
He Caught Her

Anoi clenched her teeth.

His words echoed in her mind, triggering the memories once again.

Of course, he'd say it was convenient.

She didn't expect the universe would play such a joke on her, and Lint would use the exact same phrase.

She unclenched her firsts and let out a slight smile. An on-looker'd think they are conversing like old friends, well, unless he looked into Anoi's eyes.

Her gaze failed to hide the deep hatred gleaming at those words; they didn't hide the sorrow of her soul; and they couldn't hide the fear that slipped in and nested in her heart.

Anoi felt weak. She's just a person. With so little chance to succeed, and even lesser chance to be important in this life. Should she try?

Can she do it? Will she be able to do it?

The man suddenly sat on the grass and stared on the few clouds passing by. He looked so carefree, as if he lost all the interest in her answer. Or maybe, as if he already knew her answer?

Anoi adjusted her breathing and, after squatting in front of him and dropping her head to see his face, she asked:

"Where's the catch?"

His smile didn't waver.

So she leaned in a bit more, wishing to catch a slight change in his emotions. Now, she was towering over his slender figure, able to see the faint freckles on his nose.

He shifted his gaze and for a brief moment their eyes locked again.

"What about taking a risk?" a sly question.

"What's the merit? What will I get from it? A diner is merely enough to satisfy my needs." Anoi continued scrutinizing his face.

"Overweight people have a shorter life-span then those who live a well-balanced life." He not-so-tactfully declared.

"What about taking a risk?" Anoi returned his phrase.

They both sniggered.

Lint suddenly sat up, almost hitting Anoi's chin with his forehead. She quickly shifted her position to avoid an injury, but her palm that she used to lean on and support the body-weight slipped on the silky grass.

She stumbled onto the ground. And right before landing face-down in the dirt and greenery, her hand stretched out and caught some fabric on its way. Anoi's instinctively tightened her grip and held tightly onto the cloth. She could guess it was Lint's t-shirt.

"Well, this is awkward," she thought, still anticipating a fall.

It was until a second later she noticed nothing was happening.

She lifted her eyelids. And silently, very faintly so that she herself didn't realize she did it, she gasped.

The sun rays cheerfully playing amongst the leaves, were now dancing on Lint's hair.

Deep in his eyes, there was a soft glow. Like a calm ocean after the storm attracts the stares of the bystanders, in the same manner, her conscience was being dragged in.

The splashes of color in his irises made her want to look more.

Until suddenly, she realized that her shoulder was being held by a strong hand, preventing her from hitting the ground.

Lint let out a quiet, reminding cough, turning her attention to her own palm, that was still squeezing his shirt. She felt the person's muscles under the fabric tensing up.

Anoi felt her ears getting hotter, and she quickly let go of him.

Lint,not showing any embarrassment or hesitation, stood up and then held out his hand to Anoi. He wanted to help her up.

"His touch…it's not that hateful anymore" a thought unexpectedly occurred in her mind, as she accepted his help.


I'm rereading the chapter, and have trouble imagining how they were sitting.

I don't know how I meant to position them on the grass anymore, but it doesn't make sense

Anoi, how did you fall?? (ლಠ益ಠ)ლ

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