

Lydia cunning smile disappeared as quickly as it appeared. Replace by her usual smile smile , if Anabely didn't know Lydia enough to know she is planning something, she would be fooled.

Lydia was indeed planning something. She has always want to know what trick Anabely use to finish her work. Both of them has always had the same amount of paper work, however Anabely always finish first while she hasn't complete even 1/3 of it. This is the perfect chance for her to find out about Anabely trick and pass more time with her son. This is a double win in her part. Thinking of this her smile grew even bigger.

"Without my son, this is a suicidal mission "Lydia smile was still there like she wasn't talking serious things at all. Things may seen like it would expose her lair however the person in the room know her enough too know that she can talk about kidnapping someone and still have a smile in her face. "a shame, he can come with us ,his company has as much paper work as we use to have in Chrome."

Thinking about the pile of paper work, Lydia and catty want to cry. It wasn't easy to be Chrome's knight and spy, respectively.

Maybe Anabely would believe Lydia if she didn't see the cunning smile. She already know where her friend want to get however that didn't mean she was going to help her.

Lydia smile twitch seeing Anabely not wanting to cooperate with her. Knowing Anabely's IQ it was impossible to fool her with her poor acting skill. Only Catty has fool Anabely for 10 second and that is a considerable record."

'You don't want to act ,okey, however that doesn't mean I won't' Lydia trough internally.

"For the mission to be successful, you b may need to reveal your trick" Lydia smiling face grew bigger. She wasn't naïve enough to think Anabely would give her trick right away however she has more way to take it out.

Anabely fell silence, measuring the probability of sues without Andres. Anabely knew her friends better than anyone. Lydia is a lazy person by nature it impossible for her to attend the thing human call school.

Okey" Hearing Anabely answer, Lydia get a bad feeling which was confirmate with Anabely calm words "only him"

"What??!!!come on Anabely, don't be cruel". Lydia was in the verge of crying. She is sure this is Anabely revenge for have a short body. For chromatic height is a thing to be proud of, have a short body like this is something chromatic are ashamed of. This was clearly seeing from the little smile in Anabely eyes.

While Lydia was crying internally, Andres was really nervous almost to the point of fainting when Anabely was whispering the trick in his ear.