

Mark smiled to himself at his father's crazy words.

Was his dad out of his senses? Was his body made of steel? Didn't his life mean nothing to this old hag? Was he his son like Jamilah was his daughter? Mark was flabbergasted by his dad's outburst.

But of course who was Mark? All his group knew him.

He was not a man who could be controlled like a car and do whatever he was told. He didn't listen to anybody except his mum alone. Not even this man who was calling himself his dad.

He only listened to his mum because the lady showed care and love to him, not like this selfish and heartless man here.

He could now understand why the man was not able to finish his statement that day! Did it mean that he was not his biological dad? No! That could not be! 

He had lived his years with them and he knew them as family. He couldn't believe this realization.

He tried to suppress the crazy thought but he couldn't.

'Who am I?' A asked with that realization that dawned on him and he flinched.

'This man is not my father! No father can try to risk the life of his only son He made up his mind finally but who would tell him now? Oooh! Of course his mum.

Mark did not think twice instead, he ran towards the exit of the airport without a car about his stupid sister and his shocked dad.

"Mark! Come over here! Where are you going?" Samir screamed to his son while the fire extinguishers were trying to rescue the passengers and other people that they didn't know what was going on. 

Walter was in a daze as he collapse on the ground with a heavy thud while crying like a baby.

He was not thinking at all. His brain was not functioning as he still think about his son. He was sure that he would not return alive.

What would he tell his man and his brother? Ooh my goodness! Walter couldn't believe the twist of the situation. 

He regretted even coming here.



Nea, Alex's mother was busy eating popcorn while watching her favourite programme. She was enjoying herself.

She looked relaxed and stress-free.

"Mum! Did you see?" A voice made her jump out of her wits in nervousness.

"What is wrong with you boy? Why can't you let me enjoy myself peacefully?" She asked angrily.

"Mum! This is serious!" The person who was non-other than Dean, Alex's younger brother rushed towards his mum and took the remote from her.

"Don't change the channel!" Mrs Walter yelled at her son but the boy was not ready to listen to his mum. He changed the station quickly to another one.

"At the grand international airport here in our country, three planes were to take off at different places but unfortunately, only one plane that was travelling to India, managed to fly safely while the remaining two caught fire. The one that was supposed to fly to London, was the first one to explode spreading the fire to the other one that was to fly to China. The government has sent a lot of firefighters and a convoy of..."

"Whaaaaat? Dean call your dad right away!" Mrs Walter was shocked by the news.

"Mum calm down. Dad and brother are not there. I am sure because dad was supposed to have a meeting at his office and brother called me early in the morning to tell me that he had work to do" Dean tried to explain to his mom.

"No! Just call them. I am having a bad feeling about this!" Nea retorted stubbornly making her son take his phone from the table and dial his brother's number.

"Raising! Riiiiing! Riiiiiiing! The person you are trying to reach is currently not available. Please call later!"

"See! What did I tell you? Who was that?" Nea asked already panicked. She looked like a headless kitten.

"That was a brother but maybe he is busy picking up his phone. Please calm down. Let me call dad" Dean tried to calm his mom even though he was scared himself.

"Hello, dad! Where are you?" Dean blurted out immediately after the phone went through.

"Are you with your mum?" The mum asked back making his wife nod negatively.

"No! Mum is in her room!" He lied with a heavy heart as his mum instructed.

"I am in the airport now. Please come with my ten men. D-Dean...Your brother!"

"What happened to my son Walter?" Nea asked subconsciously.

"Hello! Hello dad!" Dean called to the man but the call had already ended.

"Dean! What happened to my son?" Mrs Walter burst into tears while shaking her son.

"I have to go, mum! See you later!" Dean managed to remove his mom's hand and was about to rush out of the house but then, he turned back, "Maggie?" He called out.

"Yes sir!" A lady who was wearing a maid's uniform rushed towards him.

"Please take care of my mum. She needs your help and doesn't leave her side, okay?" He instructed.

"Okay, sir let me inform my colleagues about it because I should be on duty today" Maggie tried to explain.

"No need! I know they will do the chores without you telling them. Okay?" He reassured.

"Okay, sir!" She answered with a little bow.

"Thank you, Maggie. I trust you with my mum" With that, Dean rushed out of the house leaving his shocked mother behind.

"What is wrong ma'am? Please stop crying!" Maggie tried to consult the woman that was crying out loud that other workers rushed to the living room.

"My son! Alex my son!" Mrs Walter replied with more tears.

"What happened to sir Alex ma'am?" Another maid chimbed in but Maggie gestured for her to stop asking questions.

"It's okay ma'am! Sir Alex is fine. Nothing will happen to him" Maggie tried to calm her.