
Chosen by the lovely Billionaire

MATURE CONTENT READER'S DISCRETION IS ADVICED Liza is a broken woman who has the urge to take a step forward after her breakup with the guy who meant her world but is too scared to do so and creates silly excuses to back down. What does he expects when he has a penchant for broken women. David, a billionaire who loves teaching coupled with the zen and the beauty of nature, tries to get in accordance with his broken student. How will they get to settle together with all these and how will he mend her back?

Lola_Bentz · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

chapter one: the invitation

     ''Miss Robinson could you please tell us what the laws in business are all about? ''

      This was the second time today I had been called up to answer a question i didn't even know existed.

  Right now I was doing further studies to continue in my business carrier, and tell you what, it's no fun at all. Worst of all that I found myself in this situation.

    '' Hum sorry, sir I didn't get you the first time. Would you mind repeating it ? ''

"Of course no, well I said tell me the law in business.'' 

'' Sure, well they are ...'' I blabber till I get the guy teaching called Mr Denis Rogue say it's kk.

''Thanks, you may now take your seat miss ''.

The lectures on the laws in setting and when putting in motion a business aren't new to me, and so are other notions

It was the end and I was making my way out when Mr Rogue said ''Ms Robinson could you please wait a few minutes?.''


At this he turned and was packing his things.

Actually the guy had such a beautiful rear we females are used to admiring but today i wasn't in the mood so watching him as his back was turned to me was so neutral and didn't affect me.

His toned skin which had a very caramel shade showed he was used to spending time outdoors and was maybe one of the sun's best friends. Without putting much effort one could see how he was sculpted enough by the way his bones protruded and moved swiftly under his shirt at each of his movements.

He could be a dream guy but he was not the kind of teacher with a baritone voice who will flirt, mingle with students and attract weak souls then try to take advantage of them. He was well liked and respected but could only be admired from afar with many thinking he actually had a problem and others thinking he did men instead of women.

''Ok let's get going.''

"Hmm" was all I could say since I was busy tracing how he bones and skin and whatever whatever....

Let's get to real matters and I suspected he wanted to ask about my being absent minded in class.

''You sound and look so out of place lately, is anything the problem?'' 

Shit I knew it

'' Oh no sir '' I tried feigning ignorance 

We got out of the class and thanks this wasn't highschool or another where you will be greeted by the hustle and bustle of students all over smelling a mixture of sweat, deodorant and perfume that might choke one till death. Instead we were greeted by a cool flow and calm hallway with quit murmurs since most people here were already mature enough to maintain a serene atmosphere.

''Robinson we all are grown-ups and have passed that stage. I'm just being concerned with you. Maybe you might have a problem that might need help or some advice.

Sharing a problem releases the burden and makes you feel more comfortable in your skin because a problem shared is a problem half solved. Don't you think?.''

''Thanks sir but I'm ok, no need to worry.''

''Anyways if you ever need something as in advice, help or just to speak to someone I'm here.'' He smile reassuringly and I noticed it was so warm I could feel it become contagious as I returned his smile. We reached the lift and he pressed the first floor and we both entered 

What a kind human being, I thought to myself.

''Thanks sir'' was all I could say. Even though right now all I could do was wish for some company because if I stayed all by myself I will end up crying my eyes out and even myself won't do anything about it. 

''You sure?? '' I heard that tiny voive in my head ask.

''Yeah'' I replied. 

We reached out destination and since I was so busy conversing with myself, I lost myself again. This has become more frequent since it's been two weeks now that it happened and I just drown in my thoughts, and it happened now that I didn't get the question come again for the third time. But luckily at that time I snapped into reality.

''Would you mind joining my for a cup of coffee? I would appreciate some company.'' he asked again as we stepped out.

'' M-me?'' I asked genuinely surprised because this teacher had the reputation of a loner.

''Yeah you...'' He blinked ''Why? anything the problem? I know it might sound strange but you look so distracted these days that maybe some coffee could help you ease up. So are you in?"

Really, weighing down the options I checked that between (1)going home (the tiny apartment I rented for the meantime) crying till i was drained and waiting for that tiny voice in my head to comfort me; or(2) accepting a coffee invite that can help ease my tension up and relax. There was also i wasn't so chatty anymore and I might end up burdening him and and also boring him. I didn't want to be dormant before our super sexy teacher and risking my reputation as a jovial someone. I was so not in the mood of socializing. 

After all the reflection.....

I accepted.

*hmm you did it* came the tiny voice but I ignored it.

We headed out. "I have a favorite place where I usually go to. It was three blocks after the institute." We walked to the place as he hummed a very soft note.

It was so so relaxing.

I was not the kind who did faith but at the moment I was really grateful for his kindness and persistence.

He walked before me but i could sense he didn't want to rush for fear of leaving me behind with his long strides and my throttles. Yes I am was short.

''Ah, here it is the king coffee.'' It had a coffee bean with a crown on it to prove it's royalty. ''They are actually from Britain and the coffee is way better than what you might think.'' He said and opened the door for the both of us.