
Character Creation

Erin's eyes flew open as he seemingly drifted about into nothingness. Then out of nowhere, the non-existent scenery changed into that of outer space.

Erin was bewildered at the beauty of his surroundings. Although he was in space, for some reason or another, he could breathe normally as well.

His body seemed to be functioning fine as well. He could feel the touch of his clothes on his flesh as well as taste a slight amount of sweetness in his mouth, from when he had eaten a piece of candy.

Yes, it was delicious.

Candy aside, reading about the sensations that one could experience in a VR world was a massive difference from actually experiencing them.

It was actually hard to believe that he was in a game and his conscious mind was merely a digitized form of his biological one.

Thoughts and ideas rapidly converged through his mind, glancing about. Suddenly, he caught sight of what was below him.

He gasped in excitement, looking down. There was a giant planet below his feet. He was above it and that could only mean one thing!

This was Critical. The legendary world where beasts, monsters and a multitude of other otherworldly creatures resided.

But he ignored those thoughts as he turned his gaze to look at the beauty of a celestial object that was beneath his feet.

Before Erin had acquired his capsule, he had searched up a lot of information regarding CRO. The planet that the game was centered around was known as Critical. It was roughly seven or eight times bigger than the planet Earth.

Regarding species dominion over the planet, humans apparently weren't the top of the food chain. There were a huge myriad of mystical beasts and monsters that were much stronger than regular humans.

Yes, even dragons and beings such as gods resided within this world. Or at least that was what other players said. There had never actually been anyone who had ever seen a dragon or a being such as a god.

Humans only had dominion over a tiny portion of the world. The rest was either unexplored or too dangerous to explore. It was a tough world to live in, that was for sure.

If there was one thing that Erin could definitely say about the planet was that,

The planet was beautiful.

H smiled and turned towards the blue screen that popped up before his vision. Music started playing in the background, giving off an ethereal feel.

... ... ...

[Select your character's appearance]

... ... ...

Haven messed around with the sliders for a little while to see how much of a change, one could procure using the character creation.

It seemed that although a person could change their height, it wasn't to a massive extent. Merely a few inches at best. There was also a limit to how much one could alter their physical, facial appearance.

Soon he decided to simply change his hair color to black. He then grew it out slightly so it would reach his shoulders. His eye color was shifted to red and he gave his character a few touches here and there.

Smiling, he clicked confirm.

His form shimmered slightly as the changes took over.

He hand't done any changes to his body, only his face as he didn't want and problems occurring when he started fighting, assuming that any extra weight or height would screw him up.

... ... ...

[Select your starting weapon]

... ... ...



[Bow & Arrows]



... ... ...

Erin cupped his chin, thinking about which weapon would suit him best. He wasn't particularly a fan of weapons that didn't have good reach to them thus he decided that the daggers were out of the question.

Perhaps another time.

A sword, though generic, was a relatively easy weapon to use once you had a good hang of its abilities. It had great versatility as well as allowed the user to exhibit an outstanding avenue of movement.

However... it was still a generic weapon. He wanted something fresh. Something... exciting!

The spear however, was vastly different. It was much harder to control but had greater potential for adaptability and reach. A master could use the weapon to perform moves which one would seek to see in movies.

The bow and arrows, was most definitely a strong weapon combination. If one had enough skill, they could kite the enemy while firing arrows, whittling away at its health and possibly killing it before taking any damage.

But Erin was sure that he was a bad shot, thus the bow and arrows were something he most likely wouldn't be using for a long while.

Same was with the staff. It wouldn't deal much damage when it came to fighting. It seemed more like a downgraded version of the spear to Erin.

His eyes closed as he finalized his choice. Indeed, there was only one weapon that seemed to suit him perfectly in combat.

The Spear!

Although he wasn't entirely confident that he would be able to display its powerful might, he was sure that with time, it would serve him much better than a sword or a staff could ever do.

His choice wasn't merely based on a spur of the moment decision. Once, he had read the spear was also known as the Emperor of all weapons.

He remembered a special saying that he had heard of once.

He who rules the spear, rules the world.

Erin smiled as the spear he had been promised materialized onto his back. It was a little weighty but he wasn't worried about his prowess in combat. Thinking for a moment, he grasped the weapon from his back and held it within his hands.

His eyes seemed to shine with an excitement that appeared from the depths of his soul. Immediately, he attempted to perform a few moves with the spear. Although his stance was clumsy and lacked refinement, Erin merely wanted to familiarize himself with his destined weapon.

He twirled it around his body, stabbing and slashing at invisible enemies, grinning as he felt his movements improve slightly.

Erin had never taken any classes that dealt with weapons but he had learnt a little bit of martial arts and was confident enough in protecting himself if he were to ever get mugged or bullied or the like. However as he wielded the spear he couldn't help but feel a smidgen of regret that he had never continued his martial arts.

Soon, his movements slowed as gradually stopped his practice. Although his movements couldn't be considered as being refined, he had definitely gained a small bit of insight on how to perform spear attacks.

Deciding to stop wasting more time, he slung his spear back onto his back and looked on ahead at the screens that replaced the previous ones.

... ... ...

[Choose your starting skills]

... ... ...

[Energy Slash] (1 SP)

[Piercing Thrust] (1 SP)

[Fireball] (2 SP)

[Chain Lightning] (2 SP)

[Heal] (3 SP)

[Regenerate] (3 SP)

[Buff] (4 SP)

[Bulwark] (4 SP)

[Arcane Beam] (5 SP)

[Arcane Bomb] (5 SP)

... ... ...

[Skill Points: 5]

... ... ...

"Eh? Well, this is unexpected. I should have researched more about character creation." Erin muttered, scratching his head. He was certain that some skills were most likely going to be a great boon but he had to carefully consider which ones were the best. If he failed at choosing the correct skill, it might destroy his character.

In addition to that, there was the concept of skill points. Each skill he wanted to acquire would cost skill points to use.

Before he had received the golden capsule, Erin had always been a fan of CWo. He had always made sure to follow the latest news regarding the Critical world but it would seem to appear that he hadn't done as much research as he believed.

Secretly, Erin made a promise to himself to pay more attention to the forums of CWo. Those thoughts faded however as he brought his gaze back towards the skill menu.

Erin sighed as he glanced at the skills. If only there was a description of each of the skills.

Then a moment later, the epiphany hit him.

"System, can you give me the skill description of these skills?"

... ... ...


... ... ...

[Energy Slash]

Cost: 10 Energy

Player imbues weapon with energy and slashes a foe. Energy imbued into a weapon lasts for 2 seconds.

... ... ...

[Piercing Thrust]

Cost: 10 Energy

Player imbues weapon with energy and uses it to pierce through enemy armor. Energy imbued lasts for 2 seconds.

... ... ...


Cost: 20 Energy

Player creates a ball of Fire and shoots it at an enemy. Fireball lasts for 5 seconds.

... ... ...

[Chain Lightning]

Cost: 20 Energy

Cool down: 1 minute

Player casts an electricity based attack that jump between foes, striking multiple enemies. Chain Lightning lasts for 1.2 seconds.

... ... ...


Cost: 30 Energy

Player casts a healing spell that heals user or allies for 100 HP.

... ... ...


Cost: 10 Energy/s

Player casts a healing spell that heals selected target for 2% of HP every second.

... ... ...


Cost: 40 Energy

Player casts a spell that increases a selected target's Stats by 10%. Buff lasts for 1 minute.

... ... ...


Cost: 40 Energy

Player's casts a spell onto a target which increases HP by 100% for 30 Seconds and negates 20% of all damage.

... ... ....

[Arcane Beam]

Cost: 50 Energy

Cool down: 1 minute

Player shoots a beam of arcane energy, dealing 70 damage to a single enemy.

... ... ...

[Arcane Bomb]

Cost: 50 Energy

Cool down: 2 minutes

Player bombs an area of 5x5 meters with an Arcane bomb, dealing 50 damage to all enemies within.

... ... ...

Erin grinned at the descriptions of the skills laid bare before him.

He was curious as to why the system didn't simply show the skill descriptions. Perhaps it was meant to be some sort of test to the Players.

If it was a test, it seemed slightly stupid but... who was he to judge? There was bound to be people who weren't particularly bright in the head and decided to choose whatever they so preferred without caring for the consequences.

He had met some of these kinds of people over the short course of his life but he tended to never pay them much heed.

Headstrong people aside, the skill descriptions were just perfect for what he needed.

He had always admired sorcerer type characters for their abilities which were weak early and strong late game but he had never expected that he would get a wide variety of skills before he had even logged in.

He thought about how he wanted to play and finally decided that if he was going to play the game with a spear, he should choose skills that would compliment his choice of weaponry.

In the end, Erin chose three abilities.

Regenerate, Piercing Thrust and Energy Slash. Piercing thrust and Energy Slash were going to be the bread and butter of his abilities meant for dealing damage while Regenerate would be his way to heal, in case any monsters screwed him over pretty badly.

Although Regenerate seemed to be an especially bad ability when it came to healing due to it being able to only heal 20% of Erin's maximum Health at the cost of all his Energy, this wasn't the case. At later levels, if Erin's Energy regenerated at a rate equal to or surpassing the cost of the skills's ability, he would be able to use the skill indefinitely.

After the fanfare of his Character Creation ended and he clicked finalize, the screens surrounding him started to gradually fade away.

Immediately, the feeling of floating around in space faded away and instead it was replaced with a tug of immense strength.

Erin's body seemed to transform into a beam of light that shot down towards the Critical world. The planet seemed to grow bigger and bigger. Soon he shot past mountains, valleys, lakes and even giant volcanoes.

Erin experienced a multitude of different sceneries in the span of 20 seconds. They passed by in the blink of an eye but Erin tried his best to carve them into his mind.

Tundras, sandy desserts, shadowed lands, lush pastures, dense forests, mountains ranges and even entire oceans were being passed by!

A moment later his body which was merely a beam of light arrived at the start of his adventure. The birthplace of humanity,

The Island of beginnings

Second Chapter of the Critical world.

I tried adding more imagery to this chapter. Tell me if ya like it.

Enjoy, mortals.

Haven_In_The_Darkcreators' thoughts
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