
COTE : Bizarre High School .

Wouldn't you like to see as well... As to how JojoXCote would go? Well, you have come at the perfect place then. I won't be dropping this fan fiction by the way. ----------------------------------- The MC is a stand user. He's sent to the Advanced Nurturing High School. He had a poor family background, thus the moment he heard about this school, he immediately applied. “Why does he give me vibes like he will be a troublesome piece in the future?”, Ayanokoji thinks. “Interesting. I will make sure you get in my class! ”, Ryuen smirked. “Hmph. I will see how long you refuse to become my friend Horikita-San! I have him on my side! ”, Kushida says aloud, while Horikita shivers. “Let's see how he fares... Against me. ” Sakayangi says to herself while laughing a little. “Thank you for your help. ” Ichinose thanks while bowing. “This school... it's so Bizzare. ” --------------------------------- Meet Aiden, the 'normal' highschooler. Join him on his journey of getting to Class A for getting in speed-oops, Spoilers.

TheDarkestFragment · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 7 : The Richest Freshman Speedrun In A Month!

(Flintlock POV)

A gardener... Age, 65... Family, Granddaughter... Past records, no crimes... Found brutually murdered and tied to a pole at the school alley... Happens to be a stand user... Traces of footsteps near the crime scene... Couldn't be tracked after it reached to the inside of school dormitories... CCTV footage black out for 6 minutes 32 seconds...

The CCTV staff was alright, both mentally and physically, that means none of them were overtaken by his stand...

Then how and who managed to help him? Or is it as the kid suspected?

'Blood bath is able to go back into the bodies he had taken over... '

The previous body actually died due to kidney failure. The heart was ripped out later. BloodBath is trying to show us how we are incapable of arresting him, even when we know he is behind it. We can't do anything...

He's taunting us.

*Crack, glass shatters*

Putting the broken glass of wine into the dustbin, and calling the doctor, we got bandages on our right hand, the fragments of glass were taken out as well.

Now the question stands... How do we get BloodBath? And incidents like these may happen often, how do we stop them in advance?

We can't put a teenager in danger, even if he is a stand user, no matter how good his stand is, he's still inexperienced.

Sighing, we got up from our chair, and attached the photo of the dead gardener on the wall, along with few sticky notes around it. The whole board was now filled with many victims... BloodBath being in the center.

Hopefully, we won't be regretting the decision of putting a teenager in this mess...

(??? POV)

"Aiden Infinity... He's strong, really strong... If I can get his body then... I wouldn't need to switch between bodies anymore. Although he is a brat, it would be hard to take over him, like it was with the geezer. His will was strong, it took me 4 hours taking over him... "

So, let's weaken him first.

Licking my lips I joined the darkness, disappearing completely.

"Belief is a wise wager. " - Blaise Pascal.

(Aiden POV)

Waking up before the alarm, I felt energized. Is this the effect of hamon? My sleep cycle has been reduced... Incredible.

Thinking about the benefits of my abilities, I opened the fridge, and ate the left over chocolate chips in the can.

"BE-!" *Smack*


Going to the washroom, I brushed my teeth up, took a shower, then came out with a towel tugged on my lower body.

Changing into my uniform, I noticed few creases here and there. So, I ironed it after taking it off, then wore it again.

Picking up my bag, I closed the dorm after me, heading to the elevator, I heard heartbeat coming from inside of it, and checked who it was with my stand.


Ayanokoji sure is always early. Entering the elevator, I greeted him, which he gave a subtle nod to.

He was sweating? I don't think the elevator is hot though. Why is he sweating?

"Ayanokoji San, I don't think it's too hot. Why are you sweating? "

He looked at me for few seconds, then spoke.

"Uh, I just had a nightmare. Nothing too much to worry about. "

Nodding to his response, we parted ways after reaching the corridors. The school time was over without much events again, I was invited for shopping again, to which I politely refused.

But... I feel like I am forgetting something...

Where's my student ID? I think I left it at my room... Heading back, I saw a Short haired Blonde girl standing in front of my room. I recognized her face from far.

'Kushida? What is she doing here? '

Approaching her, I poked my finger at her shoulder who was still in daze.

"Huh? Oh, Infinity San! I waited on the ground floor in the morning! Why didn't you come? Didn't you say that you'd be there? "

So this was what I was forgetting...

Shaking my head, as if to deny whatever negative thoughts she had in her mind.

"Kushida San, I woke up late today, so I couldn't come. And I also forgot my student ID in my room due to being in hurry... I apologize for that. Please, come in, let's shift the meeting to 'now' 'at' my room. "

I said, as I began unlocking my room, opening the door for her like a gentleman, she entered, closing it behind her, she tip toed inside the room after taking out her shoes at the front of the door.

For a while she looked around the whole room, as if she was a newborn, who came just out of her mother's womb.

"This is my first time entering a boy's room... Surely enough, it's wonderful, tidy, clean and even a nice smell is lingering in the air... As expected of you Infinity San! "

She spoke her sweet words, like a devil luring you in its embrace, with it's lullaby. But, it was ineffective on me, why? Two reasons, one knowledge, two hamon's benefit of providing calmness to mind.

She then sat on the bed, I asked her if she needed tea or coffee. She asked for coffee with extra sugar... Can't believe I have something in common with the devil in disguise.

Handing her a cup of coffee on a plate, with some cookies that I bought yesterday, I sat on the chair.

For few minutes there was silence, neither she spoke, nor did I. Only the sipping of coffee could be heard.

"So, Infinity San said he could help me with Horikita-San being my friend? "

She asked cutely with her finger on her chin, with a hint filled with a mix of curiosity.

Putting my empty coffee cup on the table, I finally made a move against the other classes. The first move, which will be sure to make me in control, of the center of the board.


Kushida : I see... That does seem like it would work. I am glad you are willing to help me Infinity San! Well then, I will be off, let's start the Operation Horikita at the decided date. I will do what you said for today.

She said, and walked out of the room. I got up, and put the coffee cups and the plates into the sink, then ate the left over cookies after locking the door.

But she said one last thing from outside, "Infinity San is better than Honami San described him to be! Thank you once again !"


There is time Huh? The first phase should take few days atleast. Let's go outside to pass time, even though we can just stay inside and practice hamon.

Locking the door behind me, I headed towards the elevator, pressing the ground floor button, I stepped out of it once I had reached on the ground.






Spending my high school days, 'normally', practicing hamon everyday in my free time, attending all classes seriously, I had created an image of a strategist in the class of myself. Along with Kanzaki whose intelligence was not paid attention to, till a week.

Now, today is 1st May. A whole month has passed since I came in this world.

(7:12 AM)

[1,026,000 points have been received. The sender party is, XXOO***.]

Not many things have happened... I think. But, surely the few ones are not normal in other's view. I thought after glancing at the Points history.

Transmigration into another world. Becoming a supernatural user, fighting off a pawn of a murderer with supernatural powers, along with the murder being immortal if he uses his ability right. And being in the same roof under a murderer's yet not knowing who it is...

Everything about this situation... Screams.


[Total Balance = 3,166,000 Pri Points.]

(3rd POV)


In Class D, a despairing situation was occurring... The homeroom teacher, Sae Chabashira had called each one of the students of her class... Trash.

After telling them about their foolishness, as to how they had failed to be a proper student, and naively thought that they would be getting 100,000 points per month.

Resulted in getting 0 points this month. She then wrote down on the white board, the Class points of each class right now.

Class A - 940 Class Points

Class B - 810 Class Points

Class C - 580 Class Points

Class D - 0 Class Points

She explained them about the S-System.

"By getting 0CP you all have proven, the school to be able to gauge the talents properly. They were right in putting you all in, Class D, truly worthy of being defectives.

The school judges each one of your's values, by your performance and acheivements made.

That's the S-System. The current points have already been allocated, and as you can see... It's zero for you all. This is your current value. Trash. " Her words rang in the classroom like hammering a nail inside their heads, none of them spoke against it.






The homeroom teacher Kazuma Sakagami was in the corner sitting on a chair, looking at his class in happiness but upset about one fact...


In Class C, Ryuen, the tryant as the class called him now, and the others who have heard about his, violence which he used to unify the class.

Was glaring at his classmates fiercely, his mood was really sour right now, not only that, he was infact very angry on the current situation.

It wasn't the Class Points. He was actually happy about this, thanks to his luck, being able to find out the advanced information by a deduction which, was convincing, by a certain Class B student.

And he was also glad to have a talent of intelligence like, Shiina Hiyori, who he found later to be highly intelligent in not only academics, but also in the factors of intelligence.


He had shared this information with her, which she positively responded to, she told as to how this is a very likely possibility, then he acted that way, and now the CP of his class had boosted significantly, if he were to compare it to what he was going to do before.

But right now, that wasn't the most worrying thing. It was a good fortune instead, the thing he was currently raging about... Was a contract made with many of his classmates, and was kept confidential up till now.

Ryuen had asked for points today, which he planned to do before, if not for discovering something unique.

But, now... He was told that more than half of his class, had only this month's points. And that too were halved, due to a contract with an individual...

"Tell me about the contract in detail... RIGHT NOW. " He demanded, his voice was like a silent bullet.

Soon, a delinquent looking like boy got up, and headed down, he was then looking at the floor after he stood in front of Ryuen.






After hearing about it in detail, he looked at Shiina who was in thought, sighing she spoke.

"In accordance for 72% of our class to not lose more points, we would need to pay for the fees of ending the contract. Which is... 20,000 points per person. " She ended with another sigh, then continued reading her book.

Ryuen contemplated for a moment, then demanded the people who participated in this contract, to come down right now. So he knows how many participated.

For now, the class paid him 50% of their points as a sort of tax, as he ensured them that, he will make them reach Class A, along with being the only one in this class, who can achieve this made them trust him.






(Aiden POV)

An hour ago, Hoshinomiya Chie had written the Class Points of each class, CP for short. She revealed as to how the evaluation of points worked, and some questions were asked, confirming my claims, many looked at me like a genius.

After that almost the whole class transferred half the Points to Honami, for safe keeping. Along with praising me about my intelligence, then the quiz results were posted on the board, my score was 98, damn, back in my past life it would be only around 80's, hamon truly benefits the body Huh?

She explained as to how students who fail their midterms exam or finals will be instantly, expelled. But, our class didn't need to worry about that, most of the people scored above 70's, only a few were around 60's but that could be managed, after all none were close to failing.

After the classes came to an end, I got up to go into my room, but-



"Aiden Infinity, which one of you is Aiden? ", a delinquent like student had entered our class room, and was glaring at everyone present.

'Ishizaki Daichi huh...'


The green haired boy hit the table with his arm creating a loud noise, the few timid girls got frightened, but most of them just looked at him with anger.

Before anyone could speak, I jumped from the corner of my seat and landed near the exit of the room swiftly, he looked at me with surprise, but chuckled after seeing my uniform modifications.

Well, I did feel a little cringe, I guess no one said anything about it because they all are kind.

"What's with that... Hahahaha... That golden shiny uniform!? Even the shoes are golden! Oh my God, I am dying...! ", he kept on holding to his stomach while laughing crazily.

Another person came, he was standing in front of me, a magenta haired teenager, Ryuen Kakeru.

"Ishizaki I told you to find that guy, what the hell are you doing!? And, get out of the way... Clown. Wait- I think we have met before? Although, you weren't in these types of clothes at that time... "

"Ryuen Kakeru, the tryant of Class C, what can I do to help you? "

"So I am right, we did meet before. Nothing much, just tell me who is Aiden Infinity in your class. "

"Oh, that would be me. What is it that you want from me? "

"Oh! So you are that person! Due to you Ryuen San has been pissed since morning! Come here, I will teach you a lesson you'd never forget! ", Ishizaki said and began moving towards me, while rolling up his sleeves.

"Ishizaki, I had just ordered you to find and call who it was, I never asked you to do anything more... And yet, you are about to do it, in front of me? ", on Ryuen's words he stumbled back, and unrolled his sleeves.

"Let's have a chat in the cafe shall we? I am not too prone on the idea of involving my class into it, yet. " I said, and moved out of the class room while telling my class, that it's nothing serious and they don't have to worry.

Ryuen, Ishizaki along with a big build type body carrying teenager who was black- and wore black-sunglasses, Albert Yamada, along with a girl, Mio Ibuki were coming along with me.

[Image. ]

I took twists and turns around the place, and we reached a hidden cafe, which barely had any people of our age, mostly the workers of the school were present.

Taking a seat in the middle of the cafe, I ordered coffee for myself and politely asked what Ryuen and his team would prefer.

Before Ryuen could say anything, Ibuki spoke up, she asked for coffee as well, while Ishizaki asked for a pop soda, Albert ordered a cup of milk, all whilst Ryuen looked at them... Sighing, he ordered a cup of tea.

Soon our orders came, sipping my coffee I glanced at Ryuen, who was drinking his tea with his legs on the table in front of me.

"Don't you think it's rather rude to keep your feet on the table, that too in front of a person who you wish to have a talk with? "

"Tch. " He put down his feet off the table, and clicked his tongue, finally when he was done drinking his tea. He looked at me in the eyes, I didn't shy off with his fierce gaze, and met it with my own gaze concealed in gentleness.

"Drop the act Infinity. You leeched off the points my class had, I am here to close it. Along with the penalty fees... "

Heh. He must be pretty annoyed right now, oh well, shouldn't tease him more. It was delightful till it lasted.

"18 people of your class participated, that means 72%, the class points your class received were 580, that means each individual received 58,000 private points, and I am guessing you took half of it from everyone in your class...

Looking at your body guards, that seems to be the case, that means 29,000 points each, but...

That isn't possible for all, as according to the contract which 18 of them signed, those points have been already transferred to me, meaning 14,500 points from those 18 were taken, total amount you have currently is, 464,000 points.

And now, if we calculate the penalty fees, you will need to give 360,000 points, that would leave you with 104,000 points, which seems pitiful. " I said while calmly sipping my coffee.

He tapped his feet on the ground in impatience, as if telling me to come to the point.

Smiling, I took out the contract, and put it on the table.

[CONTRACT : Party A = Contractor, Party B = Investor.

Conditions ;

1. Investment : Party A, the contractor will receive investments from Party B, the investors. The currency used shall be in, points, 50% of the points from Party B shall be transferred to Party A, at the first of each month.

2. Confidentiality : Party B can't disclose this information to anyone else other than to the people of their, respective class. If Party B fails to keep the information confidential, it shall be charged with the penalty fees of 100,000 points, the class of the party shall pay for it if the individual who disclosed the information is unable to do so. Even if the individual who is Party B didn't disclose the information to other class, but someone who isn't Party B, from their class discloses it, it will be treated in the same manner as mentioned.

3. Fair trade : Party A, as the contractor, has to show results to Party B in 6 months, if unable to do so, the investments can be stopped without penalty charges on either party. Party A is not eligible for refunding the investments made.

4. Party A's mercy : If the penalty fees is too huge, Party A can reduce the amount .

Signature's of both parties : A- ... B- ... ]

"This is the contract the 18 people in your class signed, you can take a look. " I said as I passed the copy of the contract to Ryuen.

He read through it multiple times, frowning for a while then, smiling a bit, putting down the contract he stared at me.

Nodding, I gave him the confirmation of what I meant, he smiled. Then I showed two fingers.

"200,000 points. I will be reducing the penalty fees to this, on one condition. "

He turned serious and him along with his Bodyguard's were looking at me expectantly.

"You have to do one thing for me in the future. That's all, do you accept? "

With an amused grin, he chuckled.

"I think I remember now... Aiden, for a reason I thought I have heard it before. You are that class B detective, aren't you?

The theory of grading of the classes, A the highest and D the lowest. You were the one who gave me that information, that too for free... And you happened to be correct.

Now, you are also the Contractor who took 72% of my class's points, like shearing a sheep off its wool.

And about this condition, although if I say so myself I do feel a bit shameless, but it's for the benefit. So, I will accept it. "

The next moment a notification came, saying a transfer of 200,000 points has been received.

"I am glad you were as reasonable as I deduced you to be, well then, I am off. "

"Wait! I have another matter to discuss of with you. " Ryuen said when I was about to leave.

"Which is? "

"Information, you gave me such important information on Day 1. That means... Now that a month has passed, you should be aware of a lot by now. I wish to buy off some of that information from you. " He said.

"Sure. But the price may depend. " I said while sitting down on the wooden chair.





Later I walked back to my room after an hour. Checking my Student Id, I saw as to how much information has been on my chats.

Ichinose Honami - Infinity San! Are you alright? We followed you, but we lost you in the way, I apologize for invading on your privacy. But we just wanted to know whether you will be fine or not!

Kanzaki Ryuuji - What did Ryuen had come to talk about? And what did Ishizaki mean when he said Infinity San had pissed Ryuen off? What did you do Infinity San?

(+63 Messages...)

Angelic class huh? Smiling to myself, I texted them that I was alright, and said I will explain later. Then, lied down over the bed, I was a bit tired from putting a calm facade, and suppressing the urge to tremble and grin.

Right now if anyone saw me, they'd instantly compare me to a pervert. That's how my expression looked right now.

Anyways, I had sold the information about being able to rise through classes, and the individual method of reaching Class A to Ryuen for 65,000 points.

He actually didn't ask for any proof at all, simply trusting me, could it be... He admired me? So much that he felt BL for me...?

Oh god, what the hell am I thinking. Let's take a nap, that's the only way to calm down.

And counting to 3, I fell asleep.






[April 8th]

[3rd POV]

A white haired boy could be seen at a cafe, with two beauties of his year. One who looked cold but was beautiful nonetheless. One who was cute, and smiling showing a gentle warmth all around her.

The cold one was, none other than Horikita Suzune and the cute one was Kushida Kikyo. The white haired handsome boy with no impurity on his physical self, was the freshmen of Class 1-B, Aiden Infinity.

Soon after 15 minutes had passed, some students of the same year came to the cafe, ordering milk tea for all of them, Aiden took a good posture.

"Kushida San is it true? We can get our points increased? Over 100,000?", a girl from the Class 1-C asked, to which Kushida nodded.

"Hm! You see, this person here is planning on opening a cafe, just like the second year student, Nagumo Miyabi! This whole cafe is owned by that person. After looking into it, Aiden San found that he could do the same with proper funds!

So, he asked for my and Horikita-San's help! In return of calling all the investors, we'd be allowed to participate without investing! You all have to just donate sufficient funds to Aiden San, and in return after 6 months, the investments shall be doubled and given back to you! "

After Kushida finished, many who were hesitant, signed the contract right away, which Horikita-San passed to them.

They didn't even think of reading it. Although there were few who read the contract, and gave an excuse to slip out of it. But... Kushida gently holded onto one of their hands, and giving a cute facade, forced them to sign the contract without them being aware of what they did, till half an hour.

After that, people from Class D came, who also participated in the 'funding', then Class A, but most of them chose not to trust and slipped away, although... The few who participated were only possible due to Kushida's charm.

Like that... Aiden, had earned over a million points in a single day!






Author here! Sorry for taking too long of a break, I just wanted to see you all make this Fan fiction reach 50 powerstones, wanted to be proved wrong that it isn't an impossible task. But alas, even with my help, it wasn't possible...

Oh well. Whatever. Focus on the present is what the wise say! So, that's what I will do. BTW, this chapter is over 4K words. Hope you liked it! I sure did while writing it!

So, comment as I like to read and respond to them! And cmon! Donate your powerstones if you can't comment! Just do it!

Anyways, author out!


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