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It's a short story about one happy ending. To pay her bills and for her education, Anna works as a sex operator. Among different clients that happen to appear there's one particular that keeps her more than interested in him.

Danny_Nat · perkotaan
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23 Chs


"Why? Why? Why?" I groaned frustratingly hitting my head with a pillow.

"I think you're looking for a better answer than you called me by yourself but there isn't one." I could feel his arrogant face smiling right now. But I was still busy hitting my head.

I stopped with the pillow and finally looked at that smirking bastard. He was sitting in the chair with his fingers crossed together.

"You could've given me a ride home," I snapped at him.

"I was riding you home. But you almost caused a car accident fighting with me to go to my place," oh, how much he loved my current situation. It was written all over his face.

"So you just decided you will take advantage of me again?" I snorted motioning my head to the sheets that covered my naked body.

But as words left my mouth Liam's face became hard. He clenched his jaw and stood up slowly moving in my direction. I gulped hard not seeing him like that. Like ever. Anger was radiating from his every step.

He towered over me and took my chin up with his fingers.

"If you ever say that again I will make sure that every word will become reality. I will damage you so badly you won't be able to close your legs together, understand?" his stormy eyes bore into mine.

I just nodded my head silently. I felt horrified and aroused at the same time. That man knew how to pull my strings.

He let go of me but still gazed down at me.

"The only time we were together was on the beach. My stepbrother is a useless motherfucker but I would never do that to him. If I knew you were dating him before the party…" he closed his eyes trying to control his anger.

"You didn't know?" I asked shocked. I thought it was obvious actually.

"He told me the next day," his answer made my eyes go wide.

"Wait," I moved deeper into the bed and narrowed my eyes. "Why did you hit him that morning?" I crossed my hands over my chest.

Liam straightened his back and went to take my clothes that were neatly lying on the desk. He turned back to me with unreadable emotion on his face.

"He pissed me off saying how he was happy to be there to fuck his girlfriend every way possible," he answered and threw my clothes on the bed. "Get dressed, there's a coffee-to-go in the kitchen and the cab will be here in 15 minutes," his cold tone startled me.

He looked at me again and disappeared leaving me in shock.

Why would Noah tell something like that? And why Noah lied to me? I wasn't sure was I pissed more at him or at Liam who stormed out?

On my way in the taxi, I sent a message to Noah I wanted to see him as soon as possible and talk to him. But to my disappointment, he told me that his father took him out of the city because of some important meeting concerning his future job and he will see me on Saturday at his parents' house.

All day at uni I thought about Liam and his odd behavior. He looked like he was over me and I didn't feel right about it. Because of my new position, I had to attend daily meetings after 5 at his office and I was set up to talk about it. Actually, I didn't know what I wanted to talk about but I clearly needed some words coming from his mouth.

During the meeting, he never gave me a glance concentrating his attention on every other person in the office. Even when I made good suggestions about the working process. I was pissed as hell. When it came to the end I could see how everybody breathed a sigh of relief and scurried out. But I remained on the chair.

Liam casually stood from his desk and went to the minibar. He took a bottle of water and went back to his desk and started typing something.

"Um, hello?" I spat waving my hand in front of him.

He lazily looked at me and leaned on his chair.

"How may I help you, Miss Black?" he asked with a silky voice.

Was this guy for real?

"What was that in the morning and why did you disappear?" I crossed my hands on my chest indicating to him I was pissed.

"What did you expect me to do?" his question took me off guard.

"I don't know… It's just…" I blabbered. "You don't just leave a girl in your house and walk away." there, I found the right words. So I thought.

"Let's make it clear Miss Black. You are not my girl and never was." his words struck me so hard I felt my heart squeeze. "You had many opportunities and I made a lot of effort to make it the other way. But you chose to be with Noah," he said calmly. "So the real question is, why are you still sitting here?"

My mind went blank. I couldn't understand what I actually wanted from him. He was right. I wasn't in a place to say something or do something. But somehow I still wanted to clear everything with him.

"So you say, you won't try anything again?" I knew it was quite a straightforward question but what the hell.

"I won't." and I felt my world crumbling down.

He said it so confidently it scared me. I gulped and stood from the chair. Without any words, I made my way to the door.

"I won't do anything because I am tired, Devina." his voice made me stop facing the door. "I'm tired of your confusion and of your constant closing at me. You created a little bubble and live in it. You made everybody call you Anna and live by your rules but that's not real. Real life is not like that. Yes, you can get hurt and you can get betrayed. You will be happy and sad. But that's the point. You get to live." Liam's words echoed in the room.

I stayed rooted to the spot with a knot stuck down my throat. I didn't even notice when he came behind me and put his hands on my shoulders.

"The beauty of life is to find the one you want to be near when you're hurt and when you're at the peak of your happiness. You share your demons. You laugh. You cry. You love." his soft voice fanned on my neck.

I didn't realize tears were running down my cheeks when Liam gently turned me around and looked at my face cupping it.

"I know it must be hard-" he continued but I cut him off stepping away from him.

"You know shit! Do you think you can figure me out? Do you think you're not the same? You all talk sweet at first but then leave and never even turn your heads!" I screamed at his face making him flinch. "Don't you ever touch me!" I pushed his hands off me and stormed out.

I ran to the bathroom and cried my soul out. I couldn't do this. I couldn't bear his words. He was such a lying shit. I took my phone and was about to call Lora but then changed my mind. There was no use of her. She could never understand me. There was only one person who could help me.

So I calmed myself and cleaned my face with cold water making it less puffy. I took a deep breath and went to Liam's secretary.

"Rosie, tell Mr. Jones that I took a leave for a couple of days," I said trying to sound calm.

"But, but you need to-" she stuttered but I was quick to respond to her concerns.

"Just pass him the information, please." I smiled weakly and went out calling Uber.

The ride was not long just a couple of miles from the city. I paid and went out of the car looking at the small white house in front of me.

I moved to the front door and rang a bell. I heard a commotion behind the door and in a minute it was opened.

"Hello, sorry for an unexpected visit," I said and my tears found their way out again.