
Confessions of a Billionaire CEO's Quirky Wife

When Sang Tian first met Fang Haroan, she was walking away after teaching her cheater boyfriend a lesson. When she met him the second time, she was drunk and tried to get the man in her bed. The third time that she met him though, it was all a coincidence but she accidentally ended up making him her boyfriend. And the fourth time they met? He proposed, but she just wasn't interested. A few months and several meetings later, Sang Tian confessed to Fang Haoran, her husband ~ "Marrying you and choosing to spend the rest of my life with you was the best decision I have ever made. You are my best friend, my refuge, my comfort, and my happiness. I love you my dear husband."

itsShonali · perkotaan
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113 Chs

~|confession #100 - how many things can change in just a week?!|~

"Sometimes it takes an entire lifetime for a change to happen, sometimes it takes even a second. That is one of the weird ways this world works. Take any relationship for example. Sometimes, it takes years for things to change between two people, and sometimes they do not even change. But there are times, when even in the shortest period of time, two people can go through so many changes in their relationship that one would not even realize when and how things changed. Something like that, happened to us." ~ Dr. Sang Tian


The grand ballroom of the hotel that Markus had booked to celebrate his wife Anneliese's birthday, was bathed in warm, golden light, its opulent chandeliers casting a soft glow on the elegantly dressed guests.