
5 Unmasked

She could not believe what she just read.

She stared at the paper, lost in thought.

"This is..." Alex was in distraught.

"I'm sorry. If I haven't known you would come to the same event..." Lea trailed of.

"No. It can't be..." She mumbled. It can never be. How did this happen? She needs to calm down. A long silence filled the air.

After some time, Lea brought water for her to drink. Alex drank the whole glass of water.

Tears flowed down her pretty face. She was lost in thought. Lea looked at Alex sadly but calmly said, "Do you want to leave? I will leave with you." Alex looked at Lea and shook her head.

"Are we..."

Alex took a deep breathe. "I need closure. I must witness and know the truth even though it hurts." Alex wiped her tears. Lea stared at her worriedly.

"If that's what you want..."

"I can handle it. Trust me. I must." Alex reassured her.

Lea nodded obediently. They went to the washroom to fix themselves and went to see the 2 men.

Some time later, the 2 men waiting at the lobby saw them approaching.

Alexander sighed with relief. James smiled from ear to ear. Both women were puzzled.

A woman approached the group.

"James and Alexander?" The event coordinator asked as they arrived with the entourage.

"Yes?" They both said.

"We have a shoot to attend with all the Entourage. Please follow me and my assistant will lead other guest to the event proper. Thank you." the event coordinator said.

James stood up and kissed Lea on her hand. "I'll see you soon." Lea blushed and looked at her hand. She caressed her hand and stared at James. James gave a reassuring smile. Lea's heart skipped a beat.

Alexander went to Alex and noticed sadness in her eyes. Alexander held her hand and stayed there for 2 minutes. Alex stared at his eyes and smiled at him that made Alexander's heart beat rapidly. He hugged her and She felt his warm arms covering her. She felt secured in his gesture. He stood up and kissed Alex forehead. Alex jolted up but Alexander and James left with the event coordinator.

The assistant ushered them into the event proper. As they approached the venue, they saw an ark with red roses in it, tulle beautifully draped across the room and a stage full of orchids, roses, tulips and stargazers. It was breath taking. They took their seats and looked at all the decorations in the venue.

While waiting for the wedding to start, they both saw the parents of the bride and groom. They mingled with everybody to kill time. Charles' parents approached them.

"Ah, it is so nice to meet you Alex and Lea. I remembered that Charles used to be friends with you. I'm glad you both came." Charles mother said.

"It's nice seeing you both again in such a long time." Charles father said.

"Thank you Andrea and Tom. This is a wonderful wedding." Alex replied.

"I wish I could have the same wedding in the future." Lea chuckled.

"Oh you will, until you find the lucky man." Andrea snickered.

They all laughed.

The event coordinator announces, "Ladies and Gentlemen, the wedding will soon start so please take your seats and prepare yourselves for the couple."

"Excuse us ladies but we have to go." Charles mother said.

"See you later at the reception. Thank you for sharing you time with us." Charles father said.

The couple went into the back to prepare for the wedding.

As the music starts, an orchestra playing Canon in D major interlude was heard, each entourage enters from flower girls, ring bearer, Bible bearer, bridesmaids, groomsmen with James, the maid of honor...

When the best man arrived, Alex was stunned when she saw Alexander walking down the aisle. She had no idea that he would be the best man. She racked her brains to figure out what is happening. She stood transfixed at Alexander's direction.

Alexander looked through the crowd and spots Alex not from afar. He caught her eye and guilt starts to raise in his heart. He managed to put on a smile to hide his guilt. Everybody did not notice his reaction. He walked the aisle with ease.

Alex finally thought. So Monique is her sister? He said that it is his sister's wedding but he is the best man...Could it be...

The chorus is heard, the groom came. Alex looked at the groom's face. It really is Charles. An electricity surged on her. Her heart is hurting. She can't bear what she was about to witness...

The bride came with her long veil, lace in her top part of the dress with embellishments and organza on her waist down. She looked like an angel that exudes purity and meekness. It was a flowy dress that moves with her every step. Alex world turned upside down. She remembered that face very well. She trembled slightly. Lea noticed Alex and held her up. Lea's brows furrowed at the sight of her friend. She was about to take Alex's arm when Alex gave her a warning look. Lea understood her and sighed.

The wedding started.

"Thank you to all who came for Charles and Monique today. We are here to be a part of their lives and to be a witness of their love for each other."

Alex looked at the couple in a daze. After some time, she heard the presider say,

"If anyone is againsts their marriage, speak now or may forever be in peace."

Alex remembered that faithful day. She looked at the couple intently.

As the couple looked at the crowd, a hint of surprise flashed across the bride's eyes. She saw Alex and they both stared, eyes locked in.

After some time, the crowd stayed silent. A sigh of relief filled the air as the couple exchanged looks. Alex knew it was time to let go of the past.

Some time, she heard the presider said,

"I now pronounce you as husband and wife. Charles, you may kiss your bride."

The couple kissed.

Everybody cheered.

As the ceremony ended, everybody took some pictures. The assistant lead all guest to the reception to wait for the newlyweds. The sitting arrangement is at the left side of the entrance. Alex and Lea knew their names would not be in it. They sneaked a peak on how the venue was decorated. Before they entered, the event coordinator approached them.

"Are you Lea and Alex?"

Both ladies nodded in unison.

"Please come with me and sit in tables 3 and 2."

She lead them to their seats. Lea sat in table 3 while Alex sat in table 2. Their seats are close to each other that made them feel at ease. There were candles beside the bowl of flowers and a frame stands in the middle of the table. There were tulips, roses, orchids and a stargazer in the bowl, arranged beautifully. The frame has babies' breath flowers piled one after the other over the stand filling the bottom length of the frame. The centerpiece was the arranged flowers with the frame stands straight at the center. The candles are floating in a bowl of water as the scent of lavender filled the air. It gave a cooling ambiance and the atmosphere was calm. The tables are draped in a Every guest took their seats while waiting for the event to start.q

Soon, the host announces, "Let us all welcome our lovely couple, Charles and Monique."

Everybody stood up and cheered for the couple. Alex saw that it was joyfulness and warmth that filled the room. She felt she had been a thorn for this couple. She sighed with contentment in her heart. She had let go and she was happy. Everybody in the room were flamboyant and shared their support for the couple. She even went to the couple to give an envelope for them. Lea knew her friend has moved on and she was so happy. She went to Alex and hugged her.

"I'm so proud of you." Lea whispered.

"I'm surprised myself." Alex smiled and looked at the couple's direction. "I'm happy for them."

When Alex turned around, she accidentally bumped into Alexander. The force was so strong they both fell. Alex was about to head the ground when a strong arm pulled her in and landed on his chest. She did not expect what had happened. People surrounding them looked worriedly. She lift her head and saw Alexander's face. She felt his warm breath. His breath was as cool as the breeze and minty. She laid on top of him. A flash of embarrassment crept in.

"Are you hurt?" Alexander asked.

"No, I'm fine." Alex replied. She stood up and bid everybody that she is fine. She helped Alexander up but he managed to get up as fast as he could.

All of a sudden, it's time for the couple to dance as husband and wife. The lights suddenly dimmed. The band started to play "For You" by Kenny Latimore. As the singer started to sing, the couple danced the waltz until the song suddenly changed into "All of Me" by John Legend. The couple suddenly went into interpretative. The crowd was amused to the scene unfolding. They stared at each other as the bride twirls. They parted and ran into each other's arms. The dj just dropped the beat of "Shut up and Dance with me" by Walk the Moon. All of a sudden the host says, "Let us all dance to the beat!"

Alexander looked at Alex direction. He was hoping that Alex would dance with him. He was surprised that Alex looked at the couple then turned to him and smiled. She exclaimed, "I love this song!"

He blurted out, "Do you want to dance with me?"

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