



Red everywhere...

I seem to be drowning in a sea of red. A red so vivid, it could have been blood. I almost wish it was blood. It would have seemed more threatening than those mere petals, strewn all over the path, the dusty path leading to the forest, the forest where no human dares to set foot.

But no, those carnation petals sat comfortably on the road, looking so innocent, so blissful, as if nature had made a beautiful trail to take a lazy walk. Only this trail led nowhere and Poppy had disappeared down this trail.

No, I didn't believe it at first. I mean, it doesn't occur every day that you get up in the middle of the night to see your younger sister sneaking out of the house, wearing nothing but her flimsy nightdress.

I wish I could've seen her face. I wish I could have known that she had disappeared of her own free will just like her…

No, I couldn't bear to think of her, not yet. Poppy's missing and I need to find her. I couldn't let her be lost.

I look at the small trinket gleaming in my hand. A little ruby, set amidst the delicate silver heart. I have the details memorized now. One small heart, two hands enclosing it.

'Two hands,

One heart,

Two minds,

One start…'

she used to chant in her singsong voice.

I jolt myself awake. Not again.

The trinket was a gift from her.

The locket which my sister insisted on wearing even after she was gone. We had fought over and over about that little silver piece, but somehow, Poppy was attracted to it. She wouldn't let it go for all these years.

I shoved that object onto my pocket. Looking at it brought back too many memories, unhealthy ones. They would leave me unfocussed.

Instead I tried to concentrate on the path ahead. The woods were silent, except the shrill cry of a cicada and the occasional hooting of an owl. The carnation petals had been strewn from my threshold and ended here.

Surprisingly, there is no way my sister could get hold of these petals. I was pretty sure she had no flower basket when she left. Besides, it's winter and carnations are rare in these region. Petals like these could cost a fortune and we certainly don't have money.

Since the day my mother died, we have been living off my part time job at the local grocery store.

The day my mother died is something I remember very vaguely. Maybe it had been the cold, or the shock, my age, whatever, I don't remember the day or the date. I just remember some garbled words she had tried to speak.

She had been half delirious with fever but the moment she had caught my hand, I had seen the fire in her eyes. I knew she had tried to tell me smoothing, but she could utter only 'Poppy'. She kept desperately pointing towards a silver chain she was wearing.

I remember it very well. It was jade, a precious piece which had been from the times before dad left us.

I practically don't remember my dad. My mom refused to talk about him at any time. As far as my memory goes, we were told that he disappeared.

Why did all the people I know have to disappear?

What the heck was wrong with my family?

Mom had tried to say something to me about that necklace. Poppy had disappeared leaving behind this.

An uncanny feeling was creeping up my bones.

What if?

No, it can't be.

But then…

Could these necklaces be connected in anyway?