
Class: Polymath - From Star Wars & Beyond

After serving for an eternity… Arlo was freed of his duty, only to find himself in a dangerous situation where his tales of films, television shows, animation and cartoons were gifted ack to him as reality. With the Radix Network System beside him and his old friend, Arlo starts his journey in the Star Wars Universe. His goal… To change the universe for the better and stabilise everlasting peace without greater powers interfering. Using his Polymath Class to help him achieve the impossible, Arlo began the journey to write his Myth...

PhantomMedjay · Filem
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Talks of Cooperation

"Truth in your words, there is…

But true judgment, clouded by the Force, hmm…" Yaddle said, a Jedi Master from the same species as Yoda, after processing everything Star Vader had spoken.

She wasn't pleased by everything Star Vader said, however Yaddle had long noticed the darker elements clouding the minds of certain Jedi Masters and Knights.

Though she saw it as a method to train the minds of the padawans and younglings, not knowing that it was instead affecting them on a deeper level.

"*Kohh… Khuuhh…* Your judgement will be clouded because the Force isn't your tool…

*Kohh… Khuuhh…* To learn about the darker elements, it would be wise to send a team of investigators… *Kohh… Khuuhh…*, along with some Jedi Knights and Padawan.

As Jedi Masters, *Kohh… Khuuhh…* you all should be dividing your time managing the greater issues, but from what I've seen, you do not have the numbers to manage all the problems.

*Kohh… Khuuhh…* This is why I propose cooperation with the Star-Void Grand Guild.

Reduce the chance of harm to your students while you build your forces of peace and justice."

Star Vader addressed Yaddle directly at first, before turning suavely to speak to the other Jedi Masters present.

He realised before entering the meeting with the Jedi High Council that it would be necessary to directly address particular individuals above the rest, as their position within the Jedi Order was respected to a greater extent.

"What you ask of us, Lord Star Vader, goes against the very principle of the Jedi Order, as you've spoken of.

Even if you truly believe our minds are clouded, our responsibility cannot easily be passed on to an organisation that hasn't even existed for longer than 6 months." A Jedi Master said, with his tone carrying elements of anger for Star Vader and the Grand Guild.

"*Kohh… Khuuhh…* In the few months we've been operational, the Star-Void Grand Guild has already made significant progress from the Core of the Galaxy to the Outer Rim Territories.

Many worlds where slavery, trafficking, and murder is rampant, our Grand Guild has stepped in to establish order.

*Kohh… Khuuhh…* and these are worlds where the Galactic Republic believes their powers reach, even though the senators wouldn't ever be caught exploring those same worlds.

Ord Mantell is an obvious world from the Inner Rim that explains the lack of effort from the Galactic Republic *Kohh… Khuuhh…* to enforce its laws on a world part of their senate."

"Lord Star Vader… while your Guild Members can be thanked for their efforts, the Galactic Senate operates outside of the purview of the Jedi Order.

The High Council has always maintained that it should never interfere with the Galactic Senate."

"Yet… *Kohh… Khuuhh…*, Jedi Master Dooku, your Order is tied to the Galactic entity just by being present on Coruscant.

*Kohh… Khuuhh…* Across the galaxy people expect the Jedi to be the enactors of justice, but it never occurs.

*Kohh… Khuuhh…* More and more are coming to realise this, as well as your behaviour to remove children from their homes and families, typically leading to the parents either finding small success or death.

*Kohh… Khuuhh…* So what I wish to know, much like my Master… why have you taken on a narrow path that will likely end with the Jedi Order being alienated by the entire galaxy, especially the Galactic Senate, who you all follow like senseless animals being led to their slaughter."

Master Dooku, Yaddle, and the other Masters within the High Council meeting room were all expressing various emotions as they listened to Star Vader criticise their Order.

A few of them were ready to curse out Star Vader but were stopped as Yoda finally opened his eyes once again and directly addressed the guest of the Jedi Order.

"Action, tough it is indeed, made worse by Coruscant's Politics… hmmm yes…

Your thoughts on the matter, we shall consider, Lord Star Vader…" Yoda said, while trying his best to gain some sort of revelation from the Force pertaining to the Star-Void Grand Guild and its leaders.

The Force clouded his mind when he tried to look for the StarDragon through its universal and spiritual powers.

Yoda found nothing, leaving him to question if the Force was protecting Star-Void Grand Guild, or rather they had enough control over the Force that they could stop others from peeking at them.

Either way, Yoda wished to deliberate with the other Jedi Masters without Star Vader present.

Leading him out, the Jedi Masters sat in silence for a few seconds before Teltor kickstarted the discussion once again.


"As absurd as this might seem… we've gotten reports that the Grand Guild has started educating Force Sensitive Users.

From the young to the very old, Star-Void Grand Guild has started taking in Rogue Force Users, with even a several dozen Dark Jedi being seen entering the Grand Guild headquarters, here on Coruscant.

This also adds to the reports we've discovered from Mandalore System that showcase the supposed Paladins of StarKiller wielding Bleeding Crimson Force Imbued Weapons.

While I don't believe its necessary for me to spell this out, but it's assumed that Dark Jedi serve StarKiller directly, however we don't know where they came from.

Even the reports pertaining to their Starships only tells us they aren't built by a ship manufacturing under our purview." Though Teltor largely dealt with events and certain communications related to the Jedi High Council, he also gained a great deal of intelligence from various groups.

Oppo Rancisis, an older Jedi Master who'd served on the council since the High Republic Era, felt the greatest urge to speak up after hearing 'bleeding crimson'.

"… Hmm… are you suggestion the Sith have returned and are aided by the Grand Guild?

We'd need the necessary evidence to question the Grand Guild without backlash from the senate, but for us to speak with StarKiller… that'll require some insinuating circumstances for us to possibly meet the Swordman Disciple of Star Vader."

Oppo Rancisis didn't want to start a needless battle with the Grand Guild as it became obvious to the Jedi Master that the forces of the Grand Guild were required.

The galaxy was far too large to handle alone, which obviously became evident to all Jedi Masters as they tried to enforce the laws of the republic further away from the core regions of space.

Oppo Rancisis own Jedi Apprentice had fought side by side with a group of Guild Warriors working to remove the bases of several space pirates operating in the Mid Rim Territories.

Placed in a tough situation, the Jedi Knight didn't seem hopefully of surviving against the slave traders and smugglers baring down on her position.

Much to her surprise though, her comminutor was connected through to a squad of the Grand Guild, who were on a task to capture certain slavers and smugglers.

At that time, the Jedi Knight met with a unique group of Guild Members that contained several Mandalorians, Trandoshans, Togruta, Twi'lek and even a Wookie.

Surprisingly the Wookie and Trandoshans weren't at each other's throat and worked together quite harmoniously, much to the astonishment of the Jedi Knight.

When the Guild Squad arrived on the position of the Jedi Knight, they made quick work of the smugglers and slavers, capturing most of the assailants as their bounty wasn't low.

Oppo Rancisis had already sent his upmost regards to the Grand Guild for their actions to protect and safely return his apprentice to Coruscant.

Though their actions to save his apprentice wasn't enough for him to completely sway his mind in the favour of the Grand Guild.

Oppo Rancisis wasn't the only Jedi Master who'd received help in some shape or form from the Grand Guild, with some owing them much more than others.

As the discussions started between the Jedi Masters, elsewhere a small fleet of Starships were underway enacting a mission of utmost importance for the Grand Guild.



A deep black coloured Starship was heading towards the Outer Rim Territories of the Galactic Republic from Coruscant.

There were five people within the Starship besides the dozen SV1 droids whose task was managing the systems of the ship.

They were flying over to Tatooine from Coruscant with a mission from Zian, the Spymaster of the Star-Void Grand Guild.

While simple, it was also extremely dangerous as it meant going against the Hutt Clan, especially Jabba who saw Tatooine as his territory.

Without his permission, no one could do anything on the planet unless they wished to find themselves in a horrible personal situation with the Hutt.

Zian therefore made sure the operatives were equipped with the best gadgets to ensure the mission was successful.

They were after all, stealing a case of processed Phrik metal that Arlo dearly hoped to acquire for the Empyrean Dimension, so his forces had their own endless source of the material.

Arlo largely planned to use Phrik to develop an alloy with Beskar steel that could be used for forging stronger Force Energy Imbued Weapons.

Video of the Paladins of StarKiller in battle had made its way to the leadership of Star-Void Grand Guild, who noticed the efficiency of the Paladins in combat against blasters.

After viewing the video, London and the instructors of the Grand Guild started to emphasise the need for a solid foundation in various combat styles, with and without weapons.

Viola also agreed with the decision as the security forces of the Empyrean Consortium had to measure up against the very best mercenaries and warriors throughout the galaxy.

Various companies across Coruscant and nearby corporate planet hubs were hiring the Grand Guild members en masse as they came to agree that the Guild provided the best training and equipment to their people.

It became obvious for employers after their own employees got to experience the facilities of the Star-Void District which partially emulated the items and goods of the Grand Guild Headquarters.

Nobody could stop raving about the Training Pods that saw people entering a highly realistic Virtual World.

Others fell in love with the Food Printers, as they saw the potential of such an item entering the Starship industry, greatly helping crews who spent most of their time travelling across the galaxy rather than on a planet.




That was a low blow, and you know it!!"

"All is far in combat, especially in the heat of the battlefield." Ronin grinned as he launched a Force Enhanced kick to Arlo's unprotected head.

Though he'd lost most of his strength gained through the System, Arlo had grown in the time he'd fought with Ronin.

Easily shielding his head by moving his left arm in the way, Arlo used his moment to swing his whole body to kick Ronin from behind.

While unable to display the same speed as he would with the help of the System, Arlo still moved fast enough to land part of his attack before Ronin flashed away from his position.

"Still reverting to such tactics instead…

*Sigh* You can do much better than that, Arlo." Ronin pitifully stated, though his own mind was on the leg kick that still left behind some aching pain in his leg.

'Who would have thought that kick would actually inflict some damage.'

The two continued training, with Ronin hastening his attack speed as Arlo adapted to his lack of strength and power because of the Sith Spell and Formation.