
Common Story

A common(?) man living his common(?) life. ____ I don't own the cover photo.

WheezZ · Fantasi
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5 Chs

Unknown job and Love

"Yes, yes, I'm yours. But let's talk about what happened earlier..." Alice


Asura Pov

"About that, i got a job but at the same time didn't. I can't explain it right now. I'll need to figure it out first later."

"It seems like you got an unknown job, after all, you can already use Earth drill that mom learned after months of practicing. She just learned it recently, you know." Alice

I was shocked hearing that. No wonder I always see her using Earth drill, so she was practicing huh.

"I do think that I got a troublesome unknown job. I don't know anything about it so it's probably for the best not to mention it to anybody. Let's keep it a secret that I got an unknown job, ok?" Asura

Hearing what I said, Alice thought it was reasonable and for the best so she nodded, agreeing with my words.

"There are two people besides me and the priest that saw a light came out of my hand. They knew I got a job so it's impossible to say to the people in our village that I don't have one.. speaking of having none, a-are you okay?" Asura

Alice gave out a bitter smile and said," I'm okay, It's not like I can't do anything if I stayed as a villager. Don't worry about me."

"You know that it's impossible for me not to worry about you. Don't worry, the world is vast and I don't know why but I don't trust the church. There may be another way to gain a job. Don't lose hope, okay?" I hugged her tightly after saying that.

Thinking that I'm only comforting her, Alice gave a slight smile and hugged him back. For her, it's impossible to gain a job without the help of crystal of enlightenment.

"Okay.. we should go back home. My parents are probably home now. I don't want to worry them." Alice

I nodded to her. Not knowing what storage skill means, I looked at the three corpses and thought that its not worth bringing them back. They scared Ali and they are too bloody that it might attract other creatures to the village.


An hour later...

"Wifey, they are back!" ???

"Hubby, you don't need to shout. You might hurt your throat doing that~" ???

"My wifey~ I really love you so much!" ???

"I love you too very very much~" ???

Seeing this, I and Alice can't help but laugh.

The two in front of us were Alice's parents. With a red hair that reaches above her shoulders, a pair of green eyes and fair skin was her mother, Julia. Julia was a noble and a genius in using Earth magic at a prestigious academy, but due to her being afraid of killing anything alive, she refused to learn offensive magic that can only kill. The teachers was disappointed on her way of thinking so to prevent her from influencing her peers, they kicked her out of the school. Hearing the news, her parents were ashamed and got angry. They removed her surname, gave her money and told her that she's not welcome to their noble home anymore. She was 20 years old at that time.

Julia endured the hardships that she experienced after that until she finally wandered into a village where she met her beloved, Andrew. Andrew has black hair, brown eyes and a dark skin. He is an energetic farmer that can beat a wolf with bare hands. His body is bulky, he is without a doubt a person used on manual labor.

"Mom, Dad I didn't get a j-" Before she even finish her sentence, her parents hugged her.

"Don't worry Ali, I already know what happened. We don't care if you failed to get a job. We don't need you to do anything, as long as you and us are happy then it doesn't matter anymore." Julia said with a warm smile on her face.

"How did you know about it?" Alice

"A bastard was spreading about Asura being a trash with commoner as a job and accidentally told someone about your circumstances too so the villagers most like knew about the two of you already." Andrew said full of anger.

"(commoner? it seems that the priest mistook my job as that huh.. A trash job? Well, that's convenient.) I guess the bastard you guys are talking about was Jake, right?" Asura

"You are right about that. He even said that he is the best partner for Alice! If he isn't the son of the village elder, I'll beat the sh*t out of that brat already!" Andrew angrily shouted. Obviously, he didn't agree on what Jake had said.

Asura became irritated after hearing that. Alice is already his, no person can change that, not even the son of the elder.

"About that.. F-father-in-law! Me and Alice decided to be in a relationship from now on!" I shouted and prepared my self for a beating with my eyes closed.

The room became silent, so silent that you can hear some heavy footsteps.. wait, heavy footsteps?!

I opened my eyes and saw Andrew standing in front of me. Andrew was staring at me intensely and I can't help but sweat a bit.

After a few seconds or an hour for me, Andrew retracted his eyes, turned around and said, "Don't make little Ali sad or I will crush your little fella down there with his balls."

Hearing an indirect acceptance, I was happy, but hearing the latter words, I can't help but shiver lightly.

"Thank you Father.. I will never let Ali down, this I promise to both of you and her." I said full of confidence.

Being called father by him made him look at me intensely again which made me a bit scared. Andrew laughed seeing me like that.

"You better not break your promise, son. HAHAHAHA" Andrew said laughing loudly. It seems he liked being called a father.

Seeing this, Julia can't help but smile. She's happy that I finally gained a backbone to confess to her daughter. Little did she know that her daughter was the one who indirectly confessed to me.

"Finally, both of you are together now. Make me a lot of grandchildren, ok~?" Julia teased us with a warm smile on her face.

Hearing this, both of us couldn't help but blush. We looked at each other at the same time which made us even redder.

"Look at both of you, how cute~ Anyways, let's eat together now before the food gets cold." Julia

I couldn't help but smile. We are finally together which means we can finally do things that couples do. But before that, I needed to know everything about my unknown job so I went to the table with my family to eat together..

Please comment if the writing style and story are good or bad. If it's passable, I will continue to write but I will only start publishing on June.

And if çømmœñ is a real word and means different than common, then, please pretend that they are the same. I don't know how to make it unique other than writing it like that.

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