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Beechsplash sees Mistwing and Nighttail running towards her. Frozenflight chuckles as both women throw themselves on Beechsplash. Rainstar smiles softly. She knows that Beechsplash wants what's best for the l'Îlot de Shesfuthaes, but she frowns upon seeing what the other clans have done to a child-like Beechsplash

Rainstar knows that l'Île de Theagae is struggling, along with l'Îlot d'Aviaire, l'Îlot de Cerule, and l'Île d'Iahlosmoh. She knows that she should be sympathetic, but the leaders drove them out of the forest, and now they are paying for it. Ten clans were living together. It was l'Île de Theagae, l'Îlot d'Aviaire, l'Îlot de Cerule, and l'Île d'Iahlosmoh, SkyClan, l'Îlot de Shesfuthaes, and IsleClan, WaterfallClan, LavaClan, and FieldClan

Rainstar sees Stormshade going to Beechsplash. She hears feet behind her and sees Mistyfire and Chestnutstar, of WaterfallClan, Cloverrush, and Deerstar of LavaClan, and Blueripple and Otterstar of IsleClan all looking at Rainstar. The leaders and deputies of the clans are meeting with Rainstar and Frozenflight. Nighttail and Mistwing smother Beechsplash with love. The two female warriors see a scared kit and mother him.

"Are you okay, Beechsplash?" Lostmaple asks the child. Lostmaple is Mistwing's mate and has taken Beechsplash under his wing. Beechsplash shyly smiles at Lostmaple. The clans see Bluestar, Whitestorm, Lionheart, Goldenflower, Spottedleaf, and Runningwind of ThunderClan with Beechsplash behind him. Rainstar, Chestnutstar, Otterstar, and Deerstar see Tallstar, Deadfoot, Barkface, Morningflower, Ashfoot, and Runningbrook from l'Îlot d'Aviaire. Brokenstar, Runningnose, Blackfoot, Dawncloud, Brightflower, and Darkflower of l'Îlot de Cerule, Crookedstar, Leopardfur, Mistyfoot, Mudfur, Stonefur, and l'Île d'Iahlosmoh.

Rainstar, Chestnutstar, Otterstar, and Deerstar twitch their heads in annoyance. Mistyfire, Cloverrush, Frozenflight, and Blueripple all shake their head. Beechsplash is a warrior for l'Île de Theagae, but a medical for l'Îlot de Shesfuthaes. l'Îlot de Shesfuthaes, is between WaterfallClan and LavaClan and across FieldClan. Beechsplash stumbled injured from his family, and Rainstar takes him in. Rainstar sees Bluestar going to her, and Rainstar wonders why.

"Rainstar?" The only female leader of four Clans. Rainstar nods, and Bluestar smiles at her, shocking the leader. The blue hair woman hugs the black-haired woman. The l'Île de Theagae looks at peace with all of this. The warriors of l'Îlot de Shesfuthaes, WaterfallClan, LavaClan, and FieldClan are wary of them, but it's safe to assume that Beechsplash told ThunderClan about them.

"Did Beechsplash tell you?" Chestnutstar asks Bluestar. Bluestar gives a tight smile while a gentle look.

"Yes, he did. I've taken him off hunting and put him with our medical. The little one has done more for the clans than anyone I have ever seen." Bluestar tells the IceClan leader. Rainstar likes the ThunderClan leader. She open and understanding.

Rainstar female Rushblaze male

Stormshade female Frozenflight male

Mistyfire female Lostmaple male

Chestnutstar male Fuzzystream female

Otterstar female Volewhisker male

Blueripple male Rainpoppy female

Cloverrush female Rookthistle male

Deerstar male Larchsky female

