
I'm Overreacting!?

When she stepped out of the car Mia didn't see the person she was expecting to see but it was someone she would never expect.

"Umm... Kelvin? What're you doing here?"

"We were just passing by when we saw you, thought you might need help... Jacob is also here see..." Kelvin pointed towards his car where now Jacob was leaning against it.

When Kelvin was talking Mia smelled a strong stench of alcohol in his breathe and she noticed that his eyes were bloodshot. Mia immediately understood that he was under the influence of drugs & completely drunk.

"Is your car broken? Oh! Come with us then! We'll take you home!" Kelvin smirked at Mia, his eyes had a glint of evil in it.

Mia was not stupid. She caught the look in his eyes when he was looking at her up & down. She knew it was not safe to go with them so she immediately refused,


"Actually someone is going to be here soon to pick me up so, thank you guys I'll just wait for my friend here."


After turning them down without waiting for their response she turned and opened the car door but in the next second she felt something really hard hitting on the back of her head and she felt a sharp pain. Before completely losing consiouseness she heard Kelvin & Jacob laughing coldly.


Mark's Home :


"Will you just stop calling her now... Why are you so obsessed with Johnson ha..." Lucas was really getting agitated seeing Mark constantly calling Mia and completely ignoring his presence.



"But she's not picking up buddy! I've been trying to reach her for past an hour now. Joey went to pick her up but she wasn't there!" Mark said anxiously.



"So what? She might've taken a cab or something. She's not a kid you know... you're overreacting!"



"I'm Overreacting!? Lucas it's not a safe place where she is right now plus her car broke. She is not answering her phone! She wasn't in her car!

She said to me that if she gets a cab she'll text me but she didn't! Don't you think there is a possibility that something must be wrong?" Mark glared at Lucas.


"Oh! Shut it! Who told her to go alone. It was her own decision alright! What can go wrong, ha! It's not like she'll die!" Lucas snapped.


"LUCAS!" Mark shouted,


"If you can't help then just shut your f***ing mouth!

I don't know the reason why you hate her so much but I don't believe that she's wrong.

She is not someone to be treated like that Lucas! She deserves better!

And if you are just going to talk crap like that then you better F**K OFF!"



Lucas was fuming in anger. He knew Mark was really angry at him because he never talked to him like this before.It was the first time they were arguing and that too over Mia!

Lucas's hatred for Mia had escalated to another level today!

He already observed the bonding between Mark & Mia but he never thought that one day Mia will become someone so important to his buddy that he will fight with him over her! Looks like he really did underestimated Johnson!

Lucas didn't say anything else and just left Mark's home fuming in anger.

After he left Mark once again tried calling Mia but this time it didn't even ring it was turned off!

Mark was really anxious now! He wanted to drive to the town to search for Mia but the weather was getting really bad. He was not able to do anything. Now he could only just wait either for Mia to contact him first or for the weather to get clear!





While Mark was in his dilemma,

somewhere outside the city in an abandoned building two highschool boys were doing drugs and drowning in alcohol when they heard a faint voice of a girl from a corner.


Jacob walked to the corner and threw a bucket of water at the girl to wake her up!




Mia's eyes flew wide open and her body almost went numb because of the cold water. She frantically looked everywhere to see where exactly she was and what was happening.


The last thing she remembered was that someone hit her maybe Kelvin or Jacob and she fainted!


'But why the hell they do that?'


'And where am I?'


She saw Jacob standing infront of her and Kelvin coming towards them too. The way he was stumbling a little Mia got that he was completely wasted and her eyes shifted from Kelvin to Jacob. She tried to observe Jacob to see if he was also in the same condition as Kelvin.

Jacob's eyes were also bloodshot and the smell of alcohol was also lingering from him as he pulled Mia off the floor grabbing the collar of her shirt.


"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING? WHY DID YOU BRING ME HERE?" Mia shouted at the both of them.




In the next second Jacob slapped her hard. As Mia fell on the floor her right cheek swelled and the corner of her lip got cut.


Jacob's evil laughter echoed in the building but soon the room was filled with the both of them cursing Mia and hitting her.

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