

Finally I reached the adventure guild in the town of Oka, as soon as I entered I got in line to be attended.

"How can I help" the attendant said, looking at me curious.

Of course many people will look strange to you when you are 1.87 meters wearing an iron armor from head to toe and the only part seen of your body are red lights coming out of the visor of your helmet.

"I'd like to register as an adventurer."

"Of course you just have to fill out this form, if you do not know how to read and write we can call someone to help".

"Thanks, I can do it for myself".

It was only a compromise agreement and if I die it would not be the fault of the guild.

"Now that you've signed, let's take the test to see your position in the ranks".

I followed the girl who still did not know the name to a training area where she had a man as tall as me, but instead of having a sword and a shield he had a two-handed sword.

"Next" he shouted loudly.

I realized it was me, I drew my sword, and I bent my knees slightly, and entered into battle.

This man looks at me approvingly, but shortly afterwards he uses the [charge] ability to come up to me.

I wait until the right moment and I dodge to the left and take a step back, take posture and use [charge], but as soon as my shield was to lean against his shoulder I activated [shield strike], but with a very fast speed he intercepts my shield with his sword, but I was not finished and I used my sword to hit a [heavy blow] toward his stomach.

However this time he deflects the blow and hits a kick in my knee making me lose my balance before I can react his sword is already in my throat.

"Hohoho," he laughs in a strange way, "we have a promising newcomer here, well you can go back to the reception hall."

While I waited in the hall a man in cloth clothes and a scepter came and talked to me.

"Hello! I saw how good you were at the tests and how good are you with the shield. What do you think about joining us?" He says as he points to where four people are sitting at a table.

The first one I see is this guy in cloth clothes, 1.70 meters, about 17 or 18 years, blond hair blue eyes a beautiful and innocent face can be said, he seemed to be a priest or healer for his clothes and aura.

The second person who caught my attention was the blue-haired girl holding a bow, she was 1.62 meters, but what caught my attention were her pointed ears showing that she was an elf, another thing that caught my eye was her flat chest like a table, but I guess I will not comment on that.

The third also wore cloth clothes and a staff, brown hair and a not exceptional face and his height of 1.65 meters plus his glasses came to mind exactly the image of a young magician.

The fourth was a girl wearing leather clothes of 1.67 meters, dark hair and eyes with ears of a panther on top of her head, her belt has two daggers tied and in all his clothes there are several throwing knives stuck in it.

Finally a woman of 1.72 meters carrying two short swords one on each side of the waist wearing an armor of plates with pieces of leather not to hinder her movement, her blood red hair was trapped in a ponytail.

After watching for a while I ask.

"May I ask what rank you are?"

The rank determines which quests you can or can not do and are SSS, SS, S, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, from the strongest to the weakest.

"We just moved up to F rank."

From the aura emanating from him I can see that he has no evil intentions against me, how do I know that? OH! True, I have not introduced myself so I will show my status.

Name: Ronan

Level: 1

Age: 16

Sex: Male

Race: High human

Class: Guardian

Titles: Reincarnated, chosen by the goddess

MP: 250/400

Stamina: 500/550

Strength: 55

Resistance: 55

Agility: 40

Dexterity: 40

Wisdom: 40

Intelligence: 40

Skills: [one-handed sword mastery] (5/10), [shield mastery] (5/10), [sword and shield mastery] (MAX), [heavy blow] (1/10), [shield strike] (1/10), [charge] (1/10), [stone skin] (1/10), [enhanced strength] (1/10)

Special skill: [+ 3x experience]

Unique Skills: [Eyes of Intentions]

Points of exchange: 0

Well now you know me, [Eyes of intentions] let me see if people have good or bad intentions for me, [+ 3x experience] makes me earn 4x more exp than a normal person summarizing if a normal person earns 1 I earn 4, most adventurers have similar abilities this mine is just slightly above the average so it does not draw much attention, the other skills are practically high explanatory.

"I'd like to, but" "Before I'd finished speaking, the girl at the counter called me.

"Sir you were automatically placed in the F rank now you just need a drop of blood on that card".

As soon as she said it the cleric was happy, I took my gauntlet from the right hand as the left held the shield made a small cut and dripped a drop.

"Thank you very much Ronan now you are officially an adventurer" as soon as she finished talking turned and left.

"Well then, why do not you meet the people in your new group".

Reaching near where they were sitting the cleric began to introduce himself.

"I am Mikael a priest lvl 2, 18 years".

"Douglas, wizard lvl 2, 17 years," the man says softly.

"Remi as you can see I am an elf and also a Ranger lvl 1, 16 years" says very lively.

"Ana from the killer panther tribe lvl 2, 17 years" says the girl with black hair with indifference

"Hella, double swordsman lvl 2, 17 years" talks while facing me.

"Ronan, I'm an lvl 1 guardian at the age of 16" by the time I say that, they stare at me.

Of course a tall guy like me with a thicker voice would think at least 20, but now that I spoke my age they are a little astonished.

"Hahaha you look so old, but you're my age," says Remi excitedly.

"So now that our group is well-balanced. We're going to hunt down some animals and monsters to sell" Hella says. She's the leader of this group "Remi and Ana are going to look for the targets, once they find, they'll come back and tell us, after that Ronan will engage in a right battle with me right behind Mike takes care of no one to suffer much damage, you Remi amd Douglas prevent them from surrounding us, Ana will look for an opportunity while protecting Mike and Douglas, any questions?"

Everyone nodded, it seems that the leader of our group is very efficient in strategies I think I did well come in this group.

"Okay then let's go back to the inn to eat and go rest for tomorrow, as soon as the sun rises I want you to stand up," Hella says.

I accompanied them to the lodge, it was a very cheap, but we are still adventurous from low rank nothing to complain about, we will stay in two separate rooms by gender.

Six plates of beef soup with potato and a piece of bread for each was put on the table along with six mugs most contained juice or water only my contains beer.

As soon as the food arrived I took off my helmet and it was at that moment that everyone looked at me, my white hair and red eyes just left my male features even more masculine.

As they stared at me I began to eat as if I did not care about them looking at me.

"I expect a guy with a grander face for his voice and physical" said Remi, with a chuckle.

"Are you some half-breed or something?" Asked Mike.


"As well as you can see I'm a normal as Hella, as you can see Remi is an elf and Ana a panther woman, since Douglas is half human half dwarf" Mike says this to be able to create more trust among the group.

"I'm a high human".

"Oh! Do you mean that you are of the high nobility?" Says Hella.

"Not that I know of, I was raised as a child by a dwarf who found me in the middle of the forest, but he died a few days ago so I came to town to make some money as an adventurer".

"A, I'm sorry for your loss," Douglas says.

"Okay, I can deal with it".

At the end of the dinner I went to the bedroom, took off my armor and placed it in a corner and with a bucket of water and a towel I washed, put on a cleaner clothes that I took out of my bag, a dagger from under my pillow next to mine and prepared for the next day.

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