
Crowned Pawn

In the dark alleys of Victorian London, Eros Corciato, a brilliant physicist and anatomist, finds himself entangled in a game of chess where the pieces are not ivory and ebony, but the very fabric of existence. His journey begins with a futile quest for immortality, but as the pawns fall and the chessboard extends beyond time, he discovers a deeper purpose. Lucas Dawnbringer, a mysterious visitor with secrets written in the ink of fallen angels, unveils a riddle encoded in the whispers of Paradise Lost. Psyche Lamperouge, a thief with a heart entwined with Eros's, becomes the shadow that dances through the enigma. "Crowned Pawn" is a symphony of shadows and echoes, a riddle whispered across time and dimensions. In this tale where every move is a revelation, the only certainty is the uncertainty of the next move. The game, it seems, is never truly over.

Kyuseishu · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs

XXII: "The Grand Masquerade: A Caper of Double-Dealing at the Louvre"

As dawn broke, the sweet melodies of birds filled the air outside the hotel, their songs like gentle lullabies. Sunlight, pure and radiant, filtered through the window, casting a celestial glow upon the room. I rose and affectionately kissed Mystera's cheek as she lay beside me.

In a playful tone, I remarked, "I must confess, there is an unparalleled joy in savoring a ginger cake, particularly one as unique and delightful as a heterochromatic one, adorned with cinnamon freckles."

Mystera, her smile radiating warmth, replied, "Oh, my little phantom, your words do bring a blush to my cheeks. But time has left its mark; I am not the youthful vision I once was."

I took her hands in mine, offering reassurance. "Such words do you an injustice, my muse. Like the finest of wines, your beauty only deepens with the passage of years. You are more captivating now than ever before, and with each new day, your allure only grows."

In response, she leaned in, her lips meeting mine in a tender kiss. "You have always had a way with words," she said. "You've changed, though. There's a maturity about you now, a tempering of your once wild and youthful exuberance. I hope our upcoming journey with the circus might reawaken that spirited spark within you."

Having partaken in a morning repast of fresh croissants, scrambled eggs, cappuccinos, and orange juice, we made ourselves presentable for the day ahead. Clad in our attire, I shared my conjectures with Mystera regarding Psyche's likely strategy. "I envisage their plan unfolding thus," I began.

"The Initiation with Counterfeit Invitations: Their first move, I suspect, would be the crafting of forged invitations to an esteemed gathering at The Louvre. These false credentials would allow them entry, bypassing suspicion and scrutiny.

A Symphony of Distractions: I presume a tandem of a con artist and a pickpocket, integral to their scheme, shall orchestrate a sequence of minor yet calculated disturbances throughout the museum. This orchestrated chaos is designed to divert the security's focus, drawing their gaze away from the true locus of their interest – the necklace.

Penetrating the Museum's Defenses: An accomplice, likely masquerading as one of The Louvre's own security personnel, would be positioned to relay critical information about the movements of the guards and the workings of the surveillance apparatus. This mole, in a subtle manner, might also manipulate the security measures, creating vulnerabilities for their exploitation.

The Clandestine Exchange: Amidst the engineered confusion, a locksmith of considerable skill, his tools cunningly concealed as artifacts of the Victorian era, would surreptitiously breach the display safeguarding the necklace. Concurrently, Psyche, with her adeptness in sleight of hand, would execute a stealthy swap of the necklace with a meticulously crafted facsimile.

Their Ingenious Egress: In their departure from the museum, the team, I surmise, would employ an array of disguises coupled with their knowledge of secret passageways, known but to a select few. They would disperse, each member taking a separate path to elude detection and capture."

Thus, I laid out what I believed to be the blueprint of Psyche and Leblanc's impending heist, a plan as cunning and intricate as any that might be conceived in the annals of criminal strategy.

Mystera pondered for a moment before speaking, her voice carrying a note of cunning amusement. "Your thoughts mirror my own. Indeed, we could utilize the chaos wrought by their brazen heist to our advantage, surreptitiously acquiring the stone from the crown while all eyes are elsewhere. Yet, there lies a more tantalizing prospect — to incite the guards against Psyche as she attempts her theft. The ensuing pursuit of her and Leblanc would provide an exemplary diversion, and the prospect of their discomfiture... well, it does add a certain humor to the affair."

"We shall undertake this venture under the guise of one of my favored personae, the Duchess of Parma, Marie Louise. You, my dear Eros, will accompany me as my escort, a nobleman tasked with my protection. To aid in our disguise, I shall equip you with a false mustache and a pioneering creation of mine, inspired by Leonardo Da Vinci's 1508 Code of the Eye — colored lenses to alter the appearance of your pupils, one blue and the other concealed beneath an eyepatch, as befits a war veteran. A cane shall complete your guise, suggesting a leg injury sustained in battle. You must, of course, convincingly play the part of a wounded soldier. A wig of dark hue will mask your recognizable hair, and with the addition of thick brows, the transformation shall be complete."

"When the moment of their heist arrives, we shall discreetly alert one of the guards to a suspicious young lady meddling with the necklace of Constance of Castile. As the guards' attention is thus ensnared, you will deftly and swiftly remove the gem from the crown. Speed and stealth will be of the essence in this endeavor."

In this manner, Mystera outlined our bold strategy, a plan that was both audacious and ingenious, befitting the grandest of schemes conceived within the most ingenious minds of Paris.

With haste, we made our way back to the vibrant environs of Le Moulin Rouge, where we promptly donned our meticulously crafted disguises. Once suitably attired in our elaborate masquerade, we summoned a carriage and set off towards the grand edifice of the Louvre, our minds set on the daring task that lay ahead.