

Meet Marwa Kabeer Hassan: A rude, narcissistic, audacious, and dramatic lady. She looks very innocent, beautiful, and nice but she has that no-nonsense aura that radiates off her like a flame, no one dares to mess with her. She hates royalty and every small thing related to royalty, especially the royals. The only set of people she tolerates is her family and they are people below middle-class. And Zafeer Ibn Harith Baghdad: The eldest son of king Harith Baghdad and also the crown prince of Kano state. One look at the breathtaking guy, a person will fall in love with his handsome traits obtained from his mother who is an Arabian. He is the CEO of a successful real estate business and also the ambassador of Nigeria to Saudi Arabia. He is known for his unwavering fierceness, ruthlessness, and viciousness. His aura is domineering which makes him unapproachable. He can have anything he wants with just a snap of his fingers so no one dares to go against his words. As they say, "Two wrongs cannot make a right". But what if one is willing to change for the other? Join me as I unravel the love story of Marwa Kabeer Hassan and Zafeer Ibn Harith Baghdad.

Fatima_Danraka · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs


<p>OMNISCIENT<br/><br/>Marwa was tongue-tied. As for Hidayah, she blinked several times to make sure that she wasn't dreaming. Their mother wants to marry their only paternal uncle and that too, he has a wife and two children who are close to them. No, something must be wrong somewhere, their mother was never the one to decide without asking for their consent. Marwa saw the look on her mother's face earlier, even now, she was trying so hard to look like she wanted the marriage to happen but Marwa saw right through her. They know what they have gone through together.<br/><br/>"There is no way you're going to marry that man, I don't care if he is my father's brother, let him not lose the respect I have for him," Marwa uttered in a defiant voice, feeling the sudden rush of emotions that made her dizzy, flashes of traumatizing images started reappearing but she pushed them to the back of her mind.<br/><br/>"I am your mother, so you have to do as I say and obey me, not the other way round. I will get married to him in three days, don't even think of stopping it," Nafisa used that motherly voice on Marwa, the scolding type of voice. <br/><br/>"Hidayah, go to your room now," Marwa commanded in an authoritative voice she never knew she had, the voice alone scared her because she was dead serious.<br/><br/>Hidayah, who was sobbing with trembling lips, tried protesting but the alarming look Marwa sent her had the girl recoiling, she knew that her older sister and mother wanted to bring up a topic about their past, something that happened before she was born.<br/><br/>"Mami, why are you doing this? Aren't you tired of suffering? Are the two of us not enough for you that you need a husband? Tell me what it is that you are sacrificing this time!" Marwa ranted, her chest heaving with anger and fury. She hated that she can't do anything to help her mother, she tries to work her ass off and get some money for them but that is not sufficient, her mother always ends up sacrificing something for them and she hates it.<br/><br/>"Marwa, don't you dare talk to your mother like that. I will get married and that is my final decision!" Nafisa screamed and blinked back the tears that were threatening to fall. <br/><br/>Marwa is helpless. She is about to emotionally blackmail her mother because only that is the way out, it was the only way she would stop talking about that damn marriage. Marwa inherited that stubbornness from her mother, after all.<br/><br/>"Oh right! It is all because of that monster that you are still adamant about not telling me his name, huh? That stupid douchebag and mistake of a man that you kept doing so much for, the person that never appreciated you. The person who ruined both of us humiliated us, and made us walk away in shame! You keep trying to coax me into not talking about him but not this time --" Before Marwa could finish, the sound of a resounding slap was heard. Nafisa slapped Marwa with so much force that it left imprints of her fingers on Marwa's soft cheek.<br/><br/>"Marwa!" She let out an ear-piercing scream that made Marwa stagger backwards, thinking that her mother was possessed because she had never been that loud in her entire life. Hidayah, who was in her room, became afraid of the commotion happening in the living room. It broke her apart to see her sister and mother having a misunderstanding.<br/><br/>"Get out of here," Nafisa let out yet another scream, her eyes yawed red, the pain and unwavering love for that person enveloping her once again. <br/><br/>Marwa knew better than to argue so she took dejected steps to her room. Immediately she locked the door, Marwa slumped on the floor and let the tears flow freely like a river, her emotions were all over the place, and she let all that she had been bottling up for the past fifteen years flow in her tears. <br/><br/>"Why does my life have to be so fucking messed up? You made a promise that you would come back and end this but you fooled me, I can't believe I held on to a broken promise for all this while. I am a mistake, nobody cares about how I feel, I am a burden to my own family," She angrily yelled and threw a silver ring with a black stone placed in the middle, it was small but held so much importance to her.<br/><br/>"I am a mistake," <br/><br/>"I am a burden," <br/><br/>She kept chanting to herself, her eyes reddened and all the blood drained out from her face which was contorted in a tumultuous expression. For once in her life, she decided to admit to herself that nobody cared about her, even her mother chose someone who caused them pain over her. But that marriage, she won't let it happen, even if that would cost her dear life, she would make sure that never happens. <br/><br/>And so, after letting all the respect she once had for her uncle slip away, she made up her mind to visit him the next day and tell him to cancel the marriage or she would be his worst nightmare. She may lose everything in this battle between good and bad but one thing is for sure, she would not let anyone mess with her mother or sister.<br/><br/>*<br/><br/>Zafeer just arrived at the palace and was told that there was a family meeting being held and he had been summoned there immediately. After running his hands through his hair in utter annoyance, he drove to the general living room in the West wing, wondering as to why a family meeting was being held all of a sudden and that too, at that time of the night.<br/><br/>When he arrived at the place, he took tentative steps towards the origin of the sounds. First, they were muffled and then the voices started getting clearer.<br/><br/>"...I won't allow my son to marry that flimsy model, she is so skinny and looks like a fish. Let him choose who he wants to marry. I have let you control his life, time and time again, but not anymore. We should not take his obedience for weakness, all of us know about his general health issues so why are we trying to pressure him so much?" He heard Queen Umaiza's angry voice booming through the hallway.<br/><br/>From the bits and pieces of the information, it took him less than five seconds to connect the dots and find out whatever was happening. Zafeer's calculative brain compiled the information and from what he could tell, the governor must have brought a proposal earlier that day and his father said he would ask him about it, the reason why they summoned him for a family meeting. For him to be asked if wants Nawal Ishaq Makama as a wife! Someone, he found disgusting and ugly, how could he marry a person who stinks? <br/><br/>"This is my niece we are talking about, Queen Umaiza. With all due respect, I don't want anyone insulting my brother's only daughter again," Hamida let out a scoff, the two women were the only ones exchanging words while their husbands sat beside them, motionless.<br/><br/>"I don't care whether it is your niece or nephew, all I am saying is that I will not let her marry my son. Never!" Umaiza seethed. <br/><br/>"I am willing to get married to Nawal Ishaq Makama," Zafeer decided to appear at the perfect moment, he was wearing a smirk that everyone would think of as a genuine smile.<br/><br/>"What is wrong with you, Zafeer? Are you crazy?" Umaiza stood up from the maroon royal divan and then looked at her son in disbelief as if she couldn't acknowledge what he just said. Not only her, but all the occupants of the room gave him an incredulous stare.<br/><br/>"Since your husband wants to control my life as he has always been doing, then I am indeed ready and willing to get married to her, but on one condition," He glared at his father who clenched his fists, he couldn't believe how ignorant Zafeer was, yet, he seemed to know everything. But King Harith was very clever, he might not be civil with his son but he knew that Zafeer would never agree to such a drastic decision except if there was a good reason behind it.<br/><br/>"What is it, Dear?" Hamida smiled, thinking he had fallen into her trap but he saw right through her facade and he knew that it was her plan all along. She wanted to help her niece get married to the crown prince for obvious reasons, not knowing that she had created a path for her own destruction.<br/><br/>"I want to get to know her first, she is going to be my wife and I can't risk getting married to a stranger. I want to court her, the right way," He folded his arms, still annoyed about the fact that he must go through matters like that to get to the bottom of the truth and restore everything to its right place.<br/><br/>"Of course! I thought the same anyway," She buoyantly replied. She knew it, the plot she had worked so hard on would never be in vain, and her efforts were not going to waste.<br/><br/>"Alright then, I will tell Ishaq Makama about the successful alliance, the engagement should take place on Saturday," Harith finalized, his eyes and face not giving away any emotion. Umaiza glared daggers at him, but he pretended not to see her, or else, it'd just create a rift between the duo.<br/><br/>Both father and son think with their minds but for an emotional mother, she thinks with her heart. She loves her son to death and it hurts her to think about Zafeer's strained relationship with the king. Even though Harith did it for his son's good, he still approached it the wrong way.<br/><br/>"Are you sure about this, Son?" Haroon spoke with a fatherly smile, feeling as though something that would make him simultaneously elated and shattered would happen soon. As for Harith, he huffed under his breath, the jealousy taking over him. He was supposed to be in Haroon's place, smiling and having fun with his eldest son but no, he ruined everything, and now he is paying the price.<br/><br/>"Yes, Uncle," Zafeer muttered, he was about to turn around and leave when his mother angrily called him back. He knew he had to explain, he hated that part. <br/><br/>"Zafeer, to my room. Now!" She dragged him through a shortcut to the queen's chamber, her small hands bruising his bulky one. She had to use her two hands because his hand was too bulky for her, Zafeer was complaining about walking by himself but she turned deaf ears. With her young and beautiful Arabian features, she looked like his younger sister rather than the woman who gave birth to him.<br/><br/>"What is going on in that head of yours? That uncultured imbecile will never be my daughter-in-law, did you forget that you have a --" She quickly kept quiet, not wanting to remember the bitter yore. She saw Zafeer clench his fists before unclenching them, that was a sensitive topic he didn't want to talk about, just yet. <br/><br/>Even though he was moved to Saudi Arabia fifteen years ago to protect him and make him breathe fresh air, life had been very boring to him. Zafeer became a devastated ten-year-old child, broken beyond repair. He sure as hell had a very dark past which haunts him up until today. To make matters worse, his father wasn't there when he needed him the most, and the only thing that kept him sane was a scar on the left side of his chest, close to his heart.<br/><br/>"She will never be your daughter-in-law, trust me. Ummi, I have told you everything already, do you want to see for yourself?" Zafeer held her hands in his, watching as she quivered violently, she was furiously gritting her teeth. <br/><br/>"Y-yes, I want to, right now. Show me, I demand it now," Like an addict who is frantically looking for her drugs, she kept screaming with tears in her eyes. Something in Zafeer's heart churned in a not-so-pleasant way, he hated seeing his mother break down like that. She might act with pure etiquette and business-like expression whenever she is in front of the guards, maids, and other royals but that is a façade. <br/><br/>She hugged him and slowly but surely, he raised his hands and wrapped them around her back in a protective way. With his body builder's frame like Dwayne Johnson's, she looked so smaller in his arms. Zafeer loathes being helpless, they knew the culprit behind their destruction but even if they took action against that person, nothing would change. They have to wait for the perfect time but it is taking too long.<br/><br/>He let her cry after he showed her what she asked for, all of them may look perfect but deep down, everyone is just trying to survive. First, it is Zafeer's health issues and then their top secret that keeps haunting them.<br/><br/>*<br/><br/>"Ya Zafeer, what were you thinking when you agreed to marry her? I thought you already gave her a piece of your mind?" Sabreen ranted incredulously.<br/><br/>When all of them heard the unpleasant news, Junaid wanted nothing but to punch Zafeer in such a way that he remembered what trouble he invited for himself, but he didn't because he knew Zafeer would rather commit suicide than marry her. Junaid found out every secret that Zafeer was trying to hide from them, he told Turad everything, the two guys were furious, they cried like little kids, it was too emotional for them to handle. It all explained their need to protect someone, the need to shower the love and support that had been kept at bay, and now that they have the opportunity, they won't hold back.<br/><br/>"Help me ask him, what is he up to now?" Turad sighed.<br/><br/>"Please don't tell me you will marry her, I can't bring myself to attend that damn wedding," Junaid sneered, he couldn't hide the hatred and disgust on his face.<br/><br/>Zafeer smirked, the kind of smirk that showcased no mercy, nothing about that smirk was good, pure evil, and bearish. His eyes were red, he looked just like a devil without the horn, the three of them looked scared, knowing what that smirk meant.<br/><br/>Destruction to bits and pieces! The last time he let out that smirk, two people committed suicide due to the remorse of their horrible actions against the crown prince. <br/><br/>"Well, I am just destroying a family to save a state," He uttered like it meant nothing when in reality, the destruction was going to hit so deep that the victims would wish death upon themselves. <br/><br/>All of them knew what that meant, Ishaq Makama and his family were doomed! One thing about Zafeer is that, when the guy sets out to take vengeance on a person, the person's entire family will be included. He is that heartless, he feels no regret whatsoever.<br/><br/>Junaid was thinking of the worst possible scenarios in his head, his uncle's once-wealthy family would be wrecked, soon. But he wanted to know the reason for Zafeer's sudden ruthlessness, he was very sure he had a good reason behind that. A certain person must have shown him something for him to react like that, and then it clicked, he said something about ending corruption in Kano state.<br/><br/>"Marwa!" Junaid shrieked mentally, he had to ask her.<br/><br/>"Guys! We need to go. Dude, please think rationally before you do something now that she is here," Junaid patted Zafeer who gave a ghost smile, he has one stone left unturned before everything comes back to where it rightfully belongs.<br/><br/>"Who is she?" A nonplussed Sabreen asked before she was dragged by Junaid.<br/><br/>Zafeer stood up from the royal settee in his living room and went up, he took a long shower to relax his sore muscles and think about the sleepless nights ahead. Currently, millions of lives depend on him, he wanted to make sure they never lack anything. It is heartbreaking that a leader who is trusted with the affairs of the state is the same person tucking the money in his pockets without any form of guilt, such cruelty! Zafeer came out and dressed in azure khakis and paired it with a dark cyan t-shirt that exposed his muscled biceps.<br/><br/>He is now face to face with a boundary he is going to break, his 'stress relieving' office. Whenever Zafeer feels like something is too much for him to take in, he prays and drowns himself in the confines of something that made him mentally unstable, it is an addiction that he can't stop no matter how his family tries to make him, his past was way too traumatizing, filled with promises he couldn't fulfil and he is here, acting like a coward.<br/><br/>He stepped into the spacious room that contained only a brand new whiteboard, markers, and a few cardboard along with a big compass, meter rule, and pens. All hell will break loose, but he has to do it to save lives.<br/><br/>*<br/><br/>"Hello, baby sister," Junaid breathed into the phone with utmost concern and yearning with a tinge of protectiveness.<br/><br/>There was shuffling on the other side, Marwa had just risen from her supine position when she saw Rayan's name flashing on the screen of her phone, they exchanged numbers earlier. Her eyes were red and puffy but she felt better after crying to her lord, something in her felt broken more than ever, it was like all the emotions she held in for many years came rushing back like an avalanche. <br/><br/>She cleared her voice which was groggy because of all her cries then answered him, letting herself not be affected by the way he called her. She shouldn't be weak again, Marwa Kabeer Hassan will not let anyone in again, her heart was already broken, but not anymore.<br/><br/>"Hamma Rayan, you just ruined my sleep," She lied and chuckled.<br/><br/>Junaid knew it, she was lying but he didn't pry, he dared not to. Sabreen let out a squeal from beside him and Turad coughed, wondering how Junaid managed to pull that closeness off within a very short time. Becoming Marwa's friend is such a huge task and now her brother?!<br/><br/>"I'm sorry about that. I just wanted to ask you something concerning Murad," He went straight to the point, not when the guilt kept biting his ass off.<br/><br/>"Alright, go on," She curtly replied and carefully placed the prayer mat on the worn-out vanity stool.<br/><br/>"What did you tell Murad earlier, anything related to the mass or something," He couldn't bring a way to put that but she understood, like the smart pants she is. Marwa could swear she heard the nervousness and longing in his voice but she brushed that aside, she had a lot of things on her mind already.<br/><br/>"Oh yes, I remember telling him about..." She then rambled all she said to Zafeer when they were in his car, including going to the orphanage, and retirement home, and how he kept sharing one thousand Naira notes.<br/><br/>"What?!" A voice echoed through the speaker of her phone, she had to move the phone away from her ear to make sure she didn't hear Prince Turad's voice. It was Sabreen who closed his mouth, he already messed everything up.<br/><br/>"Fuck, Mathematics!" Junaid cursed under his breath, making her perplexed, she even forgot about the fact that she heard someone like the prince.<br/><br/>"What do you mean mathematics? Is there something happening?" Marwa frantically looked for the right words to say.<br/><br/>"Let's meet tomorrow, it's a long story but for now, I must get going. Bye!" Junaid hung up and followed his cousin and sister who were running to Zafeer's chamber, but it was too late as the electronic gates were already locked by the owner.<br/><br/>Marwa was confused as hell, what the hell is happening to her? Something in her was alarmed and worried, she became restless, knowing that whatever Rayan would tell her tomorrow would not be pleasant to her ears.<br/></p>