
Battle Victory

A long time ago, a Messenian rebellion sparked a war with the Spartans for invading one of their lands. With Aristomenes as a new king, the Messenians frightened the Spartans. Yet, the current leader of the Spartans at the time had helped the army overthrow the threats. His name was Gabriel Athens. He had done everything to keep one thing for his city, security. Gabriel had thought ahead of the rebel by bribing Messenia's allies to retreat. The rebels could not have predicted such a movement. As a result, they were forced to relocate to Eira, a smaller city. They are trapped between the massive walls that have prevented further revolt. And their king, Aristomenes, was captured and imprisoned in metal cages.

One night, Gabriel visited Aristomenes. Despite seeing Aristomenes behind bars, Gabriel refused to remove his heavy helmet.

"Look at what we have here," Gabriel said confidently.

"What do you want now?" Aristomenes concerned.

"I am here to remind you that your days are counted. The execution date is getting closer and closer."

"Heh... you did not even bother ordering one of your men. You just have to see my face..."

"Those cuts on your face, your back, and limbs were something to make you feel alive."

"What do you mean!?" exclaimed Aristomenes, leaning against the bars, "YOU TORTURED ME, AND YOU SAID IT WAS TO MAKE ME ALIVE?!"

"SHUT UP!" Gabriel shouted and gave Aristomenes furious eyes, "You were begging for mercy when you were wounded. So why do you think it does not help you want to live?"

Shortly after, Aristomenes calmed down and sat.

"Your life is on the line," Gabriel cautioned, "When that day comes, it shall be the last time you see me. You should rethink your life by now."

As Aristomenes noticed that Gabriel was leaving, he thought of a way to convince Gabriel to spare his people.

"Now you Spartans are much stronger... there is no way we are going to win," Aristomenes said softly.

"Then why did you help the rebel?" Gabriel answered without looking at his enemy.

"I am their king. I can not look at them getting starved and having no place to live."

After a brief pause, Gabriel responded, "You should learn to lie better."

The execution date approached quickly. Two men were assigned to take Aristomenes out. Nasir was among them. Nasir would unlock the cage while his partner would tie Aristomenes' hands to a log. As his partner approached, Aristomenes pulled out a sharp rock and stabbed him in the chest in a matter of seconds. Nasir couldn't help but look into the cage after hearing his partner scream. He was stunned to see his partner bleeding on the ground. Before Nasir could do anything, Aristomenes dashed through him and sprinted away. Nasir was still deeply saddened by his partner's death at the time. He couldn't just let it go. At that point, he realized he'd been letting the prisoner escape. Nasir stood up, wiping away his tears. He looked around the prison and noticed that other guards were pursuing the escapee. Nasir wanted to partake, but he considered a better plan. He rushed a horse to Kaeadas, where Aristomenes was supposed to be executed. He wanted to give notice to an old friend of his, Gabriel.

When Nasir arrived, he was surprised that the kings, the gerousia, and many Spartans were there. He tried his best to overcome the crowd.

"Let me through! I need to see Gabriel Athens!"

Nasir kept shouting, but people wouldn't let him pass. Fortunately, Gabriel heard a familiar voice from afar. He made a wave to his friend.


seeing Nasir struggle to get through the crowd, Gabriel decided to go out by himself. As the two meet, Nasir quickly explained why he came to Gabriel.

"Hey, are you doing all right?" Gabriel was worried, "Why are you panting so much?"

"Aristomenes... He..." Nasir couldn't speak out loud. He was afraid of revealing the truth to everyone.

"What did he do? Did he hurt you?"

"No..." Nasir said, turning away from Gabriel, "He escaped..."

Gabriel was taken aback by what he had just heard.

"He killed my partner, Gabriel..." Nasir continued weakly, "Now the guards are on to him."

Gabriel struggled to close his mouth. He figured that the situation would worsen if he didn't act fast.

"Those guards do not know where he is heading to. But I am sure he is returning with his people... Nasir, may I borrow your horse?"

"What are you going to do?" Nasir baffled.

"To kill this hard-headed idiot."

Nasir was stunned by what his friend said. He almost cried again, knowing that Gabriel may never return. Gabriel became aware of Nasir's expression. He knelt and spoke truth his honesty.

"Hey... a Spartan never feared death. He only feared that his people were harmed. That is why I am going. If anything happens... Tell Doris that I love her. And you too, Nasir, you have been my best companion. You are important too. Remember that."

Gabriel hopped on the horse and went away, as fast as the wind. He left everyone behind confused.

Aristomenes and his horse were on their way to Eira when he heard his name called from behind. He stopped and looked back to see a familiar face.

"Aristomenes!" Gabriel shouted furiously, "Do you remember me?"

"Oh... You must be Athens," Aristomenes dropped off his horse and talked, "What is the plot now, Spartan? Did you come here all by yourself, without any armor?"

"No, I do not have any plots. I do, however, want to kill you."

Aristomenes was amazed for a moment, "That is... Ridiculous. I thought I could escape death today, but NO! You just have to come here... and kill me???" he laughed as he spoke.

"It is either you or I will live today."

"And I will tell you this. I have stolen a knife from one of your men."

"Do you think that I came all the way here to fight barehanded?"

They drew their melee as the two stared at each other. Without a word, they rushed to each other. The knives clashed with one another. Gabriel slashed left to right, forcing his opponent to back up a few steps. Aristomenes bent and was about to knife Gabriel in the chest. But Gabriel had already moved to the side and struck Aristomenes on the back with an elbow, causing him to fall to his knees.

"I know your weakness," Gabriel looked down on his enemy, "Your wounds are permanently damaged, and when they are hit with another force, you will only want to die. And I can help you with that."

While Gabriel was doing the final strike, Aristomenes quickly turned over and cut his thigh. As he was screaming in pain, Aristomenes gave him another cut on his right arm. It was then that Gabriel couldn't hold his emotion together. Blinded by anger, he began to scream and attack senselessly.

Out of the blue, he heard a sound he had never known, a sound of a modern clock. Every second, it ticked. Gabriel felt as if everything surrounding him was slowed down and darkened. Four seconds had passed, and the world was back to normal again. Gabriel automatically dodged one of the attacks from Aristomenes. He then forcefully slain Aristomenes in the back. Gabriel couldn't comprehend what was going on. Around him was a battlefield. The Spartans were teaming up to eliminate the last of the rebel. Nasir was also there, next to Gabriel.

Aristomenes turned himself over and bled on the ground.

"You..." Aristomenes looked at Gabriel, "You are wiser than I expect, Aimilios..."

After those words, Aristomenes eventually passed out. And the second Messenian war ultimately finished.

Gabriel remained motionless, questioning his identity.

"(Aimilios?... Who am I?)"

A flashback came to Gabriel's mind.

At night, young Gabriel Athens made dinner inside a makeshift place. There was a wicked candle that barely lightened the room. Gabriel prepared a simple bread with raw egg. Under a stormy night, a door knock was heard. Gabriel opened the door and saw Nasir. The two greeted in the most friendly way. Gabriel then shut the door tight just in case the rain got inside. Gabriel started by asking some common questions, and Nasir answered that he was okay with everything. This wasn't the first time Gabriel understood him, knowing he was a slave to a different family.

"Were their actions got any better?" Gabriel got serious.

"I guess. They gave me lunch and all. Still, a lot of yelling... But it is fine!"

"You must have been cold outside."

Gabriel placed the candle near Nasir to warm him up. Nasir was relieved after a while of staring at the candle.

"It is late. Why has your father not gone home yet?" Nasir was concerned.

"He always gets home late. I know what he does, but I am worried too."

"Though... Your father is a scary alcoholic man..."

Gabriel cast a glance at Nasir. He had nothing against Nasir's claim.

A sudden lightning zapped nearby, and Nasir was frightened to death. Despite the surprise, Gabriel ignored it and came near Nasir to hug him like a brother.

"There is nothing to fear," Gabriel said softly.

"I feel so lonely, Gabriel," Nasir's eyes suddenly got wet, "I..."

"I know, Nasir. I know," Gabriel said as he patted Nasir.

After a while, both heard footsteps from outside. Knowing that his father was getting home, Gabriel quickly gave his bread to Nasir, being him to hide in his clothes. As Gabriel's father opened the door, Nasir sprinted as fast as he could.

"HEY!" The father shouted angrily

"Leave him, father."

"Why are you protecting that orphan? I gave him a job. Is that not enough?"

"It is not suitable for him!"

"I do not care! I gave you this life, this house, and everything else that this town never had!"

Gabriel then stood up against his father.

"You have never given me a good life!"



The father then angrily pressed Gabriel against a corner.

"Never speak to me again in that tone," the father threatened.

Gabriel was well aware that he wouldn't win. Yet, he wanted to make it clear.

"Do what you want... If you want the world to change, you must change yourself."

The father was tired. He leaned on a wall and breathed deeply.

"I should not have a son like you..."

"Said who left his wife when his son was born."

"Your mother..."

The father paused for a few moments. He decided to unfold a story for Gabriel.

"We were glad that you were born. But a year after, your mother and I had another kid. It was a girl."

Gabriel's eyes got brighter. He immediately asked where she was. Gable hesitated for a moment, then admitted a harsh truth.

"I killed her."

"WHAT!?" Gabriel was dumbfounded.

"I knew the world was too cruel, and a girl may not handle it. After she was gone... Your mother then left me..."

Gabriel wondered why a father would kill his child. He didn't believe the reasons he heard. After a moment of thinking, Gabriel apologized for his actions. The father would only smile.

It was a sleepless night for Gabriel. He began to keep a thought in his mind, "(If my father can not change, then I will.)"

Two years later, on Gabriel's tenth birthday, his father died of cancer, which he had always kept hidden. His final words were for Gabriel to accompany Nasir to Sparta and begin a new life. Gabriel burned his father's body the next day.

Before Gabriel started his journey, he didn't forget to bring his bag of bread. Seeing it again reminded Gabriel of his father teaching him how to make bread. He later told Nasir that he needed to flee his life as a slave.

Everywhere he went, Gabriel gently said goodbye to everyone. He finally left his hometown without looking back.

"(Look forward and you will have a new home.) I remember your words, father."

While the two were on their way, Gabriel and Nasir exchanged stories and incidents from their lives.

It was a long and far trip. The weather was so hot that Nasir almost fainted. Gabriel shared a shoulder with him. As time went on, they eventually reached their destination. Before a giant line of walls, a young blonde-haired girl was seen standing in front. Gabriel asked for her name and why she was not inside the town. She said that she wanted a moment of peace and silence.

"Where are you from?" she continued.

"Oh, my name is Gabriel Athens, and this is my friend, Nasir."

"Athens? What a strange coincidence. There is a city with the same name."

"Haha... My father always said that having two names means you get to live twice!"

"Interesting... My name is Doris. It was nice meeting you two."

Seeing her poor look, Gabriel gave her bread to eat. Doris suspected both at first, but she was hungry, she took their gift.

Gabriel told Doris that he and Nasir wanted to move here. Doris was surprised and asked where their parents were. She then noticed the look of both boys. She said she would gladly bring some water for them.

The conversation didn't last long when an armored man from behind suddenly yelled at Doris to get inside. As she got near him, the man threw the bread in her hand away.

"Why would you do that!?" Gabriel charged up to the man and yelled.

Yet, the man despised Gabriel and slapped him. Nasir came to assist Gabriel.

"You do not know what you did," Gabriel yelled, "You shall eat the thrown bread... Right now."

The man began to chuckle, then turned back. Gabriel dashed over to him, only to be knocked down. Nasir advised him to control his feeling.

"It is not worth the try to talk back. Especially when they are adults!"

Seeing blood coming out from his arms when stumbling to the ground, Gabriel had lost himself. He approached the man once more. Gabriel quickly dodged the first slap and shoved the man to the front. He didn't expect the man to be so heavy, but he had had his revenge. As the man laughed at him, Gabriel grabbed his leg and yanked him over. Gabriel yelled at him again as he fell to the ground.


The man stood up and made direct eye contact with Gabriel. Gabriel was hesitant when he saw someone who was large and muscular. As he started to punch the man, his hand was held tightly. The same went for the second hand. The man then kicked Gabriel in the head. He almost fainted for a moment. But Gabriel didn't give up. He held the man's leg as he lay on the ground. When the man wanted to end Gabriel, he was surprised to hear footsteps behind him. Nasir jumped straight to the man's back and collapsed on him. While Nasir was hopelessly holding the man's arms, Gabriel had a chance to take a rock and started to hit the man's helmet forcefully.

"WHY! DO! YOU! NOT! GIVE! RESPECT!" Gabriel screamed.

The helmet was cracked eventually.

"NO MORE GAMES!" The man suddenly stood up, "What do you two want?"

Both kids were breathing heavily after exerting some of their most potent strength. As Nasir was about to speak, Gabriel held him and said: "We want to be Spartans."

Nasir stared at Gabriel, but he agreed afterward. The man cast doubtful glances at them, "You are too old and unworthy. You can not enter Sparta unless..."

"Please..." Nasir spoke softly.

Gabriel kept reminding his friend not to cry.

The man continued, "Let the kings see what you can do."

He said as he brought Gabriel's bread with him. Gabriel didn't react anything to it. A satisfied smile was visible on the man's face. He took the thrown bread and ate it as he went inside the city. Doris had witnessed everything. She quickly gave them water, followed by two blessing words, "Good luck!"

Having heard those words from Doris, Gabriel knew what the challenge was.

"Nasir," Gabriel forewarn his friend, "We are not going anywhere... Our home is right in front of us."

After the kids roamed around on a hot day and a cold night, the man from yesterday came out of the gate and gave them a small applause.

"Both of you are accepted," the man said, "you shall begin your training today."

Doris was pleased that the boys were able to enter Sparta.

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