
Code Name - Angel of Death

Follow Azrael an orphan born on 28th-century earth who finds himself in a new world after his fall in battle. With newfound freedom in a world not his own, will he follow the same path as before as the angel of death, or will he find a new way forward? First World Is Star Wars. ~~~~ Cover Photo: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/2xVzEA

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[Date: 31 BBY| Location: Naboo System| POV: Azrael]

Azrael started to get bored while traversing toward Naboo, and turns to Alice "so did you gain access to the holonet yet?", Alice just looked back at him with anger "Who do you think I am? Of course, I got access, I got what you request, from all standard languages, current news, and the current ship standards"

Azrael waves his hand at many different screens that appeared in front of him, Azrael took 10 minutes to go over them all, as well as got a new skill [Multilingual], he noted his knowledge of languages both new and old seemed to become more fluent.

As for news, the only thing that stood out to him was that Silya Shessaun became the senator of Thesme, everything else seemed like normal rubbish, as for ship standards he just updated his hailing frequencies.

As Azrael finished up he looked towards the view screen, he could see how close he now was to Naboo and turned off his stealth system it was only then Alice spoke up "Hey Azrael how are we going to pay for the port fees?", This stumped him, "Sometimes I don't know what I would do without you Alice" he responded while opening the void market, and started to look for star wars based items, only to find an item called old weapon stash labeled under star wars so he brought it.

In front of Azrael, a large metal crate appeared he could hear Alice comment "ok that's cool", he leaned forward and fiddled with the crate for a couple of seconds before opening it, and finding many old blasters rifles some old republic armor, and old non-working holo-pad communicator, something he noted he would reverse engineer and added to his portable terminal, and what was left were 2 metal boxes.

Azrael opened the first box only to find what he was looking for, about 100 thousand credits, seemly very happy with his find, only for Alice to make a second comment about he just got lucky, he then turned to the last box, something in his mind telling him to open it, upon opening the box he found 5 white crystals, something he recognized as kyber crystals, "What am I supposed to do with these, I know shit all about creating lightsabers lets alone using these crystals" Azrael proceed to dump everything into his new sub-space storage device, and then processed to reverse engineer the communicator and added to his portable terminal while Alice updated the firmware.

Sometime later the dark angel received an incoming hail from a Naboo flight controller "Unknown ship, please declare your purpose", "This is the Dark Angel, requesting to land, our FTL drive is non-operational and needs repairs.", only for the controller to respond, "Dark Angel what is an FTL drive?" Azrael only now realized the republic doesn't have FTL drives as they use hyperspace drives, he could only respond "FTL is another word for Hyperspace, so my Hyperspace drive is non-operational", after a couple of seconds of silence, the controller responded, "Ok Dark Angel you are clear to enter the port, please go to theses coordinates and welcome to Naboo.".

"Well that was easier than I thought" joked Azrael as he piloted the angel through the atmosphere toward Theed spaceport, upon landing, Azrael proceeded to the angel boarding hatch, something he thought was funny as the interior was non-euclidean and was much larger, before leaving he hid his wings and retracted his helmet and with his hood down he proceeded to leave his ship.

Upon leaving his ship he could see the port officials, pilots, and security all observing his ship Azrael proceeded to joke with them and ask "What up? Never seen a spaceship before", it was only then they realized he was there, one of the officials waked up to him seemly "Hi and welcome to Theed spaceport, can I please get your name?", Azrael just shrugs "Thank my name is Azrael Angelus-Mortis and this is my ship the Dark Angel", the official proceeded to note everything down while asking some basic questions Azrael proceed to explain he was a mercenary and explained his hyperdrive was damaged and non-operational.

After paying the official and locking up his ship he proceeded to enter the capital city Theed in search of good food.

[Date: 31 BBY| Location: Coruscant - Jedi Temple | POV: Grand Master Yoda]

A couple of hours earlier.

Master Yoda was meditating, in a small room with a young teen girl, with pink hair with 2 red horns.

Yoda and the young girl suddenly woke up from their meditation, the young girl proceeded to ask seemly agitated "Master Yoda what was that I thought I was going to die, but it wasn't me who was feeling those pains", Yoda with a thoughtful look responded

"Ah young padawan please do calm yourself, a new force-sensitive there is hmmm, very powerful and very unusual, gone through something painful he is" Yoda proceed to smile at the young girl "Young Eva very curious I did not feel his pain. Hmm, but you did very very curious. feeling his location I can't" After Eva calmed herself she thought to herself 'maybe I'm not alone?' and proceeded to enter meditation again.

Yoda just watched her while thinking about how curious this event is before entering meditation to ask the force for an answer.