

After the week I checked my status




Bloodline: god of speed /????/????/????/????







Skills: roaring fist (1/11), super (1/???), telekinesis (1/30, telepathy (1/30), mind block (max)

[ average stats of a human are 5, athletes are 10, martial artists are 15, and cultivators are 25, demigods are 50, low gods are 150, high gods are 250, true gods are 500, higher beings will be introduced later on]

Me:my stats is amazing so System how fast can I run

System:you can currently run 4000 miles per hour

Me:so about Mach 5 huh not bad but I need to be faster,how do I train In my speed

(Trust me guys he will be super fast 😈)

System:you can buy a realm and make it super big

Me:ok show me some

System: 1000 miles realm=100 heavenly points

100000 miles=1,000 heavenly points



Me:ok what about infinite

System:it will cost 1 billion heavenly points

Me:ok buy it


I entered the realm after a awhile

Me:what's the time difference

System: The time completely stops outside

Me:ok how do I train

System:just run

I started jogging

System: speed skill acquired (1/♾)

I kept jogging and my skill kept on leveling up

Speed skill (25/♾)


I stopped after few weeks

Speed skill (100/♾)




Bloodline: god of speed /????/????/????/????







Skills: roaring fist (1/11), super (1/???), telekinesis (1/30, telepathy (1/30), mind block (max),speed (100/♾)

[ average stats of a human are 5, athletes are 10, martial artists are 15, and cultivators are 25, demigods are 50, low gods are 150, high gods are 250, true gods are 500, higher beings will be introduced later on]

Me:how fast can I run now

System:currently 67,450 mph

Me:so Mach 91 huh not bad

I went back out of my realm and I was back in my shabby shit hole apartment I was planning to move

Me:System how do I get money

System: you can buy a skill that summons money

Me:ok buy it

System: bought money spawn (max)

Me:ok make me a card

The system did and I put few hundred thousand inside the card

Me:get me a infinite space wallet


And the a small wallet came out with runes on it and I put millions of dollars in it.

Me:can I go to another world?

System:yes but you have to beat the strongest being of this realm


I got up from my bed and headed out to meet the person that will sell me the houses

We looked at few houses

Janette:which one of the house do you like

Me:I will take the last one

Janette:you m-mean the super mansion

Me:yeah what's the price

Jannette:well the price is 160 million and will take a month

Me:what about cash



I brung out a brief case and gave it to her

Me:it has 161 you can take the 1 million is that good can I move In now

Janette:y-yeah you can

Next day I headed to the mall and bought bunch of clothes and stuff I might need,after shopping I had few bags and I didn't want to carry everything even though I won't be tired, I headed to a car dealership and bought an Audi r9 the new one that just came in that cost more than the most expensive car,since this car was new and made with new tech and materials and it was electric the charging wasn't hard it costed 5.8 million it wasn't much so I bought it,I heard that there were only 4 Audi r9 In The Whole world.

It took me few hours and I left with the car I headed to the mansion and parked the car in my garage and took the bags and organized my clothes,the good thing was that the mansion already had beds,furnitures and lots of stuff.

(Soon he will go into a vr game,I know this happens in almost everyone of my novel)

I slept for the night

System:congratulations you achieved the grandmaster practitioners realm 4th Star


I came down stairs and started making breakfast while watching the news

News:it has been announced that beta testers will be selected for the new and first full dive vr game earth X there will only be 10 beta testers and it is said that the test will last for 1 month and the beta testers will be able to keep there account and be on the same level once the game fully launches,and the way to be a beta tester is to go to this website www.*******/****/****

and answer the questions to qualify.

It wasn't bad so I went online and started searching up the website when the website opened up and as soon as I looked I saw questions some questions had right and wrong answers some questions had no wrong or right answer as it will be your opinion,there were a total of 20 questions and it took me at least 5 minutes and at the end I clicked the bi SUBMIT button and on the next page I saw a CONGRATULATIONS!! And I read the message and it gave me a code and a phone number so I called the phone number and told them my code and they said that my set will arrive in a week.

After finishing breakfast it was 8:30 I headed to my car and headed to my school.

The school was a famous one only the rich kids go to and me how did i get into it well it was because I did the entrance exam and I was somewhat smart as I knew the answers to the questions,I was probably the only 'poor' person their I parked my car and got out,everyone looked at me and started whispering I didn't really care,this was my 3rd year in this school and my last one I wasn't a straight A but had few A B and C but not below that but not always A some kids had as low as B but not lower I was probably the only student that had few C more like 3 or so.

I headed to my home room I had eight periods the first Period was science,math geography PE and more or so but luckily I was on the soccer team so I could leave at the end of 5th period today soon students started to come in and so did the teacher homeroom was over after 10 minutes and first period was science for me I headed to room 102 science teacher Dave

Mr Dave:today we will be doing....

Science wasn't bad although I was annoyed of the whispers and talks about me I didn't give much shit time passed and soon lunch came now was the biggest part of school where to sit well I already had my seat,it was with 3 people my friends it was rose,Mary and jack,rose and jack were dating me and Mary were pretty close we could say we were dating,the table had 4 seats I sat beside jack.

Jack:have you guys heard about the game earth X

Rose:yeah the beta testers they already have 10 people


The game was really popular you should know this,it was also very EXPENSIVE as it costed a whopping 7 thousand dollars,for me I think it's fine so do the rich people think that but the other people think it's a little to overpriced but it didn't matter as the price didn't change.

Jack:the game will come after a month the beta gamers done testing

Me:that's cool so are you guys getting it

When I said that the table got quite,they knew I was poor and they wanted to play together with me to so they were thinking of buying one for him

Mary:don't worr-

Me:I already have the set coming I am one of the beta testers


They were shocked,who wouldn't out of few billion people he was one special one,we talked more until the bell ringed and the co-Ed soccer team was called for the game as it was away

Me,jack,Mary and rose got up and headed to the locker to get our bags and went inside the changing room I went into the men changing room with jack and the girls went into the female changing room.

After changing we got out and headed to our bus once on the bus the four of us started to plan and make a strategy for the soccer game.

The co-ed team had a total of 16 players 8 boys and 8 girls some were subs for the other players,after a 30 min ride we came to the field and got out and saw the kids of the other school too we set out on the field and just played with the ball till 5pm since that's when the game starts and the crowd comes me and jack were kicking the ball we were good at kicking so we were kicking from each goal we kicked it across the field the other players of both team watched with envy and awe our coach looked proud and the other coach just complimented us soon the time came for the game to start I went into my position of an offensive and I passed the ball and the game started with the pass.

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