
Child of The Sun And Moon

Given birth to on the forest floor in the darkness of night, he had always been alone.For him this was not an issue as it was the only life he knew and considered it of little importance as he found peace and contentedness within the forest he called home, little does he know his birth would cause an upheaval for the beings that rule within the shadows of the world, for his existence poses a tremendous danger to their rule and power. He will have to find out who he truly is along with the power he holds if he wants to survive these ancient beings. Will he be able to make the hunters become the prey or will he just be another count among the thousands of bones that make up their thrones? This novel is set in the world of twilight but will not be focused on the characters of the main story, instead it will delve deeper into the lore of the world and will even touch on new things that haven't yet been answered or exist in the lore. Our Main Protagonist Aidon is a character of my own making as well as others that will come along and is owned by me. the characters and the world it is set in by Stephanie Meyer is owned solely by her and I lay no claim to them except those of my own making. I hope this novel will be loved and if there are any mistakes within the writing of it I will gladly accept corrections. I will not answer any questions in regards to what or who the Protagonist is not what are his abilities. All will be answered the further into the world you go. Enjoy your journey.

micheal_martin · Fantasi
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14 Chs

11. Surge in intelligence

Over the coming centuries of living with Aidon,guiding and teaching him all the members of the Amazon Vampire Coven were left awestruck,happy and sometimes very afraid due to how much he overturned all their understanding of how their world operated as we was several levels beyond their Preternatural abilities it was almost as if he was made to be their hunter as they were made to be the natural predators of humans. His ability to learn went beyond any limits they placed on him, as soon as he got his tutors and learnt about the mind and about scientific principles and rules it was like a fish finally being introduced to water, he took off at a speed they could barely keep up with. Now his mind was an impenetrable planet made to kill any being who stepped foot on it,Zaphrina no longer had to worry about him losing himself when accessing another's mind and more had to worry about what he was willing to do to others instead as she was right in her theory about how powerful his Telepathic Powers were,Not only could he access your mind and take everything from your memory he could also erase your mind, alter your memories command and control your thoughts without you even being aware and he could give you what he called simply called death, that is where he literally commands the brain to shut down, there were other things he has yet to explore as it seems once it was telepathically possible he could do it.

Then there was his Telekinetic powers that along with his Telepathic Powers grow stronger each day and with his knowledge growing in science so did his control over this ability, his favourite so for was taking control of the Magnetic Field in Space and with this he could control basically any form of matter and have it do it's bidding. When he learnt of the Biokinetic field and happened to read a comic about a red cape super heroe,let's just say all hell broke loose, he was already powerful being as is now he knew how to amplify that strength beyond imaginable Magnitudes, His favourite however was using his Telepathic and Telekinetic powers combined to delve into his body and learn how his body functioned from how he healed to how he could morph into his true self. Once he learnt Biology from a reknowned Biologist let's just say, if he doesn't want you to die you never will there was no wound he could not heal and return to it's perfect state almost like time was reversed such was his control of the space within his Telekinetic Field that he basically controlled the laws of physics and bent them to his will. At first the sister Told Marx and Kira not to teach him too much in order to have some semblance of control, but in time they realized this was futile once he learnt the subject mastering it and pioneering new concepts came easy to him, over time he became a glutton to knowledge, no longer was he worried about his ego as he created a Library within his mind to hold all that he took from the mind of others in the form of Book as long as he wanted to know all about what that person knew he just has to search his library and read.

Then came the advent of the Computer and the explosion of information and for the last 70 years he has been on a internet and technology binge, at first they were worried as he wouldn't come out of his room or hunt, they were worried that like them he would eventually go on massacre if starved for too long and the Volturi was too strong of an enemy to draw their attention. Their fears were laid to rest when they learnt he could sustain himself from human food and other things but he never delved into what he meant. He does need to drink blood eventually but that is just to basically give him an energy boost he is perfectly fine without it although he prefers it.

Eventually he came out of his seclusion and introduced something to them that was mind boggling, " I call it Wisp or Shadow it is an internal computer that runs of the computational power of your brain and uses your subconscious as it's A.I. As you know your subconscious documents and is aware of everything that happens around you that your body can sense and has full access your your brain computing power, sadly it is barely used by our main conciousness,which is a pity because in many aspects our subconscious is more intelligent than our Active Conscious. Using my telepathic ability and copying Zaphrinas Ability to allow to mind to see what is technically not there, I was able to isolate the Subconscious have it use the brain full capacity to calculate without disturbing the conscious thought process and send the info into mental digestable packets that are shown on floating like screens. Essentially a Quantum Computer made with just the brain as Hardware and your Subconscious as Software. Of course the subconscious would need to be fed a programming language in order to run like a pregrommed machine but I already created that with small packet of telepathic nudges."

After saying all that Aidon touched each other temples and Infront of them they each saw a floating screen (Please confirm download of wisp). "The subconscious is a very stubborn and loyal part of your brain it will not change anything that may affect your conciousness without you actively being the one who wished it to. Of course I could force you to but me doing so would be altering your mind and personality leading to unforseen circumstances with the A.I made from your subconsciousness.Trust me you don't want an A.I whose goals differ to yours, which is also why your subconscious is the best A.I although calling it A.I is wrong cause it's not artificial as it is actually you."

After getting that explanation the family members each chose yes (download complete, Loading Shadow Assistant.... .... ... ....Greetings I am your Shadow Assistant please feel free to call me Shadow or you can rename me to a name of your choice... .... .... Seeing as you have no questions and does not wish for a name change at this time I will start the tutorial found in data packet for wisp. Your Wisp System is fundamentally apart of you and is run entirely by your brain, your brain is the hard ware and your subconscious mind is the Software that runs all the programming that was accepted when wisp was activated. What can these programs do? Well for starters your brain has now the capability to access and manipulate the radeo waves and magnetic fields that pass through your body every day, what this does is give you unlimited and unfeathered access to internet, phone,Tv and Radio signals that are passing through the air, many think that u need special materials to access these waves, but your brain is perfectly capable of picking them up even better than man made hardware, your wetware is the greatest computer ever made and is finally being used to it's full capability. To access the Internet at anytime just think it and Shadow will do the rest, there is no need to read or talk out what u need, your Shadow Assistant will know what you want before you can even finish the thought yourself, you can listen to music, learn what's on the news and even view videos all from the comfort of your brain. Plus your Shadow system is the greatest quantom computer your wetware especially with the speed of a Vampire Capacity will always outdo any computer built by the mortals. What this simply means is that you can hack into any database and learn any and every secret. This ends your tutorial for further assistance Shadow will be there to help).

Saying the coven was surprised was an understatement, their little one just advance technology and the transferring of information beyond human concept, and they were the only one in the world that had access and knew of this capability. What is it that would never be able to know, what information could ever escape their grasp?