again while blushing. It was this girl named Taylor from his old school. Shad thought "how did you get in my mind". Class started and he started to day dreaming. The teacher said "There will be a new student class her name is... Taylor" He woke up and snapped. "Come in Ms.Taylor". Taylor walks in the door and Shad immediately starts blushing. "Hey I'm Taylor Wick and I'm 17. I love to draw and paint." Said Taylor. "Shad can you please take Ms.Taylor around to see the school" said the teacher. "Sure I will not let you down! Let's go" said Shad. They went around the school now there at the gym room. Taylor looks him straight in the eyes while blushing a said "I know you from elementary and I liked since then too! I hope you like me back". Shad was as red as a tomato and said "I liked you since then too an-" he had a sudden image in his head of her cheating. "And what" said taylor. "And we can try it out" said Shad. Shad got the image out his head and forgot about it but it kept coming back. One day Shad saw that exact image from his head... Taylor was cheating on him with this guy from this club she went too. Shad tried with her over and over again but then he had to let her go.Shad got rejected or been played for 2years now and he is done with it, but this girl came up to him and helped him up. It was a bad girl!! She could hurt me or idk! Stay calm Shad thought. "Hey you ok?" Said the girl. "No I'm not" said Shad. Well I can help you, "I'm Sam by the way". I'm Shad". Shad and Sam became best friends. One day Sam went to Shads house and had a sleepover, they had so much fun. But now it was time to sleep. "I will sleep on the floor, this is your house anyway" Said Sam. "Are you sure?" said Shad, "yes I'm positive" said Sam. They started to fall asleep but in the night Sam got cold and she climbed up on Shads bed with him and the snuggled up together and they were blushing so hard. 5 months later it was Valentine's Day and Shad took Sam somewhere special. "Will you be kind and be my valentine forever" said Shad Sam Said "OF COURSE!!!" The kissed and his curse was broken he found someone good enough for him, he never saw girls in the future again, well besides Sam. The lived happily ever after and they had two kids a boy and a girl named Taylor and Theo. They were name after Shad's friend and Shad's first girlfriend. THE END (sorry it was so short this is my first time)