
*marry the psycho*

Christian watched as Annie zipped up the black short dress she was wearing. The hotel room was brightly lit and he looked at her and at her reflection in the mirror behind her. She looked so cute with her smoothing powder and pink lip stick and relaxed demeanor, not as knotted up as she had been lately due to her dad's decision to get her married.

She bowed mockingly and bent down to put on her shoes. He watched as she straightened her narrow shoulders and let her hand fall from the chair she'd used for support. His gaze lingered on the soft swell of her breasts and for the first time he started to regret his decision of giving her up for his family. One glance from those beautiful azure eyes and she'd turned into a school girl again. An awkward, wide-eyed, innocent, besotted teenager, weighed down by more insecurities than she could count. She was so completely besotted with him that she couldn't see how badly he treated her.

Noticing Christian's weird gaze, Annie returned the stare. Last night was really intense, she had gone on a date with her fiancee and had found out that he was a complete psycho which had led her to spend the night with her boyfriend.

" Chris" she said after a long time " why don't you want to fight for us"

Her question wasn't shocking, she had every right to ask. Her wedding date had been fixed yet he had nothing to say.

Getting to where she was standing, Christian brushed aside some of her hair and kissed her forehead to avoid spoiling her lipstick.

" I can't babe, I really want to but what can I do? I have nothing to offer you "

Annie had long predicted his answer and the thought of leaving him to marry a psycho was completely stupid. She had no say in what happens in her life and she had no right to reject who her dad had chose for her. He had never thought of her as his daughter but as a tool to get money. Her mom was useless, that psycho's family had offered a large sum of money and bam, she had to marry their son.

Annie the only daughter of her wealthy parents, lacked love from her parents. She was allowed to do whatever she liked as long as it wouldn't affect their reputation. She met Chris in highschool and he had thought her how to love but now he was giving her up to some crazy stranger

" Ann, you know what's best for you, you'd never be happy with me in your life" came Christian's deep voice.

If spending the rest of her life with a man who could hurt her was the best thing for her then she was ready to spend the rest of her life with the wrong man.

" Christian, if that psycho is the right man then I don't want the right man. I want you, no one else but you" Annie said with determination "let's run away Chris, let's go somewhere very far away. Where no one can find us. we'll have cute children and live a very simple life".

Christian pinched the space between his brows, he really wanted to hit her. why can't she just agree and get married peacefully.

" Ann, I think you should leave first, you've got a weeding to prepare for"

His words were like sharp knives piercing through her heart. How could he say this? was it so easy for him?

" I'll go no where, I'll stay right here with you" she said In a matter of fact tone.

Chris was too tired to listen to her, he'd spent a lot of money to get her married and couldn't afford to waste it all.

" then I'll leave first" he said and walked out.

Annie watched the man's retreating figure untill it disappeared. she buried her face into her palm, curling herself into a miserable ball on top of the massive bed as her tears fell non stop. All she wanted to do was to escape. why was it so hard? was she really bound to marry that psycho? how could she have such fate.

There was only hopelessness and despair in her eyes now. Quietly, she climbed off the bed, her eyes losing all the shine and was as lifeless as the eyes of a dead fish. Even as she trudged over to the door, her steps were heavy and sluggish.

They had met in the school's library, where they were both looking for the same book. Christian wasn't the book type and was only looking for the book because he saw his third crush of the day reading it a while ago. He was such a play boy back then. Despite it's faults and the warnings from friends about how Christian wasn't the right guy, Annie still fell.

Christian was extremely famous in highschool due to his looks and playful character. He was ranked the school's most wanted boy in the school's student media. He was from a wealthy family, he changed cars and girls like clothes but Annie didn't mind. She had given her all to this man, who would have thought that one day, he'll let her go like she meant nothing.How cruel could he be? Maybe she meant nothing to him, just some rich kid he had hooked up with for pleasure sake.

Annie had happily returned back home after doing an MPHIL in psychopathology, her world crashed when her dad told her about his decision. At first, when her dad mentioned that the man was from a suitable family and was understanding, she had a glimmer of hope. Maybe she could talk things out with him and so she had prepared a long speech for her date but that psycho got out of control and ruined in all her plans. Her plan b was to let Christian meet her family and convince them but he wasn't ready instead he thought he had no right and was happily giving her up.

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