

A good home with a humble protective parents can only make a child to be good while living with parents, but when the child goes out from home, he or she may change to something else because he or she has seen a different life out there, and free to make a choice without the parents knowledge

anokwute_chidera · Fantasi
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10 Chs



The following days after Kemi's arrival at college were a whirlwind of new experiences and emotions. Orientation activities filled her schedule, giving her the opportunity to meet even more fellow freshmen and learn about the various clubs and organizations on campus. Yet, beneath the excitement and adrenaline of her new surroundings, there lingered a sense of homesickness.

In the dorm room, Kemi often found herself missing the familiar sounds of her family's home—the gentle hum of her mother's cooking in the kitchen, the laughter of her younger siblings playing in the backyard, and the comforting presence of her father reading the newspaper in the living room.

Chika, sensing Kemi's melancholy, tried her best to be a supportive friend. "It's okay to miss home, Kemi," she said one evening, sitting cross-legged on her bed. "Leaving everything behind and starting fresh is a big adjustment. But you'll find your groove soon enough."

Kemi smiled gratefully at her roommate's understanding. Chika had become her anchor in this sea of change, and she was grateful for the friendship they had formed in such a short time.

As the days turned into weeks, Kemi slowly acclimated to her new college life. She attended classes, joined a few clubs, and even attended her first college party, which was an experience in itself. However, amidst the fun and excitement, she couldn't shake the occasional pangs of homesickness.

One evening, Kemi decided to video call her family. As the familiar faces of her parents and siblings appeared on the screen, she couldn't hold back her tears. "I miss you all so much," she choked out, wiping her cheeks.

Judy and Margaret exchanged glances, their hearts aching for their daughter. "We miss you too, sweetheart," Margaret said softly. "But we're so proud of the person you're becoming. This is an important time in your life, and we want you to make the most of it."

Her younger sister, Grace, chimed in, "Yeah, and don't worry about us. We're doing just fine here. Mom even let me make pancakes all by myself!"

Kemi laughed through her tears, grateful for the lightheartedness her sister brought to the conversation. It was moments like these that reminded her why she had chosen to attend college in the first place—to grow, learn, and become independent.

As the months passed, Kemi's homesickness gradually subsided. She immersed herself in her studies and extracurricular activities, forming deeper connections with her new friends and becoming more comfortable with her college lifestyle. The campus began to feel like a second home, and she found solace in the busy, vibrant atmosphere.

One weekend, Kemi received an invitation from a classmate, Peter, to visit his family for a small gathering. Intrigued by the idea of experiencing a different family lifestyle, she gladly accepted. Peter came from a tight-knit family, and they lived just a short drive away from the college campus.

The moment she stepped into Peter's home, Kemi was enveloped by warmth and hospitality. His parents greeted her with wide smiles and open arms, treating her like an old friend. The living room was filled with laughter and chatter, and the aroma of a home-cooked meal wafted from the kitchen.

Throughout the evening, Kemi observed the dynamics of Peter's family. They teased each other, shared inside jokes, and seemed genuinely happy in each other's company. It was a stark contrast to the more reserved and formal atmosphere she was used to at home.

As the night were on, Kemi found herself engaged in deep conversations with Pater's parents. They shared stories of their college days, their experiences, and offered advice on navigating the challenges of college life.

The morning sun peeked through the windows, casting a warm glow on the empty rooms of the Amos, Charity and Moses households. The day had finally arrived when the three families had to bid farewell to their homes, leaving behind a lifetime of memories and embarking on a new stage in their lives. The atmosphere was bittersweet, filled with a mix of excitement and a tinge of sadness.

In the Amos household, the air was thick with anticipation. Mr Amos loaded the last suitcase into the car while the wife Ifeoma walked through the empty rooms, reminiscing about the years they had spent as a family under that roof. Tobi and Joyce, the Amos siblings, stood at the doorstep, their hearts heavy with a sense of nostalgia.

As they prepared to leave, the Amos took one last walk around their neighborhood. They passed by the local park, where Tobi had spent countless afternoons playing basketball with his friends. Ifeoma wiped away a tear as she recalled Joyce's first bike ride without training wheels on the very same path.

At the Amos dormitory, Tobi and Joyce were met with the hustle and bustle of their fellow freshmen. The halls were abuzz with parents hugging their children, siblings laughing and teasing, and the occasional tearful goodbye. The sight of it all filled their hearts with a mix of excitement and trepidation.

With heavy hearts, the Amos carried boxes and suitcases up the stairs to their children's dorm rooms. As they unpacked, memories of home mingled with the anticipation of the unknown. The rooms slowly transformed from empty spaces to personalized havens, filled with posters, photographs, and items that brought a sense of familiarity.

it was time to say goodbye. The Amos hugged their neighbors and friends, promising to stay in touch and assuring each other that distance wouldn't weaken their bond. With a heavy sigh, the car pulled out of the driveway, leaving behind an empty house and a flood of memories.

Mrs Charity were going through their own farewells. she stood in the living room, surrounded by packed boxes and an overwhelming sense of sadness. Beauty, her daughter, wrapped her arms around her mother, comforting her through the tears. They had been through so much together, and now they were about to embark on a new adventure.

Mrs Charity, decided to take one last walk through their favorite park. They strolled along the familiar paths, the crunch of fallen leaves beneath their feet. Mrs Charity reminisced about the Remember, no matter how far you go, this will always be your home," Mr Amos said, his voice filled with a mixture of pride and longing. He looked at his children, both on the cusp of adulthood, and couldn't help but feel a sense of bittersweet joy. They had grown so much, and now it was time for them to spread their wings.

In the Charity household, Mrs Charity packed the car with Beauty's belongings. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness as she glanced around Beauty's now empty room. It had been their sanctuary, filled with laughter, tears, and cherished memories. Now, it stood as a reminder of the passage of time.

Beauty, trying to put on a brave face, hugged her mother tightly. "Don't worry, Mom. I'll make you proud," she whispered, her voice filled with determination. Mrs Charity smiled, her eyes welling up with tears. She knew that her daughter was destined for great things, but the prospect of letting go was undeniably difficult.

Down the hall, beauty and Mrs Charity navigated through the chaos with a sense of determination. The dormitory walls echoed with laughter, music, and the occasional arguments as roommates negotiated their

The Moses, in their newly blended household, shared a quieter moment of reflection. Mr. Moses looked at Peter and Nneka, his eyes filled with a mixture of pride and concern. They had overcome many hurdles as a family, and this was yet another test of their bond.

Mrs Queen,embraced Nneka, holding her daughter close. "Remember, you carry our love and support with you wherever you go," she whispered, her voice filled with unwavering love. Nneka nodded, a tear rolling down her cheek. She knew that leaving home meant stepping into the unknown, but she was determined to face it head-on.

As the three families set off on their respective journeys, the weight of the moment settled upon them. The car rides were filled with a mix of anticipation, nervous chatter, and occasional moments of silence. They drove past familiar landmarks and streets, each mile bringing them closer to their destination.

Upon arriving at the college campus, the families were greeted by a whirlwind of activity. The air buzzed with excitement as students and parents unloaded cars, hauled suitcases, and navigated through the organized chaos. It was a bittersweet symphony of farewells and new beginnings.