
Good Day

"What should I do????" A tired sigh escape a mouth of a young lad clad in a white heavy woolen winter coat.He brushed off the snow that had collected on his shoulder and continue walking down the street of Stonewill.

"Its an abnormal reading that's has been registered in a system lately. Apparently the whole world is going to face quite a cold abnormal winter season for a very long duration " World Weather And Climate Forecasting chairman had announced abruptly last month.

Most people took it as a scam..some as a joke....some as a good video and audio to creat memes...misreading of data and so on. But it all came to reality when winter season stricken once with very low temperatures ranging below average.

Despite the abrupt change, humanity was quite prepared beforehand. More heavier winter clothes had been made to help cope with the changes. Technology was advanced to enable employees to continue working at there homes and so on.

The abnormal winter season didn't only bring with it cold weather, most cities were suffering for strong snow storms occasionally. Stonewill happened to one of the cities under the crisis of snow storm.

Though, today happened to one of those good days. Since they were countable, Shawn decided to take a walk outside. He was quite an introvert person ,rarely getting involved with other people, but staying indoors all the time was starting to become alittle bit boring .... waking .... eating ... sleeping ... It was a life with no meaning at all to him.

"Mmmh...." Shawn murmured to himself with a raised eyebrows as he looked at one particular store that was alittle too crowded. It was a Tech store. Eager to quench his curiosity, he approached the store.

When he was about to open the store's door, it opened for inside. A young lady with long wavy red hair walked out of the store while carrying a brown box. She held it with such care as if it was the most precious thing in her life.

"Hey Miss," Shawn greeted her rather shyly,"...what's going on there?"

"Hey, they are just here to collect the VR equipment for the new game, Clash of destiny," she replied with a warm smile while her left hand caress the brown box she was holding.

" Oo... I didn't know many people nowadays are into the gaming that much...I guess I should try it too"

"You should... it has been said that it's going to be one of the best VR game that has ever been created " she said with sparkling eyes that made Shawn to smile.

"Okay then... let me queue.. I hope I won't be disappointed... see yah," Shawn said as he rushed not even waiting for her reply.He joined the line patiently waiting for his turn.

" I did not get her name" Shawn realised later when she was long gone. He just cursed himself.


While Holding a brown box underneath his umpit, Shawn made his way through the street. He was walking rather faster. It was obvious that he was eager to try out what was in the box.

He existed the market area an soon three mansions came into view. Each mansion was made on its own unique design. Its more like each one of them was on its own world.

On the left side was a huge mansion made in rather ancient Chinese architecture. It belonged to The Richards. Richards were known for their achievements in the field of Archeology. The own almost to three quarters of the Archeology field in whole world. Shawn always refer to them as nurds of fossils.

To his right was another mansion whose walls were made entirely out of glass. It was rather a unique modern building that give off wealthy vibe. Crowell, it was there building. Just like the Richards, they was also rich family mainly focused on field of medicine. They produced prodigy in each of there generations the made an impact in that field.

At the centre, stood the last mansion. Unlike the other two, it hard no unique outward appearance. It was painted pure white and due to the resent snow storms, it seems to blend perfectly with the environment. It's was Bellingham's building. Shawn's home.

Shawn made his way into their compound as the electric gate close slowly behind him.bh