
Chosen by the lovely Billionaire

MATURE CONTENT READER'S DISCRETION IS ADVICED Liza is a broken woman who has the urge to take a step forward after her breakup with the guy who meant her world but is too scared to do so and creates silly excuses to back down. What does he expects when he has a penchant for broken women. David, a billionaire who loves teaching coupled with the zen and the beauty of nature, tries to get in accordance with his broken student. How will they get to settle together with all these and how will he mend her back?

Lola_Bentz · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

chapter two: coffee gone wrong

As we entered the coffee shop, we were greeted with a somewhat cosy atmosphere which was actually a contrary with how I was feeling at the moment. There was this somewhat welcoming feeling that rendered me at ease, and I kind of liked that.

We choosed a table at the far end to the right which permitted us to have some privacy but a good view outside. 

'' I like to watch the streets in all discretion, this helps me and reminds me that there is some life out there. You have people with different stories out there and all have their uniqueness, they all have nothing strange but everything about each one is special. Everyone has it's touch of craziness. Isn't this Wonderfull?''

''It sure is, sir.''

He said as soon as we were both seated, he said all this like had he craved to share a piece of information that was part of him. It was insignificant maybe. Maybe it wasn't.

I was surprised at all this and this actually proved that quiet people are excellent observers. They take notice of everything, every little change that occur. Maybe that's why he noticed my change in mood.

We sat there for half a minute in silence which wasn't actually awkward and thanks we sat where we could both observe the outside altogether. It was true what he said about the ''stories'' and their touch of craziness. 

Right now a woman passed on with a baby who had an unknown reason for yelling and then we saw a teenage sulking behind her dad who told her to hurry up and then what tore my gaze off was the sight of a couple having a late stroll hand-in-hand being so intimate with each other.

Not that I had a problem with people being openly intimate but the thing was I really loved to see all this but it pained me that I failed on my part, I wasn't able to keep this up so much that that b******d had to search for someone else. This to me was actually an ugly way of telling me I was not good enough. All these had their different reasons for happening right??

A server came to get our commands and nodded at Mr Rogue like they were acquaintances.

''Same as always with an extra cream seving.'' Mr Rogue said.

'' And for the missus?"

''just normal coffee with two cream servings and sugar'' 

'' And is that all? If not you could both try out some desserts to accompany with it'' we both refused.

''What a pitty''He said. Sulking jokingly

''maybe a next time will go.'' I said and smiled at his insistance.

''ok I'll be right back.''

''Thanks'' I said to Mr Rogue after the server left to fetch our orders. He quirked a brow ''I mean thanks for the invite and all.

''Thanks to you instead. This is a change in the atmosphere. Conversing with the nature and my late day coffee isn't so much fun. I have to sit around here and drink coffee then prepare to go home to a cold and lonely apartment. So thanks to you instead.'' He looked so intelligent and interesting but I didn't have energy to do some digging.

''Well, checking this out this is not the kind of impression you let out sir.''

'' Oh really? And what kind of impression I let out?'' He asked casually.

''You give off that sufficient vibe, telling off others to see how you are content, unaware and indifferent to your surroundings. Sir I uhm...''

'' Just call me Denis.''

'' Sorry sir I can't.''

''I insist'' He kind of pleaded.

''I will try sir...sorry...Dennis."

By that time their commands came and they both sipped their coffee and enjoyed the aroma that wafted from their mugs to the air. 

What a pleasant sent

'' Actually, I brought you here so you could have a change of scenery but you leave me intrigued, is it fine by your name?'' He asked but he didn't feel unsure.


''I really wonder what will change a proactive girl all full of life to suddenly turn gloomy and won't even be joky about the fact that she was having coffee with someone she didn't know at all apart from in between four walls.''

''I-I-I.....'' I couldn't continue speaking as he cut me off and i wouldn't say that i was not grateful for that.

''I'ts fine to have problems, it's fine to have insecurities y'know. Those are just steps that create who we become and what we do later on. It literally brings out better versions of ourselves and all.

His pep talk actually did something to my core that I unwillingly broke all the defences I still had on and cried