
Chapter 3

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         Now at home, asher walks in to breakfast already done. Consisting of roast boar, mashed potatoes green peas with a side of orange juice fresh from the orchard.

          "mother!?! I'm home!!" she announced. If she didn't she'd almost have her head chopped off, and considering her mothers hunter instincts that's every time. Her mother prides herself in being constantly on alert, especially since she isn't a vampire and can't recognise someone by their scent alone.

         "oh you're home?  That's good. Sit sit. Foods ready." she came into the small dining with bowl of gravy. "Mmmm.... tastes delicious" exclaimed Asher taking a whiff of the gravy "Tastes?  But you haven't even tasted it yet to comment!! " replied Anne " No, but I trust you, and judging from the aroma I can tell it will be absolutely delectable" replied Asher. "Oh you. Come on now. Time to say grace... "

       After the prayer they dig into their food with as much vigour and grace as is required of a hungry young lady. After breakfast Asher helped her mother do the dishes and proceeded to doing her other chores which consisted of stopping and mopping the entire house.  It wasn't a lot of work for her considering being a vampire and all but she did it to pass the time since she didn't leave the house much.

         It was half past one in the afternoon when she finished cleaning the entire house. You could say she did a thorough job. After that she took another shower and changed clothes, washing the previous ones before that.

         With her cape on she dried the clothes outside for the afternoon sun to dry them. Once inside she hung her cape and proceeded to her next best place in the world,

  the library.....

         Walking up the stairs she went to the end of the left hall way and entered the little kingdom of books.

      Once inside,  as if on auto pilot, her feet took her to the shelve where she kept the book she was reading the last time she was there. It was a philosophy book, one of her favourites.

       These days people didn't think it necessary for young girls or ladies to be reading books much less these types of books but Asher didn't care about that, after all it was her life and no one was going to dictate our for her.

      Opening to the page she was at she headed to her room where she could read in peace.

      After 30 minutes of reading she started to feel hungry so she changed into hunting clothes,  climbed out her window at store speed and in no time she in the middle of the forest. Spotting a deer she has her fill and rushed on home, not before burying the deer that is.

         After changing her attire for the 5th time today, she set out to resume her reading. She sat down on the bed and just when she was about to start reading when she smelt it.

    The smell was strong but she could tell it wasn't here yet. Just as she went over to the window sill it appeared.

         The paper that held the most valuable of contents that is meant for only the eyes of a select few. Taking the invitation styled card she dropped her book that was in her one hand and used both to open the card. Inside it was the location for the meeting and the time.

       " so it is that time already is it? " Asher spoke to herself. As soon as she let go of the paper it burnt to nothingness, as is necessary. The paper's only duty is to make sure who it's addressed to finds and acquires it and no one else and once that person gets it,  it self destructs. In the event that someone else gets it it burns out immediately.

      The entire purpose of all this is too ensure the secrecy of the unity fountain. You see in the supernatural world there's a council made up of a select few hand picked by the fountain. Now normally it's supposed to consist of only the twelve leaders, kinda and queens of the twelve kingdoms, but with time it was decided that there be thirteen council members. Twelve being royals and the thirteenth being a people person, to even the odds of not being fair to the people. So it was concluded that someone of mid rank and extensive knowledge full the position. Her father, being a trustworthy advisor to the Vampire king , a pure blood and a good friend of the royal family, was suggested to the fountain as an eligible candidate and later chosen to be in that position.

        Since he died there was no one eligible enough to fill the void until later on,  when Asher was eighteen years old , she received a formal letter of appointment. At that young age she was far knowledgeable beyond her years and still is. You could say it runs in the family.

      Since then she has been attending the meetings at each designated location,  all changing with the time, to ensure the secrecy , and although she has attended the past eight meetings since her appointment no one knows about who she is much less what. She decided it best they didn't know to ensure her and her mothers safety in case any of them where in cahoots with her pursuers. No matter what they may tell you not all of them were as nice as they came out to be and as much as she hates to admit it,(Note the sarcasm) , some of them hate her guts.

        With a sigh she said "I guess I'd better get ready... " . Picking up her book she put on a nice pair of boots, styled her hair in a half up do and headed out. It's not like she needs any thing else.

        On her way down stairs she was stopped by her mother. One look at her and she could tell why she was going out. " so it's that time already is it? " Anne asked. Asher only have a nod. "(sigh)  alright.  Just make sure you're careful" she requested.

       "aren't I always? "came her reply. With a wide smile she walked towards the kitchen door only to be halted again by her mother's words "oh and try not to annoy anyone this time. "

        "I can't guarantee that but I'll try. " she said,  her smile growing even wider with the statement.

         At the door she took her lavender coloured cape and, putting it on, turned her DNA neutral. It's a good skill she managed to harness over the years.  It's a lot safer too. Helps keep her from being tracked.

         At the door she used her speed to quickly exit her house so as not to draw attention and was on her way.

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And that's that. What do you think?  I would really love to hear your opinions. I'm trying my best to keep things interesting so plz bare with me. (๑-﹏-๑)(๑-﹏-๑)

   I'll try to update as frequent as I can so stay tuned folks╭∩╮(︶︿︶)╭∩╮ ;)

  Till then



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