In Gotham City, Victor has transmigrated into the body of a young man called Viktor Frost, gaining a second chance at life along with a unique Gatcha System. A system that allows him to acquire the abilities and items of legendary characters from the Marvel universe, provided he earns fame points from the people he encounters. Viktor uses his newfound powers to earn points and build his reputation so he can gain enough power to survive the ordeal the DC Universe will face in the future. "The Dark Knight? With my spider-sense and powers, I am more than a match for you. Having performance Issues Martian Man Hunter? Can’t get passed my Diamond Maze of a mind? Oh, you’re Superman? Well, I have the powers of Sentry and Hyperion. Let’s see who is stronger. Nice to meet you, Wonder Woman. I possess the power and divinity of Thor, God of Thunder. And no, I am not your brother! stop it! We don’t have the same father, just because I can create and manipulate thunder doesn’t mean I am the son of Zeus." As he faces powerful villains and navigates the treacherous landscape of Gotham, he must determine whether he will become a source of good or succumb to the allure of power and darkness of his surroundings, risking the chance of turning evil in the process. Viktor will earn fame and use the power of Marvel Universe to stand at the top of the DC universe and he will start by gaining Fame in Gotham… NOTE: heads up it's gonna be edgy and sometimes gory.