
Conquering Second Dimension Begins From Doupo

This is the story of a young man who yearns for the second dimension and wishes to be with his two-dimension wives. One day his wish also gets fulfilled but behind his time travel, there are shadows of many terrifying beings. Let's watch how he wanders through the second dimension, slowly finds the truth, fights other travelers, saves many two-dimensional heroines, and becomes the strongest person in the whole Dimension. ( Note: This is the first time for the author. So, don't mind if the novel isn't satisfactory. Also, this novel isn't for those who just do trash talks instead of really reading the book.)

Yuuki_Shindo · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
241 Chs

Chapter 238 - Shura Field or a Reward

(An extra paragraph has been added in the previous chapter. So please read it again before starting this chapter. )

"What I want to say is that I am not from this world." Xiao Feng tested the water and didn't immediately spoke about his, Lucy and Mira's affair. 

"Huh! What do you mean?" Erza didn't quite get what Xiao Feng. 

Lisanna and Wendy also showed puzzled look. 

Although there is a Celestial world beside their world but Erza, Lisanna, and Wendy aren't Celestial wizards, so, they don't have much knowledge on this matter. 

"Well, I am not from this world in literal sense. In late man's term, I am..." Xiao Feng explained after seeing the puzzled expression of Erza and others. 

A while later, 

"So, Feng nii-chan and Sister Ling are from a different world." Wendy digested the information and said with unbelievable look. 

Erza and Lisana showed a look of understanding. There is already a Celestial world, so, it's not weird to have a different world.

But it's shocking thag Xiao Feng can travel through the world on his own. His strength must be beyond their imagination. 

"Yup, little Wendy is right." Xiao Feng rubbed Wendy's soft cheeks and said. 

"Brother Feng, you must have many wives." Lisana spoke suddenly and her speech stunned Wendy and Erza. 

"Li, Lisana..." Even Mira was shocked by her sister's bold speech. 

"Huh!" Xiao Feng also shocked but he quickly calmed down and felt that this was the perfect moment to confess and he nodded, "You're right Lisana, I do have multiple wives."

"M, multiple wives." Erza and Wendy blushed and lowered their heads, 'Does this mean they also have a chance?'

The thoughts that were previously far away, suddenly seemed to be extremely close. 

Erza, Wendy, and Lisana, three people secretly glanced at Ling Qingzhu. Previously, they didn't express their thoughts because Xiao Feng had a single wife. But if he had a harem then things would be different. 

"They must be nice people like Sister Ling." Lisana's eyes showed envy and yearning. 

"You're right. They are all nice people like Qingzhu." Xiao Feng didn't hesitate to praise his wives. 

Suppressing the strange feeling in her heart, Lisana said, "Brother Feng, have you dated anyone from our world, like Sister Mira or Lucy, etc." 

Today, she discovered that her sister was different from before. She was lot more radiant and her eyes were always focused on Xiao Feng. Lucy's situation was similar. Her sixth sense told her that these people were most likely together. 

"Mira, Lucy..." Erza and Wendy looked at two people and their eyes widened. Lisana's hint was already clear. How could they not figure out what she meant?

Xiao Feng saw Erza and Wendy's and he felt a little unbearable but he nodded: "Yes! I am dating Mira and Lucy."

"You guys are really together!!?" Lisana looked at her sister and fell silent. For the first time, she felt jealous of her sister. But this jealousy disappeared quickly. She was always ready to be with her sister.

Erza and Wendy also fell silent and the happy atmosphere was replaced by cold and dark atmosphere.

Suddenly they were told that Xiao Feng was from different world and he had several wives. Then they found out that their friends secretly got ahead of them and started dating him. 

Erza and Wendy fell into deep thought and their speed of eating slowed down. 

Xiao Feng looked at the suddenly silent dining table and he felt a little uncomfortable. Maybe he shouldn't have had a showdown immediately and taken his time in guiding their feelings. 

Ling Qingzhu looked at her husband and shook her head. Xiao Feng was good at everything except for being extra worried about his women and overthinking things..

Just like that, breakfast passed in silence and everyone went to the guild as usual. 

It's just compared to other times, today the guild was extra depressed because of the gloom on Erza's face. 

Everyone in the guild became curious about what happened and they asked Mira and others about it. 

Wendy, Mira and Lucy didn't say anything but Lisana explained the matter of dating Mira and Lucy. But she didn't say anything about Xiao Feng having multiple wives or being from different world. 

Among the girls, Juvia exploded directly after knowing that Lucy was dating Xiao Feng. Whereas, Levy's whole person executed a heavy aura like Mount Tai. 

From then on, there were five people executing heavy pressure and coldness in the guild. 

Mira and Lucy were under pressure but two them looked calm on the surface. Even, they felt a little proud in their hearts because they were ahead of others. 

'Fight, fight!' Some of the guild members screamed in their hearts but they didn't dare to say anything openly. 

They all knew that this was a matter of Xiao Feng's family and if they said anything then they would most likely be beaten together. 

"Go and resolve it." Qingzhu kicked Xiao Feng from the back and said indifferently. 

"Huh!" Xiao wanted to say that he didn't want to enter the Shura field right now but Qingzhu's death gaze made him think otherwise. 

"Girls stop being depressed and let's talk. If you're mad that I am a scumbag who wants a harem then you can give me any punishment you want." Xiao Feng raised his hand, showing surrender and said. 

Xiao Feng's speech made him the focus of everyone in the guild and the girls all focus on him. 

"Um! It looks like Brother Feng misunderstood" Lisana put her fingers on her lips and thought to herself. 

It's too late for them to be glad that he wanted to open a harem, why would they be mad? They are just jealous that Xiao Feng chose Mira and Lucy instead of them. 

'But this is a good chance!' Lisana smiled and said, "Can we give any punishment we want? Will you accept it Brother Feng?"

Listening to Lisana's words, Xiao Feng felt a little weird but he nodded, "Yes!"

"Don't regret it later Brother Feng Brother Feng." Lisana blinked and showed a mysterious smile.

"I won't." 

"Levy, Erza, Juvia, Wendy, let's decide the punishment for our dear Xiao Feng." Lisana said to Erza, Wendy, Juvia and Levy then all the girls started discussing in extremely low tone.

As the girls sat on a circle, everyone in the guild screamed in excitement. For a moment, they wanted to see what kind of punishment Xiao Feng was going to get. 

"I want to discuss something with everyone. You guys don't want Brother Feng to only be with Sister Mira and Lucy , right? Let's do this...Kakukaku...ShikaShika..." Lisana elaborated her plan and the girls listened. 

"Is it like this?" As they continued listening, their faces turned red and Wendy even turned into a steam princess..

"Isn't it bad if we do this." Levy's face was red and her heart was beating extremely fast. 

"It's not bad at all. Everything is fair in love and war." Lisana directly vetoed Levy. 

"B,But if we do this will he accept it." 

"I bet he won't. After all, he wants to open a harem." Lisana bet on herself. 

"Marriage, marriage..." Erza was immersed in her own fantasy. 

"I am sorry Feng nii-chan but Wendy wants to be a bad girl." Wendy silently apologized to Xiao Feng in her heart. 

"Okay, it's decided." Lisana clapped her hands and got up. 

"Oh! What is it?" Everyone in the guild booed and screamed. 

Xiao Feng also looked at Lisana nervously. In order to maintain fairness, he didn't use his powers to listen to the girl's conversation. So, he doesn't know what kind of punishment he is going to get. 

"Brother Feng, your punishment is..." Lisana deliberately lengthened her voice and the guild members pricked up their ears to listen and deliberately repeated to make fun, "the punishment is..."

"To date us all." Lisana's speech shocked the audience. 


Almost all the members of Fairy Tail had their brain shut down for a second. Only Ling Qingzhu drank tea calmly. 

Xiao Feng's brain also shut down for a moment but soon, a kick from Qingzhu woke him up. 

Looking at the shy faced girls, Xiao Feng had a lot things to say but finally it turned into one word, "Okay!"

It must have taken a lot of courage for Lisana to say such bold words. How can he not respond to their feelings?

"Is this a punishment or reward?" Macao looked back and forth between Xiao Feng and the girls and he expressed his incomprehension. 

"I don't know." Wakaba shook his head. 

Other guild members also whispered in a low voice. 

For a while, the guild became noisy and some people even teased Xiao Feng and the girls. 

"Come on, drink." After the drama was over, Cana started drinking again. 

The Fairy Tail guild once again became lively. 
