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Alexander (P.O.V)

That bitch Olivia... She is just out of her mind!! Can't she just go somewhere and die? What a headache in this early morning.

And on top of that.. Erza had listened to all of her bullshit. I've to go and check on her.


Musa (P.O.V)

I was in my thoughts when the door with a bang got opened and he came inside. Like what the hell is his problem? Can't he just leave me alone and go on another business trip?

Alexander (went towards the wardrobe and take out one of his casual wearing shirts): "Why are you still sitting? Fresh yourself and came downstairs for breakfast."

Musa (I look at him in shock and reply to him wholly opposite of his question): "Why are you taking out your shirt from my wardrobe? And where did it pop out from it so suddenly? It was not there until yesterday!!"

Alexander (sigh): "No need to be freaked out! I ask the butler to put some sets of my clothes in this wardrobe."

Musa (while biting her lips): "But why?"