
chapter 27

Teeth went flying out of John's mouth along with a spray of blood.

As John was falling down to the ground face first, the Boy gave him a flying knee right in the


John was knocked hard unto his back with the Boy on top of his torso.

Johnathon lost it since he had never see his brother be hurt or defeated before. It was a strange sight to him and he did not know what to do.

The Smith brother was so distraught that he had tripped over his brothers in the attempt to rush to their sides.

The boy jumped to the feet of Jonathon and put him into a Rindat (Boston) crab. Such a move

causes the victim to have their spine to bend backwards, until they give up due to pain. The boy squatted as deep as he could to lock the move into place.

Jonathon was crying out of pain that he was receiving in his lower back and legs. The pain was something that he was used to giving out and not receiving back in kind.

The Boy yelled,"How is it to finally feel all the suffering that you had done to others over the years of your life?"

Jonathon cursed the boy.

The Boy would not give up the hold no matter what happen as blood was pooling up in his mouth.

Jonathon has about to give out when Kill Joy yells out,"Behind you!"

The boy let go of the hold and rolled forward to a safe distance away.

It was Johnny and he had managed to recover from his wounds.

He gasped,"I forgot that he was recovering like pro wrestlers do on the outside of the


Johnny yelled,"You are going to die for what you had done to us, you little ant."

The boy smiled.

"You are forgetting that ants can kill humans, despite their size and are amazingly strong! I am just one fire ant that is going to mess you all up!"

The boy had attacked from behind during the exchange and was put into a full nelson position.(One has their arms and head wrapped with their opponent's arms from behind.

It was John that had grabbed the Boy.

Johnny had punching the boy in the head as hard as he could. The Boy was doing all he could to stay awake and not give up the fight.

The boy kicks at Johnny but gets his legs grabbed by the Smith brother.

John and Johnny stretch out the Boy and kick him hard in the back as if they were doing the can can dance.

The Boy was grimacing out of pain.

Jonathon finally stirs awake and runs up to help his brothers with the beat down of the Boy. The Smith Brother jumps off his brother's shoulder and into the air above the brother with a spinning flip.

Before Jonathon could land with a double knee drop, Johnny and John slam the boy unto the ground. The boy's head bounces off the ground as he lands while he receives a three prong attack: a leg to the sternum, a double knee drop to the chest, and finally an elbow drop to the stomach.

A fountain of blood burst from the lad's mouth as the three smith brothers land on top of him. The Boy has been knocked out due to all the pain and could nothing more to defend himself as he was being curb stomped into oblivion.

Kill Joy yells,"Sarge, you have got to make this a fair fight, since it is three on one! It is not right!"

The closest sergeant laughs at the comment," Fair? War is not fair, boy! Quit being naive and wake up to the smell of blood that the battlefield will bring. I will not stop the fight until the boy is danger of dying! Not one second before that point!"

Kill Joy falls unto his knees and faces the floor out of both anger and frustration of being unable

to do nothing for his new acquaintance.

The boy starts praying in some intangible tongue as the Smith brothers were laughing as madmen.

Johnny yells,"The boy must be one of those holy rollers! What a coot, he and his family are!"

John and Jonathon both agreed and continued the beat down.

All the other recruits but Kill Joy laugh at the sight of the Boy praying as they are in a party.

Even the sergeants are grinning at the sight as if it was a joke. Kill Joy could find no humor

in one sided beating and the ridicule of one's chosen faith.

Kill Joy yells,"Do not give up! Fight Back! You can do it!"


William and Susie were in their queen sized sleeping when they both awaken by some awful feeling.

They had no idea to what it was but they what to do without saying a single word to each other.

The couple begin to pray at each side of their bed for whatever they felt such horribleness about. They both pray for about thirty minutes when they decide to get up.

William spoke,"Let us eat a piece of pizza while we are awaiting for a response from the Lord."


The two did just that and ate up their heated pizza that they had ordered that night before.

A terrible sense of tread overcame the pair as they laid their head on the table.

Susie asked,"Good Lord, what is so terrible? Please tell us."

They both get a vision of their son getting beat senseless in a three on one fight. It was the image of the boy being kicked fiercely by the three Smith boys.

The loving parents both cried at the sight of seeing their only child covered in his own blood.

They cried before the lord the hardest that ever had since their son's kidnapping by the Urano military. The pair ask for God's help with tears in their eyes. They do not stop for nothing in wait of God's deliverance and peace. This boy was their promise that God had given them after so many years of being childless. The couple had the boy dedicated to the Lord soon after his birth and had asked for a special hedge of protection around him.


The boy was getting beat to death while Kill Joy could only looked around in horror.

Kill Joy yelled out,"Do not give up! You can still win!"

The boy was still praying in tongues as the three Smith Brothers all break out with laughter as the mock the boy and his faith.

The boy starts to lose sense of where he is at and his vision changes to some sort of vision. The three brothers were trying to break a chain that had heavy links so big that you could put your hand through it. Engraved into the heavy chain was written the word "Promise."

The three boys could not break the chain no matter what they did to it.

The boy return to the normal world as he begun to sit up despite all the beatings.

The Smith brothers tried to knock the lad back down but fail to knocked the blooded boy back down.

The boy returned to his feet and was not slowed down in the slightest.

The Smith brothers were in complete disbelief as they tried to beat the boy.

Johnny and John are standing in front of the boy when he kicks both of the boys in the junk with a double kick. The brothers' face turned bright red as they fell face first unto the hard ground.

Jonathon yells out in anger as he runs towards the boy.

The boy yells,"Dick kick party!"

The boy drop kicks the remaining Smith boy in the balls.

The Smith boy's eyes about jump out of his head.

One of the drill sergeants yell,"That is enough! It is over!"

The boy stop his assault and fell down face first unto the unforgiving floor.

Kill Joy ran other to the boy and was trying to treat him.

Kill Joy spoke,"It is okay! You won! You won!"

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