

"You can't run anymore, just accept your fate" Said a youth with an arrogant bearing,He was an average young guy, obviously below 20 years old .He was standing behind a supposed middle age man with an air of profoundness floating around him.He might have a look if a middle aged man but any body who knew him knew that he was already thousands of years old

Another boy about the age of the first one, just a little younger could be seen standing right at their front.Though he was still on his feet, it could be notice that even the mere flow of the wind caused the man body to tremble, yet he stood without any form of emotion .no anger, no fear of death, he was in a complete tranquil state

After sometime he finally spoke a word, "why".

this word was devoid of any form of emotions

" why, why, you actually asked why, i was supposed to be the most talented in the clan, but no, you showed up, you destroyed my entire life with your stupid birth an talent , all our parent attention was stollen by you, whether love, care even resource.i seriously still cant believe they gave you the two purple jade fruit when one would have been more than enough, they didn't even remember i exist.

"But you know i would have given the other one to you " said max

"of course i knew, but let me ask you a question , Have you ever seen a fellow clan were all important things are passed down to the junior brother to give the senior brother."replied maxwell, max senior brother.