
Prologue: The dawn.

The day has begun for a small coffee owner. It begins, long before the husbands and wives turn on their car engines to head to work. It began long before the sun has made its appearance in the sky. It begins, short when the sun has started to peek from the cover of the darkness. Its When the sky is losing it's dark color and shades of pink, orange, and red intermingle with blue,to show the shifting of night to day. It's when the air is at it's most refreshing and crisp that it could almost burn your lungs. Its When the dew covers the grass, trees and flowers and the birds have just woken and are chirping greetings for each other and the new morning.

The day officially begins when the owner turns the sign over to open and the smell of coffee beans penetrates the air.

First attempt. Advice welcome.

#Writing Prompt 35 Shop owner.

One_Step_Increators' thoughts