
Chronicles of the warborn

In the mystical World, a kingdom once steeped in grandeur and magic, the tranquility is shattered by the thunderous march of war. As the unified armies of neighboring lands converge upon Eldrador, the capital city, the fate of the World hangs in the balance. Amidst the chaos and bloodshed, a newborn prince is born into the House of Zark, the rulers of the Kingdom of Zarkenia. Destined for greatness, yet thrust into a world torn apart by strife, the young prince becomes the unwitting centerpiece of a battle for supremacy. With the fall of Eldrador, the prince's life is plunged into peril. After the fall of Zarkenia, he is spirited away by a loyal guardian, embarking on a journey fraught with danger and discovery. The prince must navigate treacherous landscapes and face unimaginable foes to reclaim his birthright and restore peace to the Kingdom. But as dark forces gather and ancient prophecies unfold, the prince realizes that his destiny is intertwined with the very fabric of Zarkenia itself. With courage and determination, he must rise to the challenge, harnessing the latent magic within him to confront the darkness that threatens to consume everything he holds dear. In a tale of epic proportions, filled with magic, intrigue, and adventure, the newborn prince embarks on a quest that will test his mettle and define his legacy. For in the heart of chaos lies the seed of hope, and only through courage and unity can the Kingdom of Zarkenia be saved from oblivion.

Mr_Storyteller · Fantasi
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16 Chs

Through the Forest of Deadly Smiles

In the chilly mountain air, there was a jittery energy crackling through the Vorgath settlement. The tribesmen's deliberate movements were highlighted by the lengthy shadows the midday sun created across the camp. Aurelius, a young guy with eyes the color of a stormy sky and a body refined by years of off-the-land living, was at the heart of this action. His armor was made of old leather, with elaborate designs engraved on the breastplate that gave off a subtle sheen in the sunshine. 

Kieran stood beside him, his worn face marked with a mix of worry and pride. The former royal guard had become older, with deeper lines in his eyes and silver streaks in his beard. Nevertheless, he maintained his resolute posture and his unwavering hold on his hunting knife. 

"You sure you're ready for this, lad?" With a low, rumbling voice, Kieran questioned. 

With a momentary mist of doubt in his eyes, Aurelius met his stare. His fifteen years of hiding among the Vorgath had taught him how to hunt and track, but it was unsettling to think that he would be leading a rebellion against the Empire, the very organization that had stolen everything from him. 

He answered, "As ready as I'll ever be, Kieran," his voice calm despite a trembling of nerves in his stomach. "Hope is needed by the people. They must be aware that their prince is still alive." 

With a little smile pulling at the corners of his lips, Kieran nodded. Indeed, they do. But never forget that you're still simply a lad who was raised by wolves, prince or not. Things are different in the shadows, out there." 

With a resolute sparkle in his eyes, Aurelius squared his shoulders. "Kieran, I've battled Vorgath wolves. I can fight the dogs of the Empire too." 

A deep laugh from Kieran's chest. "Yes, you are able to. But keep in mind that strength alone isn't the answer here. You'll require strategy, guile, and these men's faith." He pointed to a group of Vorgath hunters, who were preparing their bows and sharpening their axes with expressionless masks of concentration on their faces. 

Aurelius pivoted, surveying the gathered fighters with his eyes. After living in the tough alpine environment for years, each man's body had become hardened, making him an impressive example of robust resilience. Despite not being warriors, they were strong and devoted, having spent generations hunting the most dangerous game in the Zarkenian highlands. 

He recognized a few faces: Dren, the youngest hunter, with his youthful enthusiasm barely concealed by his stoic expression; Harren, the gruff but wise elder, with her braid swinging rhythmically as she checked the tension on her bowstring; and Nara, the lone female hunter. 

With a calmer tone, Kieran remarked, "They'll follow you, lad." "They see a prince in you now. Keep in mind that a leader listens and inspires in addition to giving orders." 

Aurelius inhaled deeply and nodded. He spoke out, his words piercing through the pre-departure mutterings. "Siblings of Vorgath! I have been living in hiding for fifteen years, seeing my country suffer at the hands of the Empire's iron grip. However, those times are gone. Now is the moment to retaliate!" 

After he declared, there was a tense quiet. Subsequently, harren moved forward, his voice firm yet full of confidence. "We fight for our mountains, for our freedom, and for the memory of his father the King who rule the mighty kingdom of Zarkrnia!" 

The group of hunters let forth a cacophony of grunts and cries. Dren's young face flushed with ardor as he slammed his fist on his chest. With a steely resolve in her gaze, Nara adjusted the quiver on her back. 

An exhalation of hope filled Aurelius. These men were more than simply fighters; they were a family, united in their ardent love for their homeland and their common struggles. They served as the cornerstone around which his insurrection would be constructed. 

With a hand that was heavy with significance, Kieran put his hand on his shoulder. Gruffly, "Let's ride, then," he murmured. "Mount Araka awaits." 

After giving the Vorgath town, which had long since become his home, one last look, Aurelius turned and went in the direction of the horses that were waiting. He was not alone for the first time in fifteen years, but the voyage ahead would not be without risk. He had a goal, a group of devoted fighters at his side, and the fading light of hope that grew stronger by the second. 

After a journey of one and a half day they reach, The Forest of deadly smiles, A forest remember in history for a battle it hosted. Where people were killed but the corpses smile. As they entered the forest.Beneath the great oaks and twisted pines, the Forest of Deadly Smiles was a dense mass that bore down upon them. The sun was having trouble breaking through the thick undergrowth, leaving the forest floor covered in dark, menacing shadows. The only sounds that shattered the stillness were the hoofbeats on the mossy ground and the sporadic crack of a twig beneath the feet. 

Riding at the head of his Vorgath bodyguard, Aurelius looked around him at the thick brush. The tense energy that blazed within him was in sharp contrast to the oppressive silence that hung heavily in the air. He held onto the sword hilt, finding solace in its well-known weight amidst the frightening tales associated with this specific forest. Aurelius asked Kieran " why this forest is called ' The Forest of deadly smiles'"

Kieran replied " This forest has a tree, whose fruit will make you laugh if you eat it, and it was given to a whole army of a kingdom and they were slaughter while they were laughing aloud " Next to Aurelius, Kieran leaned in. "We ought to have chosen the southern path," he whispered, squinting. "This place always gives me the creeps." 

Silently, Aurelius nodded. Though far less dangerous, the southern path would have been longer. But there was not much time to waste. They had to get to Mount Araka, HQ of Silver Ravens, as quickly as they could. 

The gang came to a sudden stop when Nara, the lone female hunter, raised her hand. "There's a problem," she growled, her voice hardly audible. 

Tensed hush fell over them. Aurelius's senses were keenly aware as he strain to pick up any strange sounds. Then he caught sight of it. A glimpse of motion caught the corner of his eye, a burst of red that vanished behind a massive oak. 

He yelled, "Ambush!" as his voice reverberated through the quiet trees. 

Chaos ensued in the woodland. Arrows shot out of the brush, whistling a lethal hum across the atmosphere. Harren, one of the Vorgath hunters, let out a cry when an arrow became stuck in his shoulder. The youngest, Dren, responded instantly, bringing his hunting bow back into action. His arrow struck its target, burrowing into the shrouded figure's chest as it came out of the undergrowth. 

Aurelius got down his horse and with one smooth movement drew his father's sword. In the veiled sunlight, the blade glittered with a steely, cold glow. The Vorgath hunters surrounded him, their expressions gloomy and their axes held in a defensive circle. 

The attackers appeared out of the foliage like shadows, all black from head to toe. Their faces hidden behind black hoods, they moved with an inhuman grace. Despite lacking any symbols or marks, the lethal gleam in their eyes conveyed a powerful message. 

There was a bloody struggle. The assailants were able to take advantage of their agility because of the narrow path through the woodland. With his years of training under Kieran, Aurelius battled with a controlled rage. With deadly accuracy, he delivered counterattacks and parried blows with his sword, which transformed into a swirl of steel. 

Kieran was beside him, slicing away with his hunting knife in a furious manner. Despite his wound, Harren roared a war cry and swung his huge axe at his assailants. With the dexterity of a cat, Nara swerved among the woods, her arrows hitting their marks with perfect precision. 

But the assailants didn't let up. Their actions were choreographed like a lethal ballet, and they fought with a terrifying purpose. The cries of the fallen Vorgath hunters reverberated through the still trees as they fell one by one. Dren let out a guttural cry as she collapsed, overpowered by two attacks at once. 

A wave of sadness overcame Aurelius. Outnumbered and outmatched in their strange new environment, they were losing. He saw Kieran embroiled in a ferocious battle with an exceptionally proficient opponent. Aurelius bellowed, attracting the assailant's notice as he charged. 

The battle lasted an eternity, a haze of crashing metal and excruciating cries. Aurelius's muscles burned from exhaustion, and he felt his body scream in protest. However, the idea of quitting and failing before his mission even started motivated him. 

A movement drew his attention out of the corner of his eye, just as he felt his strength departing him. From behind a tree, a lone man appeared with a crossbow pointing right at Kieran. Time appeared to be dragging. Aurelius made a desperate move and launched himself at Kieran, shoving him aside in time to avoid the crossbow bolt. 

A sharp ache shot through Aurelius's shoulder as the bolt struck it. He staggered backward, his peripheral vision fading. However, before the assailant could take advantage, a figure—a tornado of fury and retaliation—erupted from the foliage. One of the Silver Ravens members arrived at the scene.

Elara, the healer of Silver Raven, was normally a cool-headed person, yet her movements belied the fury of her demeanor. With the seemingly harmless wooden stick that was her staff, she was able to break bones and launch assailants into the air. 

The battle's momentum was changed by her abrupt intervention. Observing that their advantage was diminishing, the surviving attackers withdrew and vanished into the forest's shadows.