
Ch - 12 Karna VS Arjun

Karna and Arjun were standing against each other, both ready to fight. Both were using normal now and arrows. There were no perticular rule that was announced as everyone expected Arjun to win.

Arjun took out an arrow and shot it towards Karna. Karna replied with his arrow as he did the same. Both the archers launched several arrows at each other but no one was getting the upper hand.

Arjun then chanted a spell and a magical fire covered arrow appeared in his hands. It was Agniastra. He shot it towards Karna. Karna too chanted a spell and a blue arrow appeared in his hands, it was Varunastra. He shot it and both the arrows collided with each other and disappeared. The crowd burst into cheers as they saw this.

Arjun fired many divine weapons (arrows) but karna countered all of them. The fight was prolonging but the fighters were enjoying. They found a competitor who is worth the fight.

Karna - "I have to say, you are pretty good, Prince Arjun."

Arjun - "You too, I expected less but you are strong. Now counter this if you can!"

Arjun chanted a spell and an arrow appeared with the glow of Sun, it was Suryastra. He shot it towards his enemy. Karna just stood there as if it was nothing. When the arrow was close to him, a divine armour appeared on his body (only chest and stomach area).

When the arrow hit him, it disappeared and the radiation of the arrow was absorbed into his armour.

Everyone was surprised to see this. Specially Kunti, the mother of Pandavas who found her eldest son was still living. Priyanvada, kunti's maid was even more shocked to see it. There was no way she can forget the sin child of Kunti.

(A/n - I will make a dedicated chapter where I will explain the birth story of Karna. It is just to fill the lore so those people who don't know can understand.)

Kunti was on verge on crying as she was still staring at her eldest. She was not able to control her emotions, as a result, she collapsed on the ground and passed out.

When she collapsed, she got attention of everyone and few people rushed to help her. Those People were Pandavas, Mahamahim Bhishm and Mahamantri Vidhur. Arjun and Karna too saw this and they both stopped thier fight. Arjun ran to see his mother while Karna for some reasons was tensed when Kunti passed out. He felt some sort of connection to her.


In Dwarka

Krishna- "Looks like this time, story will be different than it was. I just hope it will be better than original"


In Hastinapur

Everyone was leaving the stadium. Most of the royals were also gone to help or see Kunti. Karna was still standing in the stadium. Raghav was also standing near karna. While Duryodhan was happy, not because Kunti fell unconscious but because today, two people supported him. He slowly walked towards the duo. He was with his uncle Shakuni and his brother Dusshashan.

Duryodhan, Dusshashan, Shakuni - " Pranipat Maharathi* (Title for a strong worrior) Karna, Shreeman (Respected sir) Raghav."

Duo - "Pranipat Prince Duryodhan, Prince Dusshashan, Gandhar raj (king of Gandhar)

Duryodhan - "Friend karna you are very strong. I can't believe your strength. Thanks for saving me. Friend Raghav, thank you for supporting me."

Raghav - " I was saying the truth only

Shakuni was thinking on ways to get both Karna and Raghav on Duryodhan's side. To make Duryodhan the king, he needs more able and strong people. The duo infront of him are perfect, maybe not Raghav as he still don't know his strength but karna for sure.

Shakuni - " Bhanje (Nephew) , you should gift them something as they helped you."

Duryodhan - "Yes mamashree (Uncle from mother's side), Friend karna, today you helped me so I announce you the king of Anga. Friend Raghav, ask me whatever you want."

Raghav (Calmly) - " I don't want a thing from you, Prince Duryodhan."

Duryodhan ( slightly Angry) -" Why? Do you also think of me and my brothers as bad omen?"

Raghav (smile) -"No prince, how can I call you, who was born from the boon of Mahadev, a bad omen? I don't won't anything as I don't have need for it."

Duryodhan was very happy hearing this. Most of the people calls him a bad omen but very few have called him a boon.

Karna - "Thanks you for making me a king, but are you sure you want to be our friend?"

Raghav - "Yeah, just saying but I am also friends with Pandavas and I heard Kauravs and Pandavas don't get along well."

Duryodhan was shocked hearing he was a friend to those Pandavas but he didn't care. There was someone who thinks of him as a boon, how can he let them go.

Duryodhan - "I don't care about who you are and who your friends are."

Shakuni thought for a while and said.

Shakuni - "Yes, you all should be friends."

Karna - " I accept your friendship but remember, whenever you do Adharm, I will stop you but if you don't listen, you will lose me as friend."

Raghav - "Same goes for me."

[ Thor - Why are you even befriending them? You are strong enough to defeat all of them.]

[ Raghav - Well wish fulfillment I guess. Also I don't mind being a part of a mythology.]

[ Athena - I hope you soon come here too.]

[ Wukong - Hehe , I see what's happening here.]

[ Raghav - What are you even saying? I am here but @Yama haven't even met me once.]

[ Yama - I am sorry but I am busy. I have to do the work or the balance of underworld will be disturbed. I will meet you once I am free]

(A/n - Anyone who wants Yudhishthir to get scolded by his father(Yama)?)

Raghav sighed as he looked at Duryodhan who was still smiling.

Duryodhan - "I have no problems with that. Also I invite you both to yhe party that is happening for us Princes. I hope both of you will be there."

Raghav and Karna nodded. Duryodhan, Dusshashan and Shakuni left and only the duo was left.

Karna - "Raghav, do you have a place to stay?"

Raghav - "No....I should've asked for a house."

He smiled awkwardly as he realized he doesn't have a place to stay.

Karna - "Then come with me. My parents also wanted to meet you. Specially my mother."

Both of them left for Karna's house.


Howdyy People!!

I hope you all are having a good day. Comment what you liked or if there is any mistakes and lastly GIMME THOSE POWER STONES!

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