
Cosmic Janitor

A man on a hospital bed was offered a job by a god. Said god introduced himself as a "god of amusement and entertainment." The man unhesitatingly accepted; what was the reason? He was bored. Having lived his life to the literal fullest—parachuting, skydiving, racing, boxing, and other adrenaline-pumping activities—left him exactly in his condition—a crippled, sick, BUT bored man in his middle thirties.  Join him in his wild adventures as he battles devils, zombies, and all sorts of crazy stuff you can dream up while lying in bed. Updates: It depends on my workload. Also, on my cat's mood. Suggestions: I've got some "worlds" planned, but feel free to suggest a game or anime world that needs some serious "cleaning." Disclaimer: The characters mentioned are not mine, except the OCs. Especially not the Book Cover.

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80 Chs

Side chapter - I

{Before Being A Manager}

As the first light of dawn filters through the narrow windows of her stone chamber, Lisa, the Dark Knight, awakens from a restless slumber. The echoes of past battles and the weight of her cursed armor are constants in her life, reminding her of the path she has chosen. She rises from her bed, the cold floor sending a sharp sensation through her bare feet. The air is chilly, and a thin mist clings to the corners of the room, a remnant of the night's darkness.


Lisa dons her dark, rune-inscribed armor, each piece fitting snugly and securely. The armor, a relic of ancient power, hums with a faint, sinister energy. She wraps her hands around the hilt of her massive greatsword, its blade etched with intricate patterns that seem to move and shift in the dim light. With weapon in hand, she steps into the courtyard of the fortress.

The morning is spent in rigorous training. Lisa practices her combat techniques, her movements a blend of fluid grace and brutal efficiency. Each swing of her sword is accompanied by a whisper of dark energy, a reminder of the power she wields. She spars with other knights, each clash of steel a testament to her skill and determination. Despite the weight of her armor, she moves with a surprising agility, her body conditioned to endure the rigors of battle.


After training, Lisa joins a patrol of the surrounding lands. Mounted on her black steed, a creature as imposing as she is, they ride through the forests and fields, ever vigilant for signs of danger. The local villagers, though wary of her dark presence, have come to respect her for the protection she offers. Her eyes, sharp and discerning, scan the horizon for threats. Bandits, monsters, and worse lurk in the shadows, but with Lisa on patrol, they seldom strike.


News of a disturbance reaches the patrol—a village under attack by marauding creatures. Lisa leads her knights into battle, her sword a beacon of dark power that cleaves through the enemy ranks. The fight is fierce, the air thick with the sounds of clashing steel and the cries of the wounded. Lisa's presence on the battlefield is commanding; her armor glows with a dark light, and her enemies fall before her relentless assault.


As the sun sets, casting a crimson glow over the land, Lisa returns to the fortress. She dismounts her steed and heads to the chapel, a place where she can find a moment of solace. The chapel is dimly lit, candles flickering in the gloom. She kneels before the altar, her head bowed in silent prayer. Despite the darkness that surrounds her, Lisa seeks a sliver of redemption, a hope that one day she might find peace.


Night falls, and the fortress grows quiet. Lisa stands watch on the battlements, her gaze fixed on the horizon. The moon casts a pale light, illuminating the rugged landscape. Her thoughts drift to the battles fought and those yet to come. She is a guardian of the realm, a warrior bound to a life of conflict. The dark power she wields is both a blessing and a curse, a constant reminder of the price she pays for her strength.

As the stars wheel overhead, Lisa remains vigilant. The night is long, but she is ever ready. For Lisa the Dark Knight, duty never ends, and the fight against darkness is eternal

a bit bored so, yeah.

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