
Entrance Examination.

It's been 13years since I came to this cool world, I don't know what my ability is because that bastard who apparently was interning at the God of reincarnation's place didn't tell me my ability thus making one of my only chances to prepare defective.

well today is the day I turn 13 and officially take the entrance exam.

As I walking looking up at the dawn sky, a girl on what if i didn't see, I would of that was a freight train crashed right next to me.

"You ok, here let me help you up" I said as I helped the girl up.

"Tha-" before she could finish speaking I was bucketing out there, I need to get to the academy as soon as possible.

along the way I passed my favorite cafe, which killed my on the inside. It was my favorite cafe and a cat cafe at that. I love cats they are adorable and cute and cuter when they act all tsun~ tsun~ But I immediately dispelled the thought as I continued at a brisk speed.

I turn a corner, only to find Maya my child hood friend, who is a doofus and most likely going to be apart of my harem, what? Oh how am I so sure, well simple apparently I'm the protagonist of the world or so the God's apprentice told me. Having a cute childhood friend who's a klutz is a big check on suspiciously protagonist themed my life is and I have way more evidence to prove that the shitty apprentice said was true, one being that I have Snow White hair, one crimson eye and one Gold eye, yes I have heterochromia which causes me to stand out a lot and because as we all know the protagonist has to stand out or be invisible and having white and to differently colored eyes which of each is a rare color to have in its own right screams I'M UNIQUE!. Another reason is that my brain and body got a boost with talent that I was called a genius in swordsmanship, learning things academically also increased by a long shot of my previous life but I don't intend to call myself a genius until I surpass myself from my previous life which actually is pretty easy considering I'm on the starting level of education of my previous life, despite what one might say having memories of your previous life makes it easier to skip grades academically leading me to have already graduate from high school education the academy also said if I get in they'll place a special academic plan for me introducing university level subjects that a can learn. The last being when ever something happens like a train shaking I'll fall with a girl in a lucky pervert moment but me being a gentleman would immediately help her up and apologize saying it was an accident which works, I guess being a handsome protagonist has its perks.

"Hey are you listening! I've been trying to talk to you about the examination as I'm nervous but you're ignoring me!" Maya whined with tears glossing her eyes her cheeks forming a pout.

"ah! Sorry Maya I was just deep in thought" I said as rubbed the back of my head to express my awkwardness of the situation.

"what were you thinking about?" Maya asked incredibly curious about me, her childhood friend and crush was contemplating.

"The best way to flex during the exam" I said nodding my head as if that was a certain outcome and there was no way I could fail.

"jeez, the exam hasn't even started yet and you want to show off, this isn't school Alan unlike your education level what truly matters in academy is one's strength as an esper" Maya said trying to get me serious about the exam which is quite literally going to be histories highest entrance exam score, how I'm confident I'm the main character and also it's not like I don't put any effort into training either instead it's the opposite and I actually train to my limits every day but enough of that we have just arrived at the entrance of the academy.

after a bit of chitchat while walking to the grand hall where all examinee's sit to hear a speech made by the principal of academy and than write the written exam before going out to test you combat strength and talent as an esper, oh the principal is walking on stage right now. My thoughts damn! She thicc, that's right the principal is a milf and a very charming one at that but I always put on the facade of being a respectful young man with great future prospects, oh I also forgot to mention that I come from a wealthy family, hard to believe why would that be, oh me walking to the academy is simply because I like walking to school as it's good exercise and everyone who knows me knows I like taking care of my body so finding out I would rather go to school by walking rather than in a limousine, who is my family oh it's nothing big just the Duke Starlight's only heir and son, what I'm an aristocrat and a high ranking one at that, what? why don't people attack me? Well it's simple as my father treats the people well and I have secret body guards to protect me at all times so walking out and interacting with the common folk is easy and fun also due to me being friendly I increased my reputation to those around me and when they found out I was the Duke's son they looked at me with even more respect, why? Because they know the next lord will treat them good as well. I'm getting of topic.

the speech:

"Good morning future students and failures this is the moment that decides your future as someone great, someone average or just a random nobody. I don't feel like making this long so I'll just say this, the Academy is only for those who are strong enough not those who are weak, those who are weak willed, weak physically and those who are out right idiots are asked to leave right now to experience less embarrassment than what you have now as all your scores will be broadcasted around the world and those who among those categories is a noble or royal in or outside of this country we ask you to leave as well, we don't want an international tension just because daddy's mad you suck at life and blames us for his defective genetics that made you" the principal finished talking and a few who fit those categories got up and left.

after the principal walked of stage the chief invigilator told us to get ready for the exam to which we did and started writing it, keep in mind this is an exam for people with 13year old level education while I have already graduate level education so to say the exam was a walk in the park would be an understatement.

next up came the combat exam where we fight robots that show you how well your combat abilities are ranging from 1star: meaning you're shit. To 5stars: meaning you're the peak of combat.

of course I got 5stars as I've been training and being a Duke's son makes it easier to get resources for training, so it's only natural I have a ranking score.

next was the Esper talent test:

ranking in:

White: rubbish.

Green: less rubbish.

Blue: f*cking average

purple: slightly advanced

orange: advanced

Red: Genius

Crimson: Super genius

Gold: Supreme genius

let me just tell you now Gold and crimson is so rare it is only seen every 500years and yours truly will have Gold, I'm sure of.

the result.

Gold: Chronokenisis (control of time)

"Holy sh*t!"

I can't wait to make the fight scenes, they are going to be insane.

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