
Chasing The Vengeful Villainous Heiress

(MATURE CONTENT) A Villainess, they called her. A killer. A psychopath. A demon. Mentally unstable, and a crazy bitch. Well, they were right about the crazy part but it wasn't exactly the kind of crazy they were thinking of. Though so many crimes were pinned on her back, she was innocent of all but she proudly wore the label of being a villainess. But in front of the one whom she loved, she was defenseless and could only shudder with the sheer thought of him inflicting pleasure through his supposed 'suffering'. "Valerie, Valerie, Valerie. Do you know why I keep chasing you?" Valerie looked at this man in front of her with no vivid emotion on her face and she sighed. "What do you want, Max?" "It's not a 'what', Valerie. It's a 'who'." He took a lock of her hair and kissed it. "I want you and I will chase you down and make you suffer more than you made me suffer." "And when do you plan to make me 'suffer'?" Valerie asked, showing no hint of fear as she folded her arms. Max's lips curled up in a smirk and he said, "It's up to you, princess." Valerie, the heiress of the Ross group, the second-largest corporation in the country, had a bad reputation for being a villainess. Called a villainess by choice and was thus a villainess as clean as a slate. Attempts on her life were made. Crimes were pinned on her back. It was already getting out of hand and what she was fighting for was being threatened, so she decided to lay low. She decided to take a vacation. But even then she could not enjoy her 'vacation' in peace. 'He' was following her! They had a past, back in highschool. Now, he was the representative of the Stewart group, the leading corporation in the country. "You can't escape my clutches, Valerie Ross! I will chase you to the ends of the Earth if need be. Even to the depths of hell!" Unable to ignore him or the feelings hidden in her heart, she decided to confront him. Bind him to herself and use him as a pawn in her game of revenge chess. But that was until, he decided to make her 'suffer'. Yeah, she would gladly enjoy the feeling of suffering in his hands. Because... he was the only one she loved and would ever love. ******** Before you read, know that both MC's have a bit of loose screws in there heads. I'm being literal. Read and you'll find out what I'm talking about. They need help. But in the quest for revenge, no one can be completely sane, I guess. Anyway, just read on. I hope you enjoy it. ********** please check out my completedwork, I Am An Illegitimate Child With A Legitimate Reason For Revenge

Author_fredah · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
163 Chs

He was a lunatic

Valerie went silent, glaring down at him. This sneaky bastard, was he trying to get her company as well? She had over forty percent of the company's shares, her uncle owned twenty percent while the rest were divided among the shareholders of the company.

If she gave him five percent, she would be left with thirty-five percent.

"What? Don't be so paranoid. Do you think I can swallow up your company with just five percent?" He asked with a sneaky grin. "I don't need to take over Ross Corp to own you. We'll be married anyway so why should this bother you?"

Valerie gave it some thought. He was right. He couldn't get Ross Corp with just five percent. So, he just wanted a share in Ross Corp, right? No need to think too much about it.

She gave out a sigh and nodded.

"You're right. I'm just being paranoid. I'll give you five percent of my shares." She said. "But I'd like to add one more clause." She took the pen and wrote an extra clause on it.

Once she was down scribbling, Max looked at it and as soon as he saw what she wrote, he laughed hard.

Valerie felt uncomfortable with his laughter but stayed silent till he was done.

"Wow, what a cheat. You want me to give you ten percent of my shares in Stewart Corp before you give me the five percent? This is unfair, don't you think?" Though he said that, he looked amused with his full set of teeth on display like a lunatic.

He was enjoying this, wasn't he?

"Fine, fine." He said and tossed the contract on the table. "Let's do that. I'll give you ten percent while you give me five. I don't mind. Do we have a deal?"

His easy submission got Valerie feeling uneasy and Frankie felt the same way. It's clear that the exchange was uneven, yet he did not hesitate to agree to it.

This made them believe he was setting up a trap ahead. Yet, they could not guess what that trap was. And because they could not guess it, or see through that devilish smirk of his, they had to go along with his words with caution.

"Anything else you want to add, my dear?" He asked, still looking as excited as he was before and Valerie went through the rest of the contract.

She couldn't afford to make a mistake. Who knew if there was a clause that would bring her downfall?

Then, she came across their marriage clause and her eyebrows furrowed. It said, she was to act as a 'dutiful' wife through their marriage that would last for the rest of their lives and no matter what party A, which was Max, did, she could not complain.

The word 'dutiful' was like a lump in her throat. Being someone's wife... She never thought of it. Not less with someone like Maximus.

As the contract stated, neither of them was to have an extra spouse or engage in extramarital affairs, else the entire contract would be revoked and the cheating party was to return all benefits given by the other party.

'Ugh, why do I feel this is referring to me?' she thought and looked up at Max who was paying keen attention to her. He looked like he knew what she was thinking, whereas she couldn't tell what he was thinking at all.

She returned her gaze to the contract. This was more in Maximus' favor.

If she ended up cheating, Maximus would take back all his support and denounce her as his wife, whereas, if he cheated, he had nothing to lose.

She pursed her lips. Was this really okay?

"What's the problem?" Maximus asked, observing her with a smirk. "Is there something that's not to your liking? Let me know and I'll rectify it accordingly."

He looked so eager that it made her uncomfortable. Was this really okay? A contract that was no different from selling herself to slavery for the sake of getting his power and help.

She shut her eyes. She had to do this. Only with his help could she finish what she started.

"There's no problem." She said. "You can have it reprinted, with my conditions added and I'll look through before signing."

Max got up and stood before her, holding his cap to his chest respectfully.

"Then I guess we have reached a mutual agreement." He said, stretching his hand out and she shook it.

He suddenly drew her to himself and with a crazy smirk on his lips, he said,

"Now, are you ready to go to hell with me?"

Valerie looked into his eyes. She couldn't see anything in it. No warmth, no resentment, no emotions. It was like he shut his eyes from showing any sort of emotion.

She nodded and said,

"I believe the road to hell is bumpy, so please, take care of me as I will be in your care."

"Good." He let go and made his way out of the cabin but she stopped him and said,

"Don't be careless."

He looked back at her, his eyes brimming with criticism as if he were telling her to know her place and mind her words when talking to him. And then, he made his way out of there without any words.

After he left, Frankie approached Valerie with a worried look on her face and asked,

"Are you sure this is okay? Miss, I worry for you."

Valerie looked at Frankie with firm eyes and said,

"Don't worry. Let's follow the will of the world."

Frankie nodded and made her way out of the yacht in a jet ski, wishing her master the best of luck.

"Are you ready?" Max asked, returning to the cabin.


Max suddenly started taking off his clothes and Valerie instinctively turned around. He saw this and his eyes brimmed with discontent.

"What? Do you hate to see my body?" He asked,

"Stop thinking like a crazy person for once and just think of it from a lady's perspective." She said and Max paused. He reasoned her words and grinned.

"Oh? I didn't think you of all people would get embarrassed." He said but she rolled her eyes. What did she expect from the likes of him?

Okay, I think there's been a bit of discomfort with the way the characters are behaving. please share your thoughts on this, so I don't make them even more bizarre

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