
Interrupted Sleep

"Jules! Hey Jules! Wake up!" I heard someone shout from outside. I opened my eyes and stood up and walked over to the left bedroom window and looked down to see my younger brother, Tim wearing his green pajamas and a backpack.

"Timothy! It's 4:56 in the morning! Go home!" I shouted softly so I didn't wake up Frankie.

"Come on Jule! I found the Peltier house!" Tim shouted. I sighed and looked over at Frankie who was now wide awake and jumping in his crib. I sighed and walked over and picked Frankie up and carried him over to my bed and sat him down.

I walked over to my closet and grabbed my blue t-shirt and put it on. I walked back over to Frankie and picked him up again and walked out of my bedroom and walked downstairs.

"Jules! Are you coming?" Tim asked.

"Hold on Timothy! I haven't even left the house yet!" I shouted as I grabbed my phone and walked outside and walked over to Tim.

"So where's the Peltier house?" I asked.

"129 Circle Run," Tim answered and we started walking.