
What a real family is like

Lily snuggled close in Chris's arms as she quietly continued to listen to the cute stories that Chris was telling her, she even felt jealous at times. She felt jealous because she didn't know what a real family is like. "You were so lucky to have your parents love" she said after a while. Having grown up in a mansion of horror Lily was convinced that her and her brother were adopted, there was no way that Leona and Richard were their birth parents.

They were practically raised by the house help and luckily for them the maids took pity on them and would secretly treat them well and taught her many things like cooking and cleaning and self grooming, she had to learn personal care from old Keith too while her mother never cared for it. The only parental love she received in her life was from her aunt Lucy and uncle Dan, they were willing to sacrifice for and her brother, they went above and beyond for their niece and nephew. They did not have to treat well but they did anyway and they did it with all their hearts.

She often wished she could wake up and find that aunt Lucy and uncle Dan were actually her real parents . She would've been the happiest girl in the world.

"Your parents don't understand how lucky they are to have a daughter like you babe" Chris said while caressing her curls. Lily was a lovely girl, she was like a dream child, she was sweet as candy and kind as a mother, she was intelligent and loved making everybody else happy, she wasn't perfect but she was perfect to most people.

That's how Eric noticed Lily, she was different from the other girls at school and her Beauty was unique, it was like there was only one kind of her in the world.

"My parents only see as a money bag " Lily sighed. She had dreamed on countless occasions of a day when her parents would snap out of their greediness and just became parents to their kids. But that dream would never come true, her parents were beyond redemption, they were basically parents from hell that satan had personally chosen for her and her brother.

Lance was lucky because of his autism her parents never paid attention to him, to them Lance was just a bag of bones that was kept in the mansion because they shared DNA with it.

When Eric approached her for the first time he was aggressive and she ran to her father to report him, her father actually told her that she needed to seduce Eric because he was a possible heir to his family business. That is all she ever was to her parents, a business bargaining chip. Her parents felt lucky that Eric DeGrasse had taken a liking to their daughter so of course they were ready to feed her to the wolf.

Eric was welcomed forcefully into Lily's life and made all her living days hell. Eric would not even give her time to breathe or be alone whenever he came around. He would tell her that she was pretty and that he'd marry her whether she liked it or not because he was rich and could get anything he wanted including her.

Thinking back to all those memories of the mansion of horrors, tears started trickling down her face and onto Chris's chest, she felt like her and her brother were the unluckiest people on planet earth, she couldn't even understand her existence anymore when she thought about her past and her parents. "I promise to give you a family of your own, one that you would make into a loving home" Chris said to Lily with all the sincerity in the world that he could gather. Having sat through these sessions with her before and wiped her endless buckets of tears he knew that she longed for a family because her own family wasn't up to par, so Chris took a decision within himself a long time ago to give Lily a family of her own one day. Lily continued to sob after hearing what Chris said her, she felt loved it whenever he would say things like that and she prayed that his promise would be kept no matter what. Whether her patents loved her or not they were still her parents, she still loved them either way, she just was angry with them for not protecting her like a real parent would. She thought maybe they were mean to her because they had never had love when they were children too. It was now midnight and the little bunny had cried enough and had gone to sleep, Chris waited for her to fall asleep first so that she could rest, she usually got really bad migraines from crying so he wanted to prevent that. Once he was sure that she was asleep he also dozed off into slumber land with her in his arms.

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