
Cosmic Janitor

A man on a hospital bed was offered a job by a god. Said god introduced himself as a "god of amusement and entertainment." The man unhesitatingly accepted; what was the reason? He was bored. Having lived his life to the literal fullest—parachuting, skydiving, racing, boxing, and other adrenaline-pumping activities—left him exactly in his condition—a crippled, sick, BUT bored man in his middle thirties.  Join him in his wild adventures as he battles devils, zombies, and all sorts of crazy stuff you can dream up while lying in bed. Updates: It depends on my workload. Also, on my cat's mood. Suggestions: I've got some "worlds" planned, but feel free to suggest a game or anime world that needs some serious "cleaning." Disclaimer: The characters mentioned are not mine, except the OCs. Especially not the Book Cover.

ChrisTian3421 · Komik
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80 Chs


(Katsuo POV)

Now in the simulator room, I bought Mana Core without hesitation, reducing my total points to 1,267,850. Instantly, I felt the formation of a Mana Core just below my sternum.

The Mana Core has seven major levels: Initiate Core, Apprentice Core, Adept Core, Expert Core, Master Core, Grandmaster Core, and Sovereign Core. Each major level has five sub-levels. I was currently at the very beginning, an Initiate Core Level 1.

I closed my eyes and focused on the newfound energy swirling within me. The core felt like a dense, concentrated sphere of mana, pulsing rhythmically.

Taking a deep breath, I started my meditation, drawing upon my knowledge and the techniques I had learned. The goal was to integrate this Mana Core into my existing skills and enhance them.

I began with Fire Manipulation, visualizing the flames more vividly than ever before. I focused on their intensity, trying to make them burn hotter and brighter. The Mana Core pulsed in response, sending waves of energy to fuel the flames. As I practiced, I could feel the fire's power increasing, becoming more controlled and potent.

Next, I moved on to Lightning and Electric Manipulation. I envisioned lightning arcs dancing around my hands, crackling with energy. The Mana Core's influence made the lightning more vibrant and sharper. I experimented with channeling the electricity into my movements, enhancing my speed and agility.

Earth Manipulation came next. I focused on the ground beneath me, feeling its solidity and strength. With the Mana Core's energy, I could manipulate larger chunks of earth more precisely and create more intricate structures. Pillars, spikes, and barriers formed effortlessly under my control.

Afterward, I practiced my Summoned Swords technique. I aimed to increase the number of swords I could summon and improve their efficiency. With the Mana Core's boost, I managed to summon ten swords instead of the usual eight. Their ethereal forms shimmered with enhanced power.

Lastly, I focused on Enhanced Shunpo. This technique required a seamless integration of speed and precision. The Mana Core's influence allowed me to move even faster, with smoother transitions between each step. I practiced zipping around the simulator room, dodging imaginary attacks and striking with pinpoint accuracy.

Throughout my training, I used Judgement Cut and Rapid Slash, my primary offensive techniques. Coating them with tri-elemental affinities, I felt their destructive potential grow significantly. The Mana Core's energy infused each slash and cut, making them deadlier and more efficient.

After hours of intense training, I finally stopped, feeling the strain on my body. The Mana Core had enhanced my abilities, but I still needed to adapt to its power. I glanced at the simulator's timer—it had been a solid twelve hours.

I took a deep breath, feeling a mix of exhaustion and exhilaration. The journey to mastering the Mana Core had just begun, but I could already feel its transformative effects. With time, I would unlock its full potential, making me a force to be reckoned with in the battles to come.





{One Day Later}

Reflecting on my earlier choices, I decided to make the most of the Sword Essence I had invested in. I began by integrating it more deeply into my combat techniques. Holding Sanchomo, I closed my eyes and focused on the bluish hue of ethereal energy coating the blade. This energy was now an extension of my will, a conduit for channeling my powers more efficiently.

I took a deep breath and focused on the tri-elemental properties: fire, lightning, and earth. The ethereal coating of Sanchomo responded, glowing more intensely. The blade crackled with energy, flames danced along its edge, and small shards of earth materialized and disintegrated in sync with my focus. Sanchomo felt alive, as if it was urging me to push its limits further.

With newfound determination, I decided to train and explore this enhancement.

New Training Regimen with Sanchomo:

1. Precision and Power Integration:

I began by practicing basic strikes and cuts, integrating the elemental properties into each swing. The ethereal coating amplified my attacks, making each strike more powerful and precise. I could feel the heat of the flames, the sharpness of the lightning, and the solidity of the earth in every movement.

2. Advanced Techniques:

I moved on to more advanced techniques like Judgment Cut and Rapid Slash. With the Sword Essence, these techniques became even more formidable. I could release concentrated bursts of tri-elemental energy with each cut, creating devastating effects. Rapid Slash became a whirlwind of fire, lightning, and earth, overwhelming any imagined foe in the simulator.

3. Summoned Swords Enhancement:

I decided to enhance my Summoned Swords with the Sword Essence. Visualizing the ethereal energy, I summoned multiple swords, each coated with the same bluish hue. The swords felt more responsive and powerful. I could control them with greater precision, launching coordinated attacks that combined their elemental affinities for maximum impact.

4. Defensive Techniques:

I also focused on defensive techniques, creating barriers and shields with earth manipulation, while using the fire and lightning to create deterrent zones around me. The Sword Essence enhanced my ability to switch between offensive and defensive stances seamlessly.

5. Endurance and Stamina:

Lastly, I worked on my endurance and stamina. The integration of the Mana Core had already improved my overall energy levels, but I needed to ensure that my body could handle prolonged use of the enhanced Sanchomo. I practiced long training sessions, gradually increasing the intensity and duration to build my stamina.

After a week of intensive training, I could feel the difference. The Sword Essence, combined with the Mana Core and my tri-elemental affinities, had transformed Sanchomo into a truly formidable weapon. The regret I initially felt was replaced with a sense of accomplishment and readiness.

As I sheathed Sanchomo, I felt a surge of confidence. The upcoming rank-up mission in the Path of Exile world would be my ultimate test, and I was now better prepared than ever. With Sanchomo by my side and the power of the Sword Essence flowing through me, I was ready to face whatever horrors awaited.





As I updated my notes in the interface for week two, I reflected on the progress I had made:

Week Two Progress:

- Mana Core Level: Initiate Core - III

- New Skill Acquired: Air Manipulation

Progress Report

1. Mana Core Advancement:

After a week of intensive training, I successfully advanced three sub-levels within the Initiate Core stage, now standing at Initiate Core - III. This advancement has significantly boosted my overall energy levels and improved my ability to sustain prolonged combat engagements.

2. Air Manipulation:

I made the strategic decision to learn Air Manipulation to enhance my Fire Manipulation abilities. By integrating more "air" into my fire techniques, I could increase the intensity and control of my flames.

Training Highlights:

1. Air-Fire Integration:

I began by practicing basic air control, manipulating currents and flows around me. Once I felt comfortable, I integrated this with my fire techniques. The results were promising: my flames burned hotter and more intensely, and I could direct them with greater precision.

2. Enhanced Techniques:

I applied this new integration to my existing skills:

- Judgment Cut and Rapid Slash: The inclusion of air manipulation allowed me to create cutting gales infused with fire, increasing the range and impact of my attacks.

- Summoned Swords: By adding air manipulation, my summoned swords moved faster and more fluidly, slicing through the air with fiery trails.

3. Improved Mobility:

With air manipulation, my mobility received a significant boost. Enhanced Shunpo became even faster and more versatile, allowing me to change directions mid-movement and execute more complex maneuvers.

4. Defensive Capabilities:

Using air currents, I could deflect incoming attacks and create protective barriers. Combined with my existing elemental defenses, I became more resilient against a wider range of threats.

Notes and Next Steps:

1. Further Air Manipulation Training:

While I've made significant progress in integrating air with my fire techniques, I plan to put further development of pure air manipulation on standby for now. My focus remains on mastering the combined element to maximize my offensive capabilities.

2. Continued Mana Core Development:

Advancing my Mana Core remains a priority. I aim to reach Adept Core - I within the next few weeks, increasing my overall power and energy reserves.

3. Stamina and Endurance:

Ongoing stamina training is crucial. The rank-up mission will demand prolonged and intense combat, so building my endurance remains a top priority.

4. Strategic Planning:

I will continue to refine my combat strategies, focusing on the weaknesses and strengths of potential enemies in the Path of Exile world. Understanding my foes will be key to surviving and thriving in that harsh environment.

As I closed the interface, I felt a renewed sense of determination. The progress I made in the past two weeks was just the beginning. With continued training and strategic planning, I would be ready to face the upcoming challenges and secure my rank-up mission.

Info dump.

ChrisTian3421creators' thoughts