
Poop and Diapers

"Where is Olivia?" Crystal asked, "It's almost lunch time.."

"Oh she'll soon be here.... " Rain sipped her glass of coffee.

"Rain, will you stop drinking coffee... It's your fourth cup since morning. We are about to have lunch now..."

"Olivia is getting food today, her treat.

Take a chill pill Kiki.." Rain teased her, 'chill pill' was their inside joke.

"Oh God, you are still at it... It was just one time...." Crystal groaned.

They were playing rapid fire round, where she was asked to rhyme the word "Chill" and instantly the only thing that came to Crystal's mind was "Pill"

And since then, Rain and Olivia have been teasing her, like 'Oh God, Crystal is taking pills....', 'Oh birth control pill can be so...' and in addition to that, 'Take a chill pill', whenever Crystal gets too anxious or hyper...

The door opened, and Olivia walked in, technically she moon walked in.

Yup, that's right... Michael Jackson's moonwalk....

"Finally I did it!!! I'm smarter than you Rain!

Hahahaha, no more of the Playboy Premier and his stupid contracts..." Olivia said happily, placing two large boxes of pizzas.

"What did you do???" Crystal asked, "And why don't I know of it??" she raised a perfect brow towards Olivia.

Olivia sheepishly bit her lip, "Ahh, you know... Being a Private Investigator, the job demands me to do things privately....., without anyone's knowledge."

"Oh reall?? And does 'anyone' not include Rain? Or is it just me?" Crystal narrowed her eyes.

Olivia smiled innocently, "Aww...look at Crystal, she is the smartest of all, so intelligent and so...."

"To the point Olivia, sugar coating won't do..... because you didn't get me donuts.." Crystal winked playfully.

"Hahahaha, not bad Crystal.... You are really getting at it... Good comebacks." Olivia complimented and relaxed herself on the couch.

"Oh please, time will come when you guys will realize that I'm the best at comebacks." Rain said with an air of richness.

"Oh here comes the Queen, make way for Noddy..." Crystal teased.

"Hahahahahahahaha !!!! Make way for Noddy...." Olivia bursted out laughing, and falling over the couch.

"Not funny!!!!!" Rain was pissed and embarrassed.

She loves Noddy, the cartoon character, she even has Noddy pajamas and t-shirts and the blue cap with a bell.

"What dear, I just complimented you... I called you 'The Queen'..." Crystal innocently defended herself.

"Oh not that, after that... what you said....."

Olivia and Crystal giggled more at Rain's annoyed expression.

She started eating her pizza and ignoring both the girls, who were making fun of her.

She tried to change the topic, "Joey's pizza is so amazing..... Thanks Ovi for getting this...."

"Don't change the topic, Rain." Olivia retorted, earning a laugh from Crystal.

"Both of you are so cruel to me!!!" she cried.

"Aww, my baby.... is crying? She needs milk?"

"Wait, can you smell it...???" Olivia asked Crystal, the former standing up and smelling the hall room. She stopped right in front of Rain.

"Smell what??" Both Crystal and Rain asked in unison.

"Poop. Do you need a diaper change, Rain?" Olivia said mockingly.

"Screw you!!! Both of you!!!" Rain threw the nearby pillow towards Olivia.

Crystal was hysterically laughing, "That was super hillarious!! Now whenever she gets on my nerves, 'Poop' and 'Diapers' are the key words to make her big mouth shut."

"Bitches!! Evil wrecked witches... I'll bug you every now and then, and corrupt your entire file." Rain cursed.

"Ahh speaking about files, Olivia. There's only one file that you got. Where's the other one?" Crystal asked.

"I returned the other one to Emma, the receptionist/ fuck girl of Mr.Premier."


"Oh yeah, I'm the smartest baby... Rain, hack the CCTV footage please. Let's have some fun watching over Premier Drama."

Rain rolled her eyes, "Fine, since you brought me pizza, I'll do it for free..."

"Really Olivia, never thought you one for drama..." Crystal said in suprise.

"Because, I hate Rain underestimating my skills.... And this footage will really show her, that I'm 'The Best' "

Rain faked a yawn, to imply how boring Olivia's talk was.

"Or maybe if she can hack all the footages of Premier Corporation. Like you know, 'Maybe' being the keyword." Olivia was purposely rilling Rain.

"Oh babes, the challenge is on.... It's a work of two minutes for me." Rain happily challenged.

"But if I get all the footages of today, then you'll have to be my food slave forever."

"Forever? Be reasonable, Rain!" Crystal said.

"She and reasonable, oh please..." Olivia snorted.

"Food slave as in whenever I desire for food, you'll have to order it for me and pay the money. I shall be living my life on free food henceforth." Rain happily ate her last piece of pizza.

"This girl is unbelievable...." Both of them sighed.

"Not forever, but for sometime now... I'll order you tons of food...." Olivia agreed, putting forth her terms.

"But remember, all food cooked by me would be charged to you Rain." Crystal smirked at Rain's shocked and fallen face.

"What ??? You will charge me for your home cooked meals? Unbelievable!!!"

"Yes, Rain if you could make hacking chargeable on the price of free food, then even I should start charging for my cooking skills, don't you think it's fair Olivia?" Crystal turned towards Olivia and winked.

Olivia smirked at where Crystal was going, "Yes it's absolutely fair!!"

"You guys, always gang up on me!! Someone save me!!!!! " Rain cried out loud.

Crystal and Olivia just laughed and continued eating pizza.

After Rain ate her pizza, she quickly hacked into Premier system and got the footages of today....

"Girls, it's time to watch some Dramas!

And by the way, I win Olivia..." she stuck her tongue out.


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